Note: The papers from the database communities are marked with 🌟
Knowledge Base Construction (Demo or System) [link]
About Domain-Specific Knowledge Bases [link]
About Multi-Modal Knowledge Graph (MMKG) [link]
Named Entity Recognition, Entity Extraction and Entity Typing [link]
Coreference Resolution [link]
Entity Linking and Entity Disambiguation [link]
Entity Resolution, Entity Matching and Entity Alignment [link]
General Relation Extraction [link]
General Information Extraction and Open Information Extraction [link]
Relation Linking and Relation Disambiguation [link]
Knowledge Graph Embedding, Learning, Reasoning, Rule Mining, and Path Finding [link]
Knowledge Base Refinement (Incompleteness, Incorrectness, and Freshness) [link]
Knowledge Fusion, Cleaning, Evaluation and Truth Discovery [link]
Knowledge Graph Question Answering (KGQA) [link]
Knowledge Graph Recommendation [link]
Knowledge Graph Enhanced Machine Learning [link]
Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models (LLMs) [link] 🔥🔥🔥
- Knowledge Graph Representation (RDF and Property Graph), Schema and Query [link]
- Knowledge Graph Taxonomy Construction and Improvement [link] (TBD)
- An introduction to knowledge graph and knowledge extraction from unstructured text. [Link]
- Information Extraction by Niranjan Balasubramanian {Slides in my Mac}
- CS 520 - Knowledge Graphs (seminar) - provided by Stanford
- A Collection of KG Surveys, Papers (WWW+ACL+AAAI) and Data [GitHub]
- KG SOTA [GitHub]
- Awesome KG tutorials/papers/projects/communities [GitHub]
- Knowledge Graph Construction (from zero to everything, in Chinese) [GitHub]
- KG SOTA (Chinese) [Zhihu]
- Tracking Progress in Natural Language Processing [GitHub]
- KG Embedding SOTA [GitHub]
- Entity Related Papers [GitHub]
- Information Extraction Resources [GitHub]
- KGQA [Giters]
- Probabilistic Graphical Models: Lagrangian Relaxation Algorithms for Natural Language Processing [Slides]
- Introduction to Conditional Random Fields [Blog]
- Network Community Detection: A Review and Visual Survey [Paper]
- Section 2.3. Community Detection Techniques
- Fast unfolding of communities in large networks [Paper]
- [A discussion of the Louvain method], [wiki of the Louvein Modularity]
- How do they design the function Q: Finding and evaluating community structure in networks [Paper]
- A compendium of NP optimization problems [Paper]
- [Notes about LSH]
- [Survey about Min Hash Sketch]
- MinHash Tutorial with Python Code: [Notes] [Code]
- Must-read papers on GNN [GitHub]
- Graph-based deap learning literatures [GitHub]
- Data Management for Machine Learning Applications [Course site]
- Stanford CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs [Course site]
- Explainability for Natural Language Processing (AAAI 2020 tutorial) [Link] [Video]
- Graph Mining & Learning (Neurips 2020 tutorial) [Link]
- Discussion about GNN (Chinese) [Link]
- Stanford CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning [Course site]
- Clique Relaxation Models in Networks: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications [Slides]
- KG Applications in Baidu (Chinese) [Link]
- Paper Digest (Database area) [Link]
- Complex Network (Collection of Notes and Tutorials) [GitHub]
- TagMe [Python API] [API] [GitHub1] [GitHub2]
- Stanford NER [Link]
- DBpedia Spotlight [Link]
- NLTK Tagger [Link]
- SpaCy [Link1] [Link2]
- EARL (including Relation Linking) [Link]
- Falcon (including Relatoin Linking) [DBpedia version] [Wikidata version]
- MonkeyLearn [Link]
- GERBIL - General Entity Annotator Benchmark [Link]
- PIKES [Link]
- Entity Disambiguation:
- MSNBC and ACE2004 [Link]
- QA:
- WebQuestions
- QA datasets summary [GitHub]
- Entity Resolution [GitHub]
- KGE, KBC and KG Reasoning
- From Freebase to Wikidata: The Great Migration [Paper and useful links]
- SPARQL tutorial [Link]
- Installing and running ElasticSearch [Link]
- Open KG on COVID-19 [Link]
- BOOKNLP [Link] (Pronominal Coreference Resolution, a natural language processing pipeline that scales to books and other long documents (in English))
- Wikidata Integrator [GitHub]
- OpenTapioca [Link]
- Grakn KGLIB (Knowledge Graph Library) [GitHub]
- SPASQL server on Freebase [GitHub] [About VOS]
- LATEX Code Search [Link]