
A CTF game for recovering a DSA private key.

Primary LanguagePython

Breakin' DSA

Welcome To Innitech

From: HR hr@innitech.local

Subject: Welcome to Innitech

To: Faceless Employee femployee@innitech.local

Congratulations Faceless! We're pleased to welcome you to the Innitech family. As a new employee we have granted you access to our secure signing application. This service is used to sign messages and authenticate they came from an Innitech employee. For security purposes the key resides solely on this secure server and all employees must make a GET request to /sign/<data> where <data> is the payload you wish to sign. You will receive a JSON structure containing r and s, the two components of a DSA signature, in response. You may also make a GET request to /public_key to obtain a JSON structure containing p, q, g, and y. These are the public components of the DSA key.

As a developer you may also be interested in the source code to this service, which can be obtained from our repository. All commits to this repo follow our standard secure SDLC policies, which you may access on our corporate intranet. If you'd like to run your own local copy of the signing server please see SETUP.

You have been automatically logged into the system via our SSO, but you can request a password reset link by making a GET request to /forgotpass. This will supply a link that you can use to change the password. The actual password reset functionality is not yet implemented, but password reset code generation is production quality.


From: Ostensibly White Hat hat@anonymous.local

Subject: Earn Millions In A Few Steps

To: Faceless Employee femployee@personalemail.local


I am a former Innitech client, but after a disagreement about the disbursement of $30M I recently received I terminated the relationship. Unfortunately, the only way to access the funds is by signing some sensitive data with Innitech's key and they are refusing to allow me access. If you are willing to help me resolve this issue I'd be happy to give you 20% of the $30M I need to transfer. I know it's a lot to ask, but could you somehow obtain the private key and send it to me?

If you don't know where to start, feel free to email me back and we can discuss.


Re: Where do I start?

Re: Do you have more DSA details?

Re: How would you solve for x?

Re: Predictable k?

Re: randrange issues

Re: putting it all together