
This is a package for analyzing events with HH-like final states on the NAF.

Set up code

cmsrel CMSSW_10_1_0
cd CMSSW_10_1_0/src
git clone https://github.com/UhhCmsAnalysis/UhhhhAnalysis/
cd UhhhhAnalysis/
mkdir output output/smallchunks output/mediumchunks output/bigchunks
mkdir jobs
mkdir pdfs

run event analyzer script to generate histograms


run over a signal file

python tools/EventAnalyzer.py --fnamekeyword /pnfs/desy.de/cms/tier2/store/user/sbein/NtupleHub/SpecialSM/VBFHHTo4B_CV_1_5_C2V_1_C3_1_13TeV-madgraph_file20.root_RA2AnalysisTree.root

run over a background file

python tools/EventAnalyzer.py --fnamekeyword  /pnfs/desy.de/cms/tier2/store/user/sbein/NtupleHub/Production2016v2/Summer16.TTJets_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8_73_RA2AnalysisTree.root

parallelize running of scripts with condor jobs


submit signal jobs (one job per input file)

python tools/SubmitJobs_condor.py --analyzer tools/EventAnalyzer.py --fnamekeyword  "/pnfs/desy.de/cms/tier2/store/user/sbein/NtupleHub/SpecialSM/VBFHHTo4B*.root"

submit background jobs (one job per input file)

python tools/SubmitJobs_condor.py --analyzer tools/EventAnalyzer.py --fnamekeyword  "/pnfs/desy.de/cms/tier2/store/user/sbein/NtupleHub/Production2016v2/Summer16.TTJets_TuneCUE*.root"
python tools/SubmitJobs_condor.py --analyzer tools/EventAnalyzer.py --fnamekeyword  "/pnfs/desy.de/cms/tier2/store/user/sbein/NtupleHub/Production2016v2/Summer16.QCD*.root"

files will show up in the folder output/smallchunks. You can check the status of jobs and interact with jobs using

condor_rm <job number>
condor_release <username>

combine the files

when the jobs have finished, you can combine the many files into just a few, while applying the denominator of the event weights (nevents):

python tools/MergeHistsPropWeights.py output/smallchunks/

This produces a set of files with histograms weighted to lumi=1/pb in output/bigchunks

draw stacked histograms of background overlay signal:

python tools/EventPlotter.py

This produces a file, probably plots.root, which you can open and examine the canvases within.