
AI for Linux commands

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Ape is an AI for Linux commands.

ape "Find all the important PDF files in user/projects. An important PDF file has 'attention' in its name. Write the results to important_files.txt and then move it to Documents."


find ~/user/projects -type f -name "*attention*.pdf" > important_files.txt && mv important_files.txt ~/Documents/

Currently, only OpenAI is supported.

To install:

pipx install ape-linux

Next, set your API key:

export OPENAI_API_KEY=key

To run:

ape "Create a symbolic link called win pointing to /mnt/c/Users/jdoe"


ln -s /mnt/c/Users/jdoe win

Another example:

ape "Delete all the .venv directories under projects/"


find projects/ -type d -name ".venv" -exec rm -rf {} +

If you try to ask something unrelated to Linux commands, you should get "Please rephrase." printed:

ape "Tell me about monkeys"


Please rephrase.

You can change the model using --model. The default is gpt-4o. See here for a list of models. For example:

ape "List the contents of the working directory with as much detail as possible" --model gpt-3.5-turbo


ls -lha

If you pass --execute, the tool will run the command for you after printing it! Be careful with this as LLMs often make mistakes:

ape "Who am I logged in as?"



For more help:

ape --help

See also: Gorilla