Even though Defender has a lot of fancy defensive features such as tamper protection, it can still be disabled with the following chain of actions:
- start the TrustedInstaller service and TrustedInstaller process;
- impersonate TrustedInstaller;
- open the WinDefend service and stop it;
DefenderSwitch does exactly that through the use of the Win32 API.
DefenderSwitch uses the standard Windows.h header and the WIL library. To install WIL use vcpkg:
C:\vcpkg> .\vcpkg.exe install wil:x86-windows
C:\vcpkg> .\vcpkg.exe install wil:x64-windows
Spawn a cmd.exe as administrator, then:
C:\Users\last> .\DefenderSwitch.exe -off
C:\Users\last> .\DefenderSwitch.exe -on
This tool as it is written is definetely not OPSEC safe. Making it so is left as an exercise to the user :)