- 4
- 1
LB client real_ip
#328 opened by Shesoff - 4
Authentication failed with provider[""],
#331 opened by IPangeya - 1
sbercloud terraform provider update issue
#329 opened by madbutcher82 - 1
OBS как включить WORM через tf
#330 opened by khazovkv - 0
- 0
- 0
Проблема добавления ключевой пары через терраформ
#325 opened by Mifing - 2
Проблема при разворачивании CCE Addon Autoscaler
#324 opened by xT10r - 6
sbercloud_rds_instance / The API does not exist or has not been published in the environment
#306 opened by udjin10 - 3
- 2
error getting RDS binlog retention hours: Resource not found - after update to 1.12.3
#316 opened by kuzakov - 3
Не получается инициализировать terraform
#321 opened by DY-MS - 0
- 0
Add SSL Enable option for DCS Redis
#319 opened by JV-777 - 2
CCE cluster Autoscaler addon start fail
#318 opened by oboz-online - 1
Error creating addons in CCE cluster or something wrong with terraform configuration
#313 opened by xT10r - 1
- 1
- 4
Не корректное обнаружение факта изменения Managed DNS ресурса в Terraform
#278 opened by YakovenkoArtem - 1
- 3
Problems with creating sbercloud_network_acl_rule
#311 opened by ngoral - 1
Error: Resource not found при создании dds_instance
#312 opened by ansamy - 4
sbercloud_dds_instance / The API does not exist or has not been published in the environment
#308 opened by kuzakov - 0
Security groups with terraform
#314 opened by Colin1Lincoln - 3
- 1
- 4
Problem with creating lts_group
#305 opened by zradeg - 1
Support login protect for user
#296 opened by Tearix - 6
Перевыкатили 1.12.1?
#302 opened by SergeyDjam - 0
Feature Request RDS
#310 opened by zradeg - 0
LTS Feature Request
#309 opened by zradeg - 4
Нет опции ssl_enable для DCS
#293 opened by el4v - 1
taints in cce node pool
#304 opened by OlegDyakonov - 4
auto scaling group
#292 opened by tsuk83 - 1
Authentication failed
#303 opened by sleepdan - 1
Error creating IAM user
#298 opened by oboz-online - 2
Ecs.0043 rootVolume type[GPSSD] is not exist
#295 opened by iamkpd - 0
Установка аддона NGINX Ingress Controller
#300 opened by nickbob - 1
Broken URL to 1.12.1 in opentofu registry
#299 opened by pavel-trubitsyn - 0
how to assign eip to vip via terraform?
#297 opened by pumpon - 5
Создание ресурса sbercloud_compute_instance с полем description приводит к ошибке
#282 opened by kviset - 1
cce_cluster support update enterprise_project_id
#283 opened by Tearix - 3
error creating RDS instance
#286 opened by AlexBaturo - 1
Add equivalent huaweicloud_vpc_network_acl resource and related cloud API
#288 opened by aaovchinnikov - 1
Error APIGW.0101 while creating RDS-postgres instance with extensions(plugins) block
#289 opened by JV-777 - 2
- 1
Получение данных о конкретном флейворе
#281 opened by phkrl - 2
data sbercloud_dms_kafka_flavors not supported
#279 opened by J0hnZ0idberg - 0
terraform remote backend state reading error
#280 opened by cexybebe