This is a Raspberry Pi RFID HAT Module operating in the 125Khz frequency range. It supports two communication interfaces: UART for RFID and I2C for Oled Display.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a Raspberry Pi RFID HAT Module operating in the 125Khz frequency range. It supports two communication interfacs: UART for RFID and I2C for Oled Display.


  • Standard Raspberry Pi 40PIN GPIO extension header, supports Raspberry Pi series boards
  • Two interface options: UART for RFID, I2C for Oled Display
  • User configurable buzzer (connected on GPIO 17 of Raspberry pi)

You can also use these 2 projects available in this repository with this hat:

  • Attendance_system : A GUI based attendance system using our rfid hat and rfid tags/cards.
  • Lock_Pi : You can use this project to log-ff raspberry pi using this rfid hat. To login you have to manually type password to log on again.

How To configure ?

Enable i2c and Serial interface

I2C/Serial interface is disabled by default in Raspberry Pi, To enable it type below command.

sudo raspi-config

  • Now select Interfacing options.
  • Now we need to select I2C option.
  • Now select Yes and press enter and then ok.

To enable serial,

  • select interfacing options.
  • Now we need to select serial.
  • select no to disable serial over login shell.
  • Now select yes to enable serial hardware port then ok.

After this step reboot raspberry by typing below command:

sudo reboot

Install Required Libraries

  • sudo apt-get install python-smbus
  • sudo apt-get install i2c-tools

To verify the list of connected device on I2C interface, you can run below commond :

sudo i2cdetect -y 1

How to run SB-PI-HAT examples

To run examples of SB-PI-HAT, clone this repository by executing below command

git clone https://github.com/sbcshop/SB-RFID-HAT.git


python3 rfid.py (Without Oled display, output on terminal/shell)


python3 rfid_with_oled.py ( To show detected tag id on Oled as well as on terminal/shell)

Video Tutorial

SB Serial Expansion HAT for Raspberry Pi