
World of Warcraft Community API client for Golang

Primary LanguageGo

World of Warcraft Community API Client for Golang

Provides Golang structs and an API client for consuming WoW Community API data

See the official documentation for an overview of what data is avaialable, then check out api_client.go's docs for the functions used to retrieve said data.

All APIs Supported:

  • Achievement
  • Auction
  • BattlePet
  • Challenge Mode
  • Character Profile
  • Item
  • Guild Profile
  • PvP
  • Quest
  • Realm Status
  • Recipe
  • Spell
  • Data Resources


  • Verify signature with real account


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Create a new client. The second parameter can be left empty if you
	// wish to use the region's default locale.
	client, _ := wow.NewApiClient("US", "")

	capo, _ := client.GetCharacterWithFields("Runetotem", "Capoferro", []string{"items"})
	className, _ := capo.Class()

	fmt.Printf("%s is the greatest %s ever.\nHe has an ilvl of %d and %d achievement points.\n", 