Angular To-do Application


The aim was to create a To-do list SPA that could retain data even after client browser was refreshed. The to-do list itself must have the following features:

  • Create, Read, Update and Delete capabilities
  • Nested lists could be created


  1. Git clone this repository and run npm install or yarn install to install the dependencies
  2. Run ng serve and open your browser to http://localhost:4200/ to view the application

Technologies used and how it works

  • Angular 11
  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript/TypeScript
  • LocalStorage (for data persistence) allowed me to store the todo list as an object in the browser memory
  • A service called TodoService was created as it creates a separate thread from the main thread, and is an intermediary between the browser and the data stored in localStorage.

Challenges faced

  • Creating a nested list requires more research and experimenting.
  • The delete function is not working as intended.
  • The todo list page needs to be refreshed to view latest additions.


Overall this was a fun exercise as I got to dive into building a simple SPA with interesting features. I think my learning of Typescript was eased by some online courses, such as Flutter and Dart, which uses a declarative form of programming. I will definitely explore Angular and Typescript further in the near future!