
Exam Management System

Primary LanguageVue

Exam Management System

Demo usernames and passwords

Username Password
admin admin
sazid sazid
alamin alamin

Demo (click to play):

Demo video

Build Instructions

  1. Install node and npm from https://nodejs.org/
  2. Install vue-cli by running npm install -g @vue/cli
  3. Run npm install from frontend directory
  4. Run vue ui and open the url provided by the command. (It should automatically open a browser).
  5. Navigate to Tasks section from left side bar
  6. Select build option
  7. Click on Parameters button and set Output directory to ../dist. Also enable Watch for changes option at the bottom.
  8. Save and click on Run Task button to build the project.
  9. Go to https://localhost/phpmyadmin and create a database named ems.
  10. Import ems.sql file into the database.
  11. Navigate to https://localhost/ems/ to view the project


Mohammed Sazid Al Rashid


You're not allowed to use the code or any of its assets in any form (commercial or non-commercial) without prior permission/grant.

© All Rights Reserved. Mohammed Sazid Al Rashid