Implementation of a comprehensive VirtualisingWrapPanel for WPF
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The layout is completely messed up when grouping items in a vertical layout
#70 opened by lailablomme - 7
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Listview - Slow when at top of scrollview
#69 opened by VM-KTO - 5
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Collecition with same item references breaks the VirtualizingWrapPanel and throws ThrowKeyNotFoundException
#66 opened by ScarletKuro - 3
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#59 opened by alrethomas - 2
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In the case of Orientation="Vertical", the BringIndexIntoView method does not work correctly
#58 opened by GlodenBoy - 1
Faking native WrapPanel by keeping the items-per-row the same and enlarging the entire row
#56 opened by milos12345 - 2
How to center wrap panel and left align items
#55 opened by tstephansen - 1
ScrollIntoView function appear offset when using VirtualizableWrapPanel AllowDifferentSizedItems
#54 opened by wuyang26 - 2
Does VirtualizingWrapPanel support TreeView?
#53 opened by leelds - 5
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Add support for different sized items
#22 opened by sbaeumlisberger - 6
Dynamic Item Size
#50 opened by Ross-Patterson - 1
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Style SelectedItem
#46 opened by AsDotNet - 4
[2.0.0-preview3] NullReferenceException happens sometimes like when scrolling with the mouse
#45 opened by c0debeef - 5
scroll bar visibility
#44 opened by GuoFeng888 - 3
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v2 orientation definition change?
#42 opened by mitchcapper - 3
VirtualizingWrapPanel does not virtualize
#41 opened by forReason - 5
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Arrange error when item keep aspect ratio.
#36 opened by CodingOctocat - 1
Items have Different height
#39 opened by dandanyouxiang - 2
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Wrapping keyboard navigation
#37 opened by milos12345 - 3
Scroll item into view by code
#35 opened by rfberger - 3
When scrolling up and down quickly, some pictures will not be loaded. How to solve this problem?
#33 opened by Akise - 5
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How can I Collapsed an item?
#31 opened by zdy1988 - 3
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Maximising does not hide the scrollbar
#25 opened by Tomtomijk - 4
Only first tile renders after latest update
#26 opened by julesx - 3
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Q: Has the VirtualizingWrapPanel been tested with item selection (remove/add etc.)
#20 opened by nietras - 3
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Question\Feature - ExpandItem Padding\Margin
#18 opened by devriesb13 - 5
[feature] Allow to set a fixed item spacing
#17 opened by GenmTim - 6
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Expand item being clipped
#15 opened by devriesb13