TommyDS ======= TommyDS is a C library of array, hashtables and tries data structures, designed for high performance and providing an easy to use interface. It's faster than all the similar libraries like rbtree, judy, goodledensehash, khash, uthash, nedtries and others. The data structures provided are: tommy_list - A double linked list. tommy_array - A linear array. It doesn't fragment the heap. tommy_arrayblk - A blocked linear array. It doesn't fragment the heap and it minimizes the space occupation. tommy_hashtable - A fixed size chained hashtable. tommy_hashdyn - A dynamic chained hashtable. tommy_hashlin - A linear chained hashtable. It doesn't have the problem of the delay when resizing and it doesn't fragment the heap. tommy_trie - A trie optimized for cache utilization. tommy_trie_inplace - A trie completely inplace. The documentation is available in HTML format in the doc/index.html file, and directly in the .h files. The official site of TommyDS is: