
Promise based middleware applied to http.Server request handlers

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


install: npm i @ingress/core

A small abstraction around the http.Server class that uses promise-based middleware

import ingress, { DefaultMiddleware } from 'ingress'

const app = ingress(),
  defaultMiddleware = new DefaultMiddleware({
    onError: ({ error }) => console.log(error)

  .use((context, next) => {
    context.body = 'Hello World'
    return next()
  .then(() => console.log('Listening on port 8080'))

Ingress Core provides a DefaultMiddleware export. The middleware contsructor accepts an options argument with an onError handler which is called whenever an error occurs during a request. Additionally, setting the context.body property to one of the following types String | Buffer | Stream | Object will provide best guess headers and content length responses.

Ingress<T extends DefaultContext<T>> (options?: ServerOptions): Class

  • ServerOptions<T> Object Interface:
    • server?: http.Server
      • provide an existing http server
    • contextFactory?: <T>({ req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse}) => T
      • provide an alternate factory function for per-request context creation

webserver: http(s).Server

  • Underlying http server implementation

listen (...listenArguments): Promise<void>

  • The listen method takes the same arguments as the net.Server.prototype.listen method except it returns a promise, in lieu of accepting a callback.

use (addon: Usable<T>): Server<T>

  • Usable<T> Function & Object Interface:
    • (context: T, next: () => Promise<void>): any
    • register?(server: Server<T>): Promise<void>
      • Optionally register a server addon. The resulting promise is waited upon, and resolved before binding the server to a port after listen is called
    • middleware: Middleware<T>
      • de-referencable middleware function property

close (): Promise<void>

  • Shudown the server.

build (): Promise<void>

  • get a callback made up of all middleware, suitble for use as a server request handler

DefaultContext<T>: Object Interface

  • Implemented with: Context (BaseContext<Context>) - factory: createContext,

req: Request<T>

res: Response<T>

error: Error | null | undefined

body: String | Buffer | Stream | Object

  • Response body content

handleError?: (error?: Error) => any | any

handleResponse?: () => any

Ingress has the following exports

  • Ingress<T> (alias: Server, factory: default export)
  • Context
  • createContext
  • DefaultMiddleware<T>

Additionally, the necessary TypeScript interfaces are exposed.

Supported Middleware