A subtractive software synthesizer built using the JUCE framework. It currently builds to vst, vst3 and audio unit. This synthesizer is inspired by 80s synths and its signal flow is a mix of a Roland Juno-06 and Roland Juno-106.
- AnClarkProgramming on my own
- chiotisA
- christofmucMunich, Germany
- clairte
- colortelevision
- DaveChambersMake Electronic Sound OÜ
- Eddiep222
- ellapollackBerkeley, CA
- fotisandstuff
- gonzoaloJampp
- JoelDreaver
- marcusficnerHamburg, Germany
- Mcas4150Boston, MA
- mtorialsGermany
- nberrImage-Line
- noisecode3Sweden
- peapickerUnited States
- rppvsilva
- rsvgist
- sandy999999Oslo
- seven-stn
- sonopictorialBerlin, Germany
- villafede99
- williamsharkeyPhiladelphia, USA