
Generate Xcode Workspaces

Primary LanguagePython

Xcode WorkSpace Gen

Uses XcodeGen to generate .xcodeproj from project.yml files and then builds a Workspace based on the project dependencies.


Copy this into the root folder of your iOS repo.


Create a python script in the root of your directory named workspacegen with the following content

#!/usr/bin/env bash

"${0%/*}"/path/to/workspace.py "$@"

Running commands would then be done with:

./workspacegen {command}

Available Commands

  • list_targets - list all available targets by searching project directory for project.yml files
  • clean - Deletes .xcodeproj & .xcworkspace files (careful)
  • project - Generates .xcodeproj & an .xcworkspace for the specified target.


  • Project generation
  • Use .workspacegen file to define aliases for project instead of search project for project.yml files
  • Ability to define Schemes that should be included in workspace
  • Static libraries & strings/images.
  • Warn on missing dependency in App target - implicit framework dependencies are used therefore are not copied into the app's frameworks dir if the app does not include the dep in its project.yml file. This will cause a crash when running on a device that the framework can't be found.
  • Investigate static libraries
  • Quit Xcode if open before opening generated workspace
  • Bootstrap - Fetch all carthage dependencies and build (too slow?), install xcode templates etc.
  • Sort xml alpha/grouped
  • Paths to dependencies (would need changes in XcodeGen)
  • Documentaion
  • Tests

Whats up with the Python

  • Wanted to learn python (seriously this is the first time I have ever written it, this code could be horrendous, I have no idea, but it works)
  • Swift is always breakingchanging