
An Helper Class to create TinyMCE button and Shortcode editor

Primary LanguagePHP

Easy TinyMCE Class

An Helper Class to create TinyMCE button and Shortcode editor


  1. Download the pack from here and place it in your plugin or theme.
  2. Include Easy-tinyMCE.class.php and Easy-tinyMCE-content.class.php in your theme's functions.php file or plugin file
  3. Now call the class just like the code below.
$shortwell_TinyMCE = new Easy_TinyMCE_Class;
$shortwell_TinyMCE->title = 'Shortcode Tittle';
$shortwell_TinyMCE->js_url = get_template_directory_uri().'/tinymce/tinyMCE-plugin.js';
$shortwell_TinyMCE->uid = 'shortcode_unique_id';
$shortwell_TinyMCE->templates = array(
	array('name'=> 'Soundcloud', 'url'=> get_template_directory().'/tinymce/audio-TinyMCE.php'),
	array('name'=> 'Alert', 'url'=> get_template_directory().'tinymce/alert-TinyMCE.php'),	
	array('name'=> 'Accordion', 'url'=> get_template_directory().'tinymce/accordion-TinyMCE.php'),	
  1. Now find the tinyMCE-plugin-sample.js and rename it to tinyMCE-plugin.js and open it
  2. Replace the _____id_____ with the shortcode_unique_id , _____title_____ with shortcode title and ____icon_____ with icon path
  3. create and new file call audio-TinyMCE.php and put the code like below
id = 'accordion';
$tinyMCE->shortcode = 'accordion';
$tinyMCE->content = true;
$tinyMCE->options = array(
		'id' => 'class',
		'field' => 'text', //text, textarea, select post-select, tax-select
		'title' => __( 'Div Class', 'shortwell_textdomain' ),
		'des' => '',
		'post_type' => '',
		'multiple' => false,
		'content' => false,
		'option' => '',
		'id' => 'link',
		'field' => 'textarea', //text, textarea, select post-select, tax-select
		'title' => __( 'Link', 'shortwell_textdomain' ),
		'des' => '',
		'post_type' => '',
		'std' => '[accordion_item title="Accordion 1"] .... Content onw11 ....[/]
		[accordion_item title="Accordion 1"] .... Content onw11 ....[/accordion_item]
		[accordion_item title="Accordion 1"] .... Content onw11 ....[/accordion_item]',
		'multiple' => false,
		'content' => true,
		'option' => '',

That's all

I have included an example folder with the working example. Don't forget to check it