
Dockstore S3cmd file provisioning plugin

Primary LanguageJava


Dockstore s3cmd file provisioning plugin. Requires s3cmd installed along with a valid configuration file. Run s3cmd --configure to create a configuration file at the default location.


For files over 150 GB, chunk size is kept as close to the default chunk size as possible. Files over 50 TB is unsupported.


The s3cmd plugin is capable of downloading files by calling out to an installed copy of the s3cmd client.

$ cat test.s3cmd.json
  "input_file": {
        "class": "File",
        "path": "s3cmd://bucket/dir/file.txt"
    "output_file": {
        "class": "File",
        "path": "s3cmd://bucket/dir/file2.txt"

$ dockstore tool launch --entry  quay.io/briandoconnor/dockstore-tool-md5sum  --json test.s3cmd.json
Creating directories for run of Dockstore launcher at: ./datastore//launcher-2ebce330-2a44-4a3a-9d6d-55c152a5c38e
Provisioning your input files to your local machine
Downloading: #input_file from s3cmd://bucket/dir/file.txt into directory: /home/gluu/md5/./datastore/launcher-9e1ec2cb-2315-4487-9afe-7f4d9179fcd6/inputs/a356d1c3-f095-4801-8ef7-f0e429e0316e
Calling on plugin io.dockstore.provision.S3CmdPlugin$S3CmdProvision to provision s3cmd://bucket/dir/file.txt
Uploading: #output_file from /home/gluu/md5/./datastore/launcher-9e1ec2cb-2315-4487-9afe-7f4d9179fcd6/outputs/md5sum.txt to : s3cmd://bucket/dir/file2.txt
Calling on plugin io.dockstore.provision.S3CmdPlugin$S3CmdProvision to provision to s3cmd://bucket/dir/file2.txt


Download the plugin with dockstore plugin download by adding an entry to ~/.dockstore/plugins.json similar to the following

    "name": "dockstore-file-s3cmd-plugin",
    "version": "0.0.4"
    "name": "dockstore-file-s3-plugin",
    "version": "0.0.3"
    "name": "dockstore-file-synapse-plugin",
    "version": "0.0.5"

This plugin gets configuration information from the following structure in ~/.dockstore/config

client = /usr/bin/s3cmd
config-file-location = /home/user/.s3cfg
verbosity = Normal

Set the client location to your own s3cmd client and also make sure that the configuration file is available at the config-file-location. Verbosity configuration lets you configure the level of info display. The default is 'Normal'.


  • Level "Minimal" doesn't print the s3cmd mb stdout/stderr
  • Level "Normal" prints the s3cmd mb stdout/stderr

Using the --debug flag with the dockstore client will print out the commands executed by this plugin and s3cmd info stdout/stderr

$ ./dockstore --debug tool launch --local-entry Dockstore.cwl --json test.json
15:23:40.486 [main] DEBUG io.dockstore.provision.S3CmdPlugin - Executing command: /usr/local/bin/s3cmd -c /home/gluu/.s3cfg info s3://dockstore.temp

s3cmd put and s3cmd get stdout/stderr is always displayed no matter what

In summary, the following is displayed by default:

  • s3cmd put
  • s3cmd get
  • s3cmd mb

In summary, the following is not displayed by default:

  • the command being executed
  • s3cmd info