
A handler for parsing UltraDNS push notifications into MS Teams

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository, udns_ptt (UltraDNS Push-to-Teams), contains a Lambda handler. It parses the telemetry event JSON output from Vercara's UDNS product's push notification mechanism and creates a Message Card to be consumed by a Microsoft Teams webhook.

Creating the Lambda Function

Create a Lambda function and provide it an endpoint. This can be done using the "Function URL" feature of Lambda, or through the API Gateway.

  1. Select the radio button for "Author from scratch"
  2. Name your function
  3. For "Runtime," choose Python 3.xx
  4. Expand "Advanced Settings"
  5. Check the box next to "Enable function URL"
  6. Select "NONE" for "Auth type"
    • The UDNS push notifications won't be capable of sending an authorization header, but you can restrict your function url to specific IPs. More on this below.
  7. Click "Create Function"

Creating a Deployment Package

Since we're using the 'requests' module, it needs to be included in the deployment package. Assuming you're in the root directory of this repo, do the following:

mkdir lambda_package
pip install dnspython -t lambda_package
cp src/lambda_function.py lambda_package/lambda_function.py
zip -r lambda_package.zip lambda_package

Upload this in the Management Console (or through the CLI). In the UI:

  1. Pull up your Lambda function
  2. Click "Upload from" then select ".zip file"
  3. Upload "lambda_package.zip"

Set the Environment Variables

The function uses two environment variables, one of which is required.


WEBHOOK_URL is the link to the webhook you've configured in Teams. Follow these steps to create one:

  1. Go to your Teams channel
  2. Click on the "..." in the top right
  3. Click on "Connectors"
  4. Search for "Incoming Webhook"
    • If the button next to it says "Add," then click that to Add the plugin and navigate back to Connectors to proceed
  5. Click "Configure"
  6. Give your webhook a name
  7. Click "Create"
  8. Copy the URL, this is where you will push the notifications

Go to your Lambda function in the Management Console.

  1. Click on the "Configuration" tab
  2. In the left-hand navigation pane, click "Environment variables"
  3. Click "Edit"
  4. Click "Add environment variable"
  5. Under "Key" enter "WEBHOOK_URL"
  6. Under "Value" paste the URL you copied from Teams
  7. Click "Save"


By default, the function accepts requests from any source. However, by defining the "WHITELISTED_IPS" variable, you restrict access to certain IPs, specifically those belonging to UDNS's push notification application servers.

  1. Again, navigate to the "Configuration" tab in Lambda
  2. Click "Environment variables"
  3. "Edit"
  4. "Add environment variable"
  5. This time enter "WHITELISTED_IPS" as the "Key"
  6. For the value, paste in your list of IPs, separated by commas like so:,,,,,,
  7. Click "Save"

Creating the Push Notification

To create a Push Notification in the UDNS UI or through the API, follow the steps below. The UDNS system will test the endpoint to ensure its responsiveness before it starts publishing messages to it. We will describe how to create one through the API and include a Postman collection in the "postman" directory.


  1. Send an authorization request to the UDNS REST API and generate a Bearer token. The request body is x-www-form-urlencoded and needs to contain a grant_type and your username/password.

POST https://api.ultradns.com/authorization/token


The response will contain an object with a "bearer_token" parameter. All subsequent requests to the API must contain this in the authorization header.

Authorization: Bearer {your_token}

  1. Send the request to test your endpoint. This will return an ID which you can use to check the status of your Push Notification configuration.

POST https://api.ultradns.com/accounts/{your_account_name}/telemetryWebhook/test

The body needs to contain the following.

    "url": "{your_lambda_endpoint}",

It will respond back with an object containing the telemetry ID.

    "telemetryEventId": "3e58c9a7-5e7b-405f-8bf6-b8bad72a32e8",
    "telemetryEventType": "TEST_TELEMETRY_WEBHOOK",
    "telemetryEventTime": "2023-06-22 12:13:33.441",
    "environment": "test",
    "accountName": "{your_account_name}"
  1. You can append this ID to the end of the test URI and request its status using a GET request.

GET https://api.ultradns.com/accounts/{your_account_name}/telemetryWebhook/test/{telemetry_event_id}

If there was an issue creating the telemetry event then there will be an error message containing a reason, but if the creation was successful there will simply be an HTTP 200 response code and no body.

  1. Send a request to the "Create" endpoint. The payload will include your Lambda url and the events for which you want to receive notifications.

POST https://api.ultradns.com/accounts/{your_account_name}/settings/PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS

    "webhooks": [
            "enable": true,
            "url": "{your_lambda_endpoint}",
            "include": {
                "ALL_CHANGES": true


From the UI

  1. Click on "Accounts" in the left-hand navigation
  2. Click on your account name
  3. Navigate to the "Notification Settings" tab
  4. Under "Realtime Push Notification" click "+Add"
  5. Enter a name for your endpoint and the Lambda URL
  6. Click "Test Connection"
  7. Click "Configure Channels"
  8. Configure your desired channels and save


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE.md for more details.