
Touchsy Pico W - the ultimate display solution for users who want an onboard controller with a versatile programming platform. This Github provides getting started guide for Capacitive Variant of Touchsy Family.

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Touchsy Pico W - the ultimate display solution for users who want an onboard controller with a versatile programming platform. This Github provides getting started guide for Capacitive Variant of Touchsy Family.

With Touchsy Pico W, you can easily program your display with your preferred language and use it in various projects and applications, from IoT to robotics. The Resistive and Capacitive touchscreen options allow you to choose the best option for your specific needs, and the additional GPIO pins allow you to connect more hardware to your display.


  • Official Raspberry Pi Pico W onboard for versatile programming options (Python, Arduino IDE, C, C++)
  • 3.2” TFT Capacitive Touch Display for visual interaction
  • SD card slot for storage and data transfer
  • Battery port connector with Battery Management for portable use (3.7V Lithium)
  • 4 programmable buttons for customizable control options
  • Additional GPIO pins breakout for connecting more hardware
  • Additional Type C to power board
  • Additional power supply facility for use with other peripheral


  • Operating voltage of pins 3.3V and board supply 5V
  • 3.2” Display with resolution 240 × 320
  • ILI9341 Display Driver
  • FT6236 capacitive touch controller
  • Appearance: RGB
  • Colors: 65K/262K
  • Viewing Angle(in degree): Left:70, Right:70, Up:50, Down:70
  • Operating Temperature is -20℃~70℃
  • Storage Temperature is -30℃~80℃

Getting Started with 3.2 Touchsy Pico W Capacitive


  • (1) 3.2” Capacitive Touch Display

  • (2) Battery connector

  • (3) Additional GPIO breakout as JST PH

  • (4) SD card slot

  • (5) RPi Pico W

  • (6) Programmable Buttons

  • (7) Buzzer

  • (8) Power pins breakout

  • (9) Type C input power

Interfacing Details

  • Display and Capacitive Touch controller interfacing with Pico W

    Pico W Display Code variables Function
    GP6 DC/SCL SPI sck Clock pin of SPI interface for Display
    GP7 SDI SPI/SDA mosi MOSI (Master OUT Slave IN) pin of SPI interface
    GP13 CS/SPI CS cs Chip Select pin of SPI interface
    GP11 WR/SPI D/C dc Data/Command pin of SPI interface
    GP14 RESET rst Display Reset pin
    GP15 Driven via Transistor BL Backlight of display

    Display setting code snippets view:

    #define SPI interface for display with Pico W
    spi = SPI(0, baudrate=40000000, sck=Pin(6), mosi=Pin(7))
    display = Display(spi, dc=Pin(11), cs=Pin(13), rst=Pin(14),rotation = 180)
      BL = Pin(15, Pin.OUT) #define pin as OUTPUT
      BL.value(1) #Turn on Backlight
    Pico W Capacitive Touch Code variables Function
    GP2 SCL scl Serial Clock pin of I2C interface for touch controller
    GP3 SDA sda Serial data pin of I2C interface

    Touch setting code snippets view:

      #define I2C interface for FT6236 touch controller with Pico W
      i2c=I2C(0,sda=Pin(20), scl=Pin(21))
  • Pico W and micro SD card interfacing

    Pico W microSD Card Function
    GP18 SCLK Clock pin of SPI interface for microSD card
    GP19 DIN MOSI (Master OUT Slave IN) data pin of SPI interface
    GP16 DOUT MISO (Master IN Slave OUT) data pin of SPI interface
    GP17 CS Chip Select pin of SPI interface

    Sdcard setting code snippets view:

  • Buttons, Buzzer and LED Interfacing with Pico W

    Pico W Buttons Function
    GP4 BT1 Programmable button
    GP8 BT2 Programmable button
    GP9 BT3 Programmable button
    GP5 BT4 Programmable button
    Pico W Hardware
    GP22 Buzzer
    GP25 LED (OnBoard Pico W)

    Code snippets:

    buzzer = PWM(Pin(22)) #define PWM output
    button1 = Pin(4, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) #define input pin with PULLUP
  • Breakout GPIOs

    Pico W Physical Pin Multi-Function
    GP0 1 General IO / SPI0 RX / I2C0 SDA / UART0 TX
    GP1 2 General IO / SPI0 CSn / I2C0 SCL / UART0 RX
    GP2 4 General IO / SPI0 SCK / I2C1 SDA
    GP3 5 General IO / SPI0 TX / I2C1 SCL
    GP28 34 General IO / ADC2 / SPI1 RX

1. Step to install boot Firmware

  • Every Touchsy board will be provided with boot firmware already installed, so you can directly go to step 2.
  • If, in any case, you are required to install firmware for your board, then you can follow the guide here

2. Onboard LED Blink

  • Download Thonny IDE from Download link as per your OS and install it.

  • Once done start Thonny IDE application, Connect Touchsy with a laptop/PC using a micro USB cable and the micro USB port on Pico W present on Touchsy.

  • Select device at the bottom right with a suitable COM port, as shown in the below figure. You might get a different COM port.

  • Write simple onboard blink Python code or Download Led blink code, then click on the green run button to make your script run on Touchsy.

    Now that we've reached this point, you're executing your script through Thonny IDE, so if you unplug Pico, it will stop running. To run your script without using an IDE, simply power up Touchsy and it should run your script, go to step 3. Once you have transferred your code to the Touchsy board, to see your script running, just plug in power either way using micro USB or Type C, both will work.

3. How to move your script on Pico W of Touchsy

  • Click on File -> Save Copy -> select Raspberry Pi Pico , Then save file as main.py

In similar way you can add various python code files to Pico. Also you can try out sample codes given here in examples folder. But make sure you have all required library files inside Pico W of Touchsy, if not only then follow below steps otherwise skip.

  • Mostly you will receive Touchsy with all required library files preinstalled. But in any case if you need to save library files from lib folder into Pico W of Touchsy, then download repo and follow below steps to move lib file into Pico of Touchsy.

NOTE: Don't rename lib files and also you will have to move related font file if used inside code.

Example Codes

Save whatever example code file you want to try as main.py in pico w as shown in above step 3, also add related lib files with default name.

Now you are ready to try out your own codes, Happy Coding!


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Product License

This is open source product. Kindly check LICENSE.md file for more information.

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