
Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


This repository contains a framework to test FLEDGE implementation capabilities in Chromium and is part of research related to anticipated removal of third-party cookies. It supports end-to-end functional and performance FLEDGE testing.

How to run tests

  • bash run.sh - runs all tests with the latest chromium version
  • bash run.sh --chromium-directory <path-to-chromium-dir> - runs tests with custom-built chromium from given local path
  • bash run.sh --chromium-url <url-to-chromium-zip> - downloads chromium from the given location and runs tests with it

Functional tests

In the tests we simulate an end-to-end FLEDGE flow, which includes joining interest groups and running ad auctions. The tests launch the latest or custom-built Chromium browser with Selenium. They serve mock servers which provide buyer's and seller's logic including the joinAdInterestGroup() and runAdAuction() API calls. These mock servers track all requests, so we could verify not just the rendered ad but also the signals passed to reportWin() and reportResult(). Here is an example:

    def setUp(self) -> None:
        options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
        self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(...)
    def test__should_show_ad_our(self):
        with MockServer(8091, '/home/usertd/src/test/resources/buyer2') as buyer_server,\
                MockServer(8092, '/home/usertd/src/test/resources/seller2') as seller_server:

            with MeasureDuration("joinAdInterestGroup"):
                self.assertDriverContainsText('body', 'joined interest group')

            with MeasureDuration("runAdAuction"):
                WebDriverWait(self.driver, 5)\
                    .until(EC.frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it((By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'iframe')))
                self.assertDriverContainsText('body', 'TC AD 1')

        report_result_signals = seller_server.get_first_request("/reportResult").get_first_json_param('signals')
        logger.info(f"reportResult() signals: {pretty_json(report_result_signals)}")
        assert_that(report_result_signals.get('browserSignals').get('renderUrl')) \

        report_win_signals = buyer_server.get_first_request("/reportWin").get_first_json_param('signals')
        logger.info(f"reportWin() signals: {pretty_json(report_win_signals)}")
        assert_that(report_win_signals.get('browserSignals').get('interestGroupOwner')) \
        assert_that(report_win_signals.get('browserSignals').get('renderUrl')) \

Performance benchmarks

We test the same generateBid() in two different environments:

function generateBid(input, nn_models_weights) {
  return nn_forward(input, nn_models_weights[0]) * nn_forward(input, nn_models_weights[1])
            * nn_forward(input, nn_models_weights[2]) * nn_forward(input, nn_models_weights[3])
            * nn_forward(input, nn_models_weights[4]);

Some motivation and implementation details were presented in this issue.

benchmark 1: tight loop with a warm-up run in V8 engine with jit

In this scenario we run node.js with js script, which calls generateBid() inside a loop including some warm-up phase. Inputs and weights are different for every iteration and generated before the test. Results are output to avoid unwanted optimizations.

function test(warmups, loops) {
    if (warmups > loops) {
        throw new Error("warmups greater than loops");
    let bids = new Array(loops);
    let inputs = new Array(loops);
    let nn_models_weights = new Array(loops);

    for (let i = 0; i < loops; i++) {
        inputs[i] = randomVector(200);
        nn_models_weights[i] = new Array(5);
        for (let model = 0; model < 5; model++) {
            nn_models_weights[i][model] = new Array(4);
            nn_models_weights[i][model][0] = randomMatrix(200, 200);
            nn_models_weights[i][model][1] = randomMatrix(100, 200);
            nn_models_weights[i][model][2] = randomMatrix(50, 100);
            nn_models_weights[i][model][3] = randomMatrix(1, 50);
    let start = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < loops; i++) {
        if (i == warmups) {
            start = new Date().getTime();
        bids[i] = generateBid(inputs[i], nn_models_weights[i]);
    let end = new Date().getTime();

    console.log("results for %d iterations: %s", loops, bids);
    console.log("time spent on 1 loop in avg: %d ms", ((end - start) / (loops - warmups)));


$ node src/test/resources/buyer4/_test.js
time spent on 1 loop in avg: 1.18 ms

benchmark 2: buyer’s js run as a bidding worklet in Chromium

In this scenario we use this testing framework to run buyer's js script in a bidding worklet (with these limitations: jitless, v8 pool size set to 1 etc.). In this instance, generateBid() is called once with hard-coded weights. In this test we use a custom-built version of chromium with a patch, which helps to measure the bidding worklet time. The following example is similar to previous functional test:

    def test__check_nn_with_static_weights_computation_time(self):
        with MockServer(9011, '/home/usertd/src/test/resources/buyer4') as buyer_server,\
                MockServer(9012, '/home/usertd/src/test/resources/seller4') as seller_server:

            self.assertDriverContainsText('body', 'joined interest group')

            WebDriverWait(self.driver, 5)\
                .until(EC.frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it((By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'iframe')))
            self.assertDriverContainsText('body', 'TC AD')

        report_result_signals = seller_server.get_first_request("/reportResult").get_first_json_param('signals')
        logger.info(f"reportResult() signals: {pretty_json(report_result_signals)}")

        report_win_signals = buyer_server.get_first_request("/reportWin").get_first_json_param('signals')
        logger.info(f"reportWin() signals: {pretty_json(report_win_signals)}")

        # to be able to measure bidding worklet time you should use custom-built version of chromium
        # with a patch like this: https://github.com/RTBHOUSE/chromium/commits/auction_timer
        if 'bid_duration' in report_result_signals.get('browserSignals'):
            bid_duration_ms = int(report_result_signals.get('browserSignals').get('bid_duration')) / 1000
            logger.info(f"generateBid took: {bid_duration_ms} ms")


$ bash run.sh --chromium-url https://github.com/RTBHOUSE/chromium/releases/download/94.0.4588.0-auction-timer/chromium.zip
INFO:/home/usertd/src/test/tests.py:generateBid took: 55.68 ms