A Minecraft Mod which adds tiny clay soldiers and additional content for those.
###For Players:
If you experience any bug, issue, crash whilst using this mod or you have any feature request, feel free to open a new issue over here > SanAndreasP/ClaySoldiersMod/issues!
Please label the issue bug if you have a bug/crash/any other issue.
Use the label enchantment if you have a feature request.
The label question should be used for questions.
###For Modders:
If you want to add a new feature / possible bugfix to the mod, feel free to fork this repo, make your changes and make a Pull Request.
If you want to develop a new addon for this mod, download the compiled jar file and add it as a library in your workspace (IDE required).
For both, you'll also need to get the Manager Pack Coremod from here > SanAndreasP/SAPManagerPack. Instructions on how to use that are in the README there.
###For Developers I recommend you use the ForgeGradleWrapper to setup/build the mod. Use following steps:
- Run the fGradleW.py file (if you have python 2.7)
- Choose "[1] setup Forge", use the build which is listed inside the build.gradle under "minecraft->version". If you've already built with the wrapper, but have a different build number, update the workspace
- Clone the SAPManagerPack repo and put the repo folder (either directly or per symbolic link) inside the src folder of your workspace (like forge/src/SAPManagerPack/)
- After that, clone this repo and put the repo folder (either directly or per symbolic link) inside the src folder of your workspace (like forge/src/ClaySoldiersMod/)
- In your IDE, mark the java and resources folder within both repos as Source Folders
- For Eclipse: Right-click the folder, choose "Build Path", then "Use as Source Folder"
- For IntelliJ IDEA: Right-click the folder, choose "Mark Directory As", then "sources Root"
- To compile the mod:
- Clean the build folder (if you have one) in both repos
- Run the fGradleH.py file and choose "[3] build mod"
- Choose to build the Manager Pack first
- After it's done building, build the Clay Soldiers Mod
- Copy the SAPManPack-[version].jar and the ClaySoldiersMod-[version].jar, not those suffixed with either -deobf or -src
- ???
- Zoidberg
Have fun playing :squirrel: