
A basic and lightweight go library for Guilded

Primary LanguageGo


A simple and lightweight go library for working with the Guilded API

⚠️ In Development ⚠️

This library is currently in development. Using it is not recommended until this library meets


package main

import gold "github.com/saysora/golded"

func main() {
    // client is used for handling the websocket client, api is used to communicate to the guilded rest api
    client, api := gold.NewClient("<TOKEN>")

    // On method is used to define what websocket event to respond to
    client.On("ChatMessageCreated", func(event any) {
        payload, ok := event.(gold.ChatMessageCreated)
        if !ok {

        if payload.Message.Content == "ping" {
            api.SendMessage(payload.Message.ChannelId, gold.PostMessage{Content: "pong"});

    // Connects to the websocket

More details to come.