
Liquidprompt Ansible role

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role: Liquidprompt

Build Status Galaxy

Ansible Role that installs and enables liquidprompt (lp).



The default behaviour is an activation for the vagrant user only without any extra configuration.

Activate lp for all users

This will update /etc/bash.bashrc. The list liquidprompt_apply_to_users won't be used if liquidprompt_apply_all_users is true

# Apply liquidprompt to all users
liquidprompt_apply_all_users: true

# Activate for the following users
#  - vagrant

Activate lp for specific users

This will add lp to the user's home bashrc. liquidprompt_apply_all_users needs to be false.

# Apply liquidprompt to all users
liquidprompt_apply_all_users: false

# Activate for the following users
  - vagrant
  - web
  - user1

Add own liquidprompt config

Lp has a vast amount of options. Please conduct their repo for further information. Here's an example:

# Custom config for liquidpropt
liquidprompt_enable_custom_variables = true
  - LP_PS1_POSTFIX="\n $ " # Add new line before input
  - LP_PS1_PREFIX="\[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]" # Custom window's title




Specials thanks goes to all liquidprompt contributors and the maintainers/original authors.

Contribution / Discussion / Missing features

Contributors and patches are welcome! Open discussions about the defaults or other features you like to have.

Author Information

Sufijen Bani (http://www.sbani.net)