
Method to rescue ambiguous reads in RNA-Seq experiments

Primary LanguagePerl


PeakRescue is freely available under a GNU Public License.


PeakRescue is a robust fragment counting method for RNA-seq data.

This tool takes BAM files produced using any splice aware aligner e.g, TopHat, STAR etc., and produces fragment count data per gene.


Python 2.5+ (< 3) - Please note peakRescue was tested with python 2.6.6 and 2.7.10.

Perl 5.14.2+

Tested on various Unix platforms [ Not tested on Mac OS X].


Please read the Licensing agreement for respective tools before downloading them for commercial use.

Manual installation

Python package numpy

peakRescue was tested with numpy version 1.6.2:


Python package cython

peakRescue was tested with cython version 0.22:


Please install the following tools before running setup.sh script and make sure that the path is set in config/peakrescue.ini file [optional if using 'clipover' as coverage calculation option]

GATK - https://github.com/broadgsa/gatk-protected [ required only if user wants to use algorithm option: gatk for coverage calculation ]


Picard - https://github.com/broadinstitute/picard [ required only if user wants to use algorithm option: gatk for coverage calculation ]


Samtools - http://samtools.sourceforge.net [ required only if user wants to use algorithm option: mpielup for coverage calculation ]


Automated installation using setup.sh script (see section "Installing PeakRescue" below)

Bio::DB::Sam - http://search.cpan.org/~lds/Bio-SamTools/lib/Bio/DB/Sam.pm


BamUtil - http://genome.sph.umich.edu/wiki/BamUtils


Tabix - http://samtools.sourceforge.net/tabix.shtml


BedTools - http://bedtools.readthedocs.org/en/latest/


Update .bashrc with the python version used to install numpy, cython

Edit your ~/.bashrc and add the following line - replacing 'full_path_to_your_python_installation_dir' to your own python path: alias python='full_path_to_your_python_installation_dir/python'

Save ~/.bashrc & quit.

Update environment variables with the following command: source ~/.bashrc.

Check the use of the correct python path and version: which python && python -V

Download PeakRescue

wget https://github.com/rnaseq/peakRescue/archive/x.x.x.tar.gz

tar -xvzf x.x.x.tar.gz

for development only

git clone https://github.com/rnaseq/peakRescue.git

Installing PeakRescue

cd peakRescue-x.x.x/

/bin/bash ./setup.sh <path_to_install_dir>

Running PeakRescue

perl ./bin/runPeakRescue.pl -bam datasets/chr21.bam -gtf datasets/chr21.gtf.gz -g datasets/chr21.fa -alg clipover -o output

choosing algorithm [-alg] option

clipover - uses bamutils clipOverlap option to merge overlapping reads [ fast and gives simialr results to gatk on test data set ]

gatk - uses gatk DepthOfCoverage [ slow but accurate coverage for overlapping read pairs from same fragment ]

mpileup - uses samtools v1.1 and above [ faster than gatk - propelry calculates coverage for overlapping reads ]