
This project provides an opinionated starting point from which to create SaaS applications in Rails

Primary LanguageRuby

Build Status

Rails SaaS Boilerplate

This project provides a starting place for building software as a service applications in Ruby on Rails. To use, clone this repository and start working.


Doubt everything in this readme. You're lucky if the server starts. See the Version 0 Project here on Github to see what's in development.


These are not yet fully implemented

  • ✅ Rails 5
  • ✅ Authentication using Devise
  • ⚠ Admin interface using ActiveAdmin
  • ⚠ Subscription management using Stripe via Payola Payments
  • ⚠ Feature Flipping/Flagging using Flipper
  • ⚠ Authorization via Pundit & Rolify
  • ✅ Bootstrap 4 & Font Awesome
  • ⚠ Background jobs with Sidekiq
  • ✅ Postgres
  • ✅ rvm
  • ✅ Code quality checks with Brakeman, Rubocop, and Rails Best Practices
  • ⚠ Testing with RSpec & Capybara

Getting started

First, get Postgres installed and running. Then, run this:

git clone https://github.com/sayhiben/rails-saas-boilerplate
cd rails-saas-boilerplate
gem install bundler
bundle install
cp .env_sample .env

Next, edit .env and insert your own secrets.

Finally, this:

rake db:create && rake db:migrate && rake db:seed

Now, you might be able to run the server:

rails s

See db/seeds.rb for default user info.