
Fossils and Archeology mod for Minecraft Forge. Forked from Flammarilva/Team July's work.

Primary LanguageJava

#Fossil and Archeology Revival


Imgur album of current and past banners

As many of you know, Flammarilva was originally the author of this mod, but due to his circumstances could not continue development so he released the project as open source. Then Armbrust took the initiative to revive the mod, and brought together a small team to accomplish that. So huge thanks to Flammarilva for the awesome mod.

Active Fossils and Archeology Revival Team


Additional Credits

Past/Inactive Revival Members

artomata 4f6f3b

Language Contributors

Octo-Docto (Spanish)
Roody (Dutch)
Gusanito (Spanish)
crafteverywhere (Simplified Chinese)

*If you have contributed to language credits but are not listed, please make a note by either contacting a dev or opening a ticket so we can properly credit.

Special Thanks

Flammarilva and the rest of Team July.


User Wiki

Developer Wiki

Known Bugs

For a comprehensive list of reported bugs, refer to the project issues page:


It's also a good place to check on the progress of future releases. So if you have to ask "when's the next update", we'll probably link you to GitHub.

Licence, Copyright, and Modpacks

Flammarilva's original code is open source and can be found here: https://github.com/fls81245/FossilArcheology

As of April 26, 2014 the Fossils and Archeology Revival code past and present is now under the Creative Commons Attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). The source is now home in a public organization found here: https://github.com/FossilsArcheologyRevival.

Regarding usage in modpacks and such, right now we do not guarantee compatibility with other mods. Since people have already included it in packs in the past regardless of what we say, modpack creators take full responsibility for making sure this mod plays nice with other ones.