
Chicken City is a food delivery E-commerce web application built with React.js , Tailwind CSS , Redux , flutterwave SDK as payment gateway ,framer-motion and firebase as its backend.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


🖥️ Tech Stack


reactjs redux javascript css3 html5 html5



Payment Gateway:


Deployed On:

netlify vercel

View DemoReport BugGetting StartedInstallingAuthor

Chicken City is a food delivery E-commerce web application built with React.js , Tailwind CSS , Redux , flutterwave SDK as payment gateway ,framer-motion and firebase as its backend.

home small-home

📱 Screens ( All screens are responsive along with smooth and seamless transition between pages)

  • Homepage / Landing Page
  • Product Listing Page with Search Filter
  • Product Description Page
  • Cart Management Page
  • Payer Checkout info
  • Checkout with Flutterwave
  • Login / Logout Page
  • Signup Page
  • Order Summary Page
  • Successfull payment Page

🚀 Features

  • Login and Signup User Account
  • Google Authentication with Firebase
  • Products Search Filter
  • Shopping Cart
  • Have an option to change the quantity and remove items from Cart
  • Cart Update Quantities
  • Address Management
  • Order Summary
  • Coupons provided for discount
  • Secure Payment Checkout with Flutterwave
  • User-Friendly Navigation and seamless transitions between pages
  • Shipping method (offer low shipping cost)
  • Secure Payment Checkout with Flutter-wave
  • Single Item Checkout

Sneak peak of Chicken City 🙈

home home2
signup login
allProducts foods
cart checkout
flutterwave successfulpayment-page

Flutterwave Test Cards

Type Card number CVV PIN Expiry OTP
MasterCard PIN authentication 5531886652142950 564 3310 09/32 12345
Visa Card 3DS authentication 4187427415564246 828 3310 09/32 12345


Click here to see the presentation video of this project

Getting Started

This project was built using React, Redux,Tailwind CSS, CSS, React-slick , JavaScript, Framer motion, Firebase, and Flutterwave SDK. It is a food delivery e-commerce web application and for running on your local environment you should follow these guidelines.


  • NPM
  • Node JS


The project repository can be found in GitHub link or just clone the project using this command.


# git clone https://github.com/sazzy-josh/Full_Stack_React_Project.git
  • Open terminal on your workspace with
cd Full_Stack_React_Project


Install NPM

Check that you have node and npm installed

To check if you have Node.js installed, run this command in your terminal: