EMF Compare

Eclipse EMF Compare brings model comparison to the EMF framework.
It provides generic support for any kind of metamodel in order to compare and merge models.
The objectives of this component are to provide a stable and efficient generic implementation of model comparison as well as an extensible framework for specific needs.


Reporting Bugs

There may be errors in the /.metadata/.log or even on stdout that can help you track down and problem.
When reporting errors, please include stack traces when applicable and the commit id or the version your plugin is built from, or the version of the plugin if it does not contain a date.


EMF Compare can be built using maven from within the org.eclipse.emf.compare-parent sub-folder of this repository :

mvn clean package -P2022-03

The above example will build the EMF Compare binaries against the Eclipse 2022-03 platform.
Select the appropriate profile according to the platform you wish to install EMF Compare on.

You can also execute the tests using

mvn verify -P2022-03 --fail-at-end -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true


  • You need an Eclipse user account. You already have one if you are an Eclipse commiter. Otherwise, use this form.
  • Sign the Eclipse Contributor Agreement (ECA) : please go to your account page , click on “Eclipse Contributor Agreement”, and Complete the form.
  • Make sure you use the proper user information on your git configuration :
    • $ cd <path/to/repository>
    • $ git config --local user.name "<Full Name>"
    • $ git config --local user.email "<your.mailyourmail.com>"@
  • Make small logical changes.
  • Provide a meaningful commit message.

EMF Compare uses github Pull Requests for peer reviews.
You will need to commit your changes on your own fork of the EMF Compare repository and create Pull Requests from your fork to the main repository.

A comprehensive contributor guide can also be found on the project’s wiki .