- 1
- 0
- 1
Calculation of SPEI only returns NA values
#76 opened by NatalyaDryomys - 3
Penman function not working
#75 opened by Lucy84 - 2
Inf value
#69 opened by bkossakowskabanacka - 0
- 0
- 1
plot.spei() results in only one color
#72 opened by sbegueria - 0
- 1
Warning message when loading the package
#71 opened by evarifa - 3
computing SPEI with daily vs. monthly data
#62 opened by Nadenot - 3
Using max-lik fit returns all NA
#67 opened by ThomasOtt314 - 0
- 0
Outlier processing in spei.R source code
#64 opened by 8jiang6 - 0
- 0
Using warning() instead of print()?
#61 opened by paocorrales - 0
Compute SPEI / SPI uncertainty
#58 opened by sbegueria - 1
probability distribution function of spei not stardard normal distribution ?
#57 opened by 1073766230 - 5
final year in dataset not calculated
#56 opened by bakermel - 0
spei() casts an error when frequency = 1
#55 opened by sbegueria - 0
- 2
SPEI does not show monthly PET, WBal in RStudio
#53 opened by waterengr - 2
Example of use with a frequency other than 12.
#45 opened by sbegueria - 1
SPEI infinity values
#50 opened by phyvera - 2
- 5
Infinity SPI values
#11 opened by oliverangelil - 6
Correct format of input data for SPEI
#40 opened by Charlotte1891 - 4
- 1
error SPEI v1.8, computing SPI with params=...
#42 opened by user241276 - 1
#43 opened by BraulioP1996 - 3
- 1
Correct info when using spi()
#37 opened by sbegueria - 2
- 0
In plot.spei() treat time as Date
#38 opened by sbegueria - 1
ref.start and ref.end BOTH needed in spi?
#21 opened by adrfantini - 6
- 1
- 1
Problem in spei() when there are NA in the data
#35 opened by sbegueria - 1
- 1
Add Generalized extreme-value distribution
#28 opened by Aariq - 2
Calculations for gridded data set
#26 opened by arjun231193 - 4
Calculation of the SPEI results in NA's
#20 opened by cmeeusse - 5
Error in qnorm(pze + (1 - pze) * pnorm(std[ff, s])) : object 'pze' not found
#16 opened by DavidFeitschinger - 1
Compute SPEI using HAPPI data
#15 opened by ploan - 3
- 0
- 0
"Energy only" PET from Milly and Dunne 2016
#27 opened by Aariq - 0
- 2
Correction to "About the SPEI" webpage
#19 opened by jmigueldelgado - 0
Multi time-scale spei
#8 opened by sbegueria