
This is a simple app managed using kubernetes

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This is a simple app managed using kubernetes

App Name: my-app.example

Docker Image: Nginx

  • kind Pod -> pod.yml
  • kind Replica Set -> replicaSet.yml
  • kind Service -> service.yml
  • kind Ingress -> ingress.yml
  • kind Deployment -> deployment.yml


  1. Spin up pods locally using minikube
minikube status
minikube start
  1. Spin up a pod
kubectl get pods
kubectl apply -f pod.yml
  1. Spin up replica set of 3
kubectl get replicasets
kubectl apply -f replicaSet.yml
  1. Spin up service
kubectl get replicasets
kubectl apply -f service.yml
  1. Spin up ingress controller
kubectl get ingress
kubectl apply -f ingress.yml
  1. Spin up deployment for auto updates and rollbacks
kubectl get deployments
kubectl apply -f deployment.yml

To find IP of the app service

minikube ip

To Test

kubectl run --rm --it --image-alpine my-test
apk -U add curl
curl -v app-service or curl -X GET http://<ip-address>/

To change deployment

kubectl edit deployment pod-deployment

To rollback

kubectl rollout undo deployment/pod-deployment


Screenshot 2021-09-08 at 11 59 21 AM

Screenshot 2021-09-08 at 12 00 08 PM