Cypress Architecture

As a Quality Engineer, I want to define code standard on Cypress architecture in order to implement test automation based on User Journey scenarios.

🧩 The framework

  • Cypress All-in-one Framework
  • Mocha Library to provide test group (describe) and test functions (it)
  • Chai Library to provide assertions

⚙️ The Architecture UI

  ├─  cypress/
  │    ├── e2e/
  │    │   └── <name>.cy.js  
  │    │
  │    ├── fixtures/
  │    │   ├── <name>.csv
  │    │   └── <name>.json  
  │    │
  │    ├── support/
  │    │   ├── pages/
  │    │   │    ├── <name>Page.js
  │    │   │    └── <name2>Page.js
  │    │   │ 
  │    │   ├── commands.js
  │    │   └── e2e.js   
  │    │
  │    └── videos/
  │        └── <name>cy.js.mp4        
  ├── .cypress.config.js  
  ├── .package.json   

🗂️ Architecture layers

  • e2e: test files with describe/it functions and expected assertions

    • File:
      • Pattern: <name>.cy.js
      • Example:
  • fixtures: files with input data for the tests. It can be used different types of input file (*.csv, *.png, *.js, *.json).

    • File:
      • Pattern: <name>.json
      • Example: dealer.json
  • pages: files with selectors mapping and action functions that the selectors executes.

    • File:
      • Pattern: <name>Page.js
      • Example: signInPage.js
  • commands.js file to create general group actions, e.g. customize wait element including extra validations or hook function to set environment parameters.

  • cypress.config.js: environment configuration file.

🚀 Running Cypress tests

git clone REPO-PATH

npm install

Choose one command:

cypress:open-prod: Open Cypress based on PRODUCTION environment

cypress:open-stg: Open Cypress based on STAGE environment

cypress:chrome-prod: Execute Cypress tests based on PRODUCTION environment

cypress:chrome-smoke-prod: Execute Cypress tests based on PRODUCTION environment and Test Name

cypress:chrome-smoke-stg: Execute Cypress tests based on STAGE environment and Test Name

cypress:firefox: Execute Cypress tests based on FIREFOX browser

cypress:webkit: Execute Cypress tests based on WEBKIT browser

cypress:edge : Execute Cypress tests based on EDGE browser