
YAML-based GNOME Terminal colour schemes

Primary LanguagePerlGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

YAML Color schemes for Gnome Terminal

Script(s) for defining Gnome Terminal (or Roxterm) themes with a YAML file.

Builds on Anthony25's gnome-terminal-colors-solarized for solarized Gnome Terminal colours (the repository is added as a submodule of this repository).

This repository comes with two YAML-base themes: zenburn and ztevenburn. The zenburn theme is based on planbnet's gnome-terminal-zenburn.sh, while ztevenburn similar to Zenburn, but with more contrast (i.e. a darker background).

Screenshot for comparison:


Copyright & License

Copyright (C) 2017 Steven Bakker

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.


Perl (5.14 or later)

The following modules should be part of the default Perl installation:

  • File::Basename
  • FindBin
  • Getopt::Long
  • Time::Piece

The following modules will probably need to be installed separately:

  • Pod::Usage
  • YAML
  • Term::ReadKey


git clone git@github.com:sbakker/gnome-terminal-profile.git
git submodule init


See the POD documentation of parse_yaml_theme.pl

perldoc src/parse_yaml_theme.pl

src/parse_yaml_theme.pl --manual

Standalone usage

The install.sh script was copied from Anthony25's gnome-terminal-colors-solarized repository and modified to include the use of the YAML parser.

git submodule init
mkdir -p ./colors/my-color

# ... create a colors.yaml in ./colors/my-color


Using with gnome-terminal-colors-solarized

To use with Anthony25's gnome-terminal-colors-solarized repository:

Copy your YAML file to a new directory in the colors directory:

mkdir /path/to/gnome-terminal-colors-solarized/my-theme
cp my-theme.yaml /path/to/gnome-terminal-colors-solarized/my-theme/colors.yaml

Then, "compile" it to create the appropriate files:

src/parse_yaml_theme.pl /path/to/gnome-terminal-colors-solarized/my-theme/colors.yaml compile

Finally, use the install.sh script to install the colour theme.

cd /path/to/gnome-terminal-colors-solarized

Converting gnome-terminal-colors-solarized profiles

Any "classic" profiles can be converted to YAML with the convert_solarized.sh script.

$ ./convert_solarized.sh
converting gnome-terminal-colors-solarized/colors/dark
converting gnome-terminal-colors-solarized/colors/dark_alternative
converting gnome-terminal-colors-solarized/colors/light



Copy of Anthony25's gnome-terminal-colors-solarized's install.sh script with small modifications to load YAML-base color schemes.


Script to convert "classic" color scheme formats to YAML-based. Just point it to a directory with a "colors" sub-directory (and optionally specify a prefix to use for the YAML-based output directory) and the script will do the rest.


Can show classic and YAML-based color themes.

# Look in colors/ztevenburn/colors.yaml
./show_theme colors/ztevenburn/colors.yaml
./show_theme ztevenburn

# Looks in "classic" gnome-terminal-colors-solarized/colors/light
./show_theme gnome-terminal-colors-solarized/colors/light


Parse a YAML-based theme.

$ src/parse_yaml_theme.pl ./colors/ztevenburn/colors.yaml
palette=( '#1C1C1C' '#DD9393' '#7F9F7F' '#E3CEAB' '#DFAF8F' '#C693A4'
'#8CD0D3' '#BABDB6' '#3F3F3F' '#EEA3A3' '#9FCF9F' '#F3DEBB' '#EFBF9F'
'#D7A3B4' '#9CE0E3' '#DCDCCC' )

Also has a preview option with the show sub-command:



Show a matrix of the terminal colours. Example with the ztevenburn theme:



Only works well on a TrueColor terminal.

Given a start color, display a color ramp of increasingly lighter or darker colors, and a demonstration of these colors in a text string.


See perldoc src/ramp_color for more information.


Modified clone of the XFree86 256colors.pl. Can print a 256 colour map as well as a list of all extended colors and their RGB values or a visually pleasing spectrum (the latter only for TrueColor terminals).

See perldoc src/terminal_colors for more information.




Fun stuff for generating a completely random colour theme. Script spits out a random YAML configuration.

To generate, use random_theme.pl and run parse_yaml_theme.pl to show the results:

shell$ src/random_theme.pl > wacko.yaml
shell$ src/parse_yaml_theme.pl wacko.yaml show

This will look something like:


Then, save the YAML file in a theme directory and install the theme:

shell$ mkdir -p colors/wacko
shell$ mv wacko.yaml colors/wacko/colors.yaml
shell$ ./install.sh -p Wacko -s wacko

The result will then be something like:



Create a YAML file from a "classic" theme (or display a "classic" theme).


$ src/theme_to_yaml.pl gnome-terminal-colors-solarized/colors/light


# YAML dump of gnome-terminal-colors-solarized/colors/light/
# Generated by theme_to_yaml.pl, 30-Nov-2017 16:12:29 +0100
bd: &bd '#58586E6E7575'
fg: &fg '#65657B7B8383'
bg: &bg '#FDFDF6F6E3E3'
color0: [ '#070736364242', '#00002B2B3636' ]
color1: [ '#DCDC32322F2F', '#CBCB4B4B1616' ]
color2: [ '#858599990000', *bd ]
color3: [ '#B5B589890000', *fg ]
color4: [ '#26268B8BD2D2', '#838394949696' ]
color5: [ '#D3D336368282', '#6C6C7171C4C4' ]
color6: [ '#2A2AA1A19898', '#9393A1A1A1A1' ]
color7: [ '#EEEEE8E8D5D5', *bg ]