
A simple application to keep track of tasks

Primary LanguageKotlin

TwoDew App

About The Project

TwoDew is a relatively simple to-do list application designed to help users keep track of tasks

Main Technologies Used

  • Kotlin: Primary programming language for the app.
  • Android Jetpack Compose: Used for building UI.
  • Room Database: For local data storage.
  • Dagger-Hilt: For dependency injection.
  • Coroutines: For handling async tasks.


  • Task Management: Add, edit, delete, and update tasks.
  • Task Prioritization: Mark tasks as important.
  • Data Persistence: Tasks are stored locally via Room db to retain data across app restarts.
  • Tests: There are tests for both the viewmodel functions and database functions

Potential Improvements

  • With more time, I would have taken modularization further. The only separated concern I have is the repository at the moment
  • I left some commented out Log statements for error handling, ideally this would be more robust and only log in debug build etc
  • The UI could be improved. The toasts are a basic way to convey success/error, and I should have taken more time to apply consistent theming/colors etc
  • Navigation could be explored instead of the current single screen with dialog setup
  • Functionality to undo a deletion would be a nice touch
  • Add snapshot tests and maybe an espresso test
  • Add libraries like spotless/detekt for code quality and consistency
  • Make viewmodel tests less flaky when run all at once and add Turbine to enhance existing vm tests
  • Explore using fakes instead of mocks for testing
  • cleanup hardcoded strings
  • update to Java 11

Other Considerations