
Highly experemental Perforce - Rally Integration

Primary LanguageRuby

A rally integration for perforce.

  gem install builder
  gem install p4ruby
  gem install rally_rest_api

Usage: [ruby] app/bin/p4rally-sync.rb [options]
    -u, --rally_username USERNAME    The Rally user name
    -p, --rally_password PASSWORD    The Rally password
    -w, --rally_workspace WORKSPACE  The Rally workspace
    -r, --rally_project PROJECT      The Rally Project
    -U, --perforce_username USERNAME The Perforce user name
    -P, --perforce_password PASSWORD The Perforce password
    -t, --perforce_port PORT         The Perforce password, e.g. perforce:1666
    -d, --update_last_sync_counter   Update last sync counter to current time and exit
    -h, --help                       Display this screen