
Operating systems

Primary LanguageC


Operating systems



Compile make
Run ./tokenizer



Compile make
Run ./mush


POSIX threads

Compile make
Run ./thread_demo


Page table

This assignment was done with Joseph Couri.
The traces were collected from a Pentium II running Windows 2000 and are courtesy of the Brigham Young University Trace Distribution Center. The files byutr.h and byu_tracereader.c implement a small program to read and print trace files.

Compile make
Run ./pagetable [trace] [levels] [-n pages] [-p dump] [-t]
e.g. ./pagetable trace.sample.tr 4 4 8 -n 1000 -p page_dump.txt -t

Argument Description
trace The trace file with the page addresses to be used
levels The bit width for each level in the page address; there will be as many levels as there are numbers provided
-n pages The number of pages to process
-p dump The file to dump the page table
-t Print the page to frame translations to stdout



This assignment was done with Joseph Couri.

Compile make
Run ./mizzo [-L Lucy] [-E Ethel] [-f frogs] [-e snails]
e.g. ./mizzo –f 600 –e 400 –L 300 –E 500

Argument Description
-L Lucy Delay in ms for the "Lucy" consumer
-E Ethel Delay in ms for the "Ethel" consumer
-f frogs Delay in ms for the frog producer
-e snails Delay in ms for the snail producer