
GraphQL API server for clients like rumors-site and rumors-line-bot

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


GraphQL API server for clients like rumors-site and rumors-line-bot


We use docker-compose to build up dev environment. The docker images contains elasticsearch, kibana and NodeJS (Yes, you don't even need to install node on your machine!). If you have got docker-compose working working, just:

$ USER_ID=$UID docker-compose up

This will:

  • Runs yarn and installs stuff to node_modules using your user ID.
  • rumors-api server on http://localhost:5000. It will be re-started when you update anyfile.
  • Kibana on http://localhost:6222.
  • ElasticSearch DB on http://localhost:62222.

If you omit USER_ID=$UID you will see WARNING: The USER_ID variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string. and stuff in node_modules will be installed using root access, which is probably not what you want.

To stop the servers, just ctrl-c and all docker containers will be stopped.

Populate ElasticSearch with seed data

Please clone rumors-db and follow the instructions in it.

Detached mode & Logs

If you do not want a console occupied by docker-compose, you may use detached mode:

$ USER_ID=$UID docker-compose up -d

Access the logs using:

$ docker-compose logs api     # `api' can also be `db', `kibana' or `yarn-install'.
$ docker-compose logs -f api  # Tail mode

But I have docker, npm & yarn installed, why typing so many characters?

Sure you need not.

If you have npm and yarn installed, you can just invoke yarn install to add packages, npm run XXX to run scripts (as long as it does not uses a port in use). Actually we suggest developers to install npm and yarn installed and do all the work. Only use docker-compose to spin up the services the API server depends on.

Validate the score functions

Same-doc validation

The script tests if the DB can find the correct document when we query against any existing document in DB.

If you have npm installed, just run:

$ npm run validate:sameDoc

If not, you can also run:

$ docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/srv -w /srv --network=rumorsapi_default -e 'NODE_CONFIG={"ELASTICSEARCH_URL":"http://db:9200"}' kkarczmarczyk/node-yarn:6.9 npm run validate:sameDoc


Build docker image

$ npm run build

Run the docker image on local machine, then visit http://localhost:5000. (To test functions envolving DB, ElasticSearch DB must work as config/.defaultjs specified.)

$ docker run --rm -it -p 5000:5000 mrorz/rumors-api

Push to dockerhub

$ docker push mrorz/rumors-api