Image-Generator Solution


The Image-Generator solution is built with .NET 8 and consists of two main projects:

  • ImageGenerator.API: This project includes the REST API, Postgres SQL database integration, repository, services, and controllers.
  • ImageGenerator.Test: This project contains unit tests for the service and controller layers, using mocking and the In-Memory Database feature of Entity Framework Core.

The solution is containerized with Docker and includes a docker-compose file for easy setup and deployment.


  • REST API for saving random animal pictures (cats, dogs, bears) to a database.
  • REST API for fetching the last saved picture of an animal.
  • Automated unit tests that mock services and test both service and controller layers.
  • Containerized application for streamlined deployment.


  • .NET 8 SDK installed on your system.
  • Docker Desktop installed and running.
  • PostgreSQL client for database access (optional for direct access).
  • Make sure local dev certificate is avaliable & trusted

How to Run the Solution

Step 1: Clone the Repository

Clone the repository or extract the ZIP file containing the solution.

Step 2: Build and Run Using Docker Compose

Ensure Docker Desktop is running then use the following commands to build and run the containers:

docker-compose up --build

This command will build API Project & Start the PostgreSQL database container. Also it will run teh API contaier and expose it on https://localhost:5001

Step 3: Test teh Endpoints

Open browser and access the below swagger url


You can also use curl command or postman tool to acces the REST API

Step 4: To Stop the container

docker-compose down