
The official LimeSurvey repository

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

Welcome to LimeSurvey v1.91+!

Warranty: This program is provided "as is" without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, 
including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular 
purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you. 
Should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. 
In no event will any copyright holder be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, 
incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program 
(including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained 
by you or third parties or a failure of the program to operate with any other programs).

This release does have the following requirements:

-One of these databases:  MySQL 4.1 or higher, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or higher, Postgres 8.1 or higher 
-PHP 5.x or higher with mbstring library installed. (for localizations)
Check out detailed requirements at http://docs.limesurvey.org/tiki-index.php?page=Installation

If you are doing a complete new installation please refer to the manual at

Please also have a look at the "Installation security hints" section of the online manual in order to secure your installation.

=== UPGRADING=====

We suggest to check out and hold close to the instructions, which can be found in our online manual:

HOW TO UPGRADE from earlier versions of LimeSurvey (<=1.08)
We are sorry but you can't upgrade from versions <= 1.0.8. Seriously! 
The database structure has changed that much it wouldn't be feasible.
However, you can import old survey structures from version 1.0 (when you create a new survey there is an option to do that).
Just do a new installation as described on http://docs.limesurvey.org.

HOW TO UPGRADE from LimeSurvey 1.45 or later (<=1.70)
1. Make backups of your files and database.
2. Backup your config.php.
3. Delete all old files 
4. Upload the new version to the same place.
5. Adjust the settings in config.php to the setting from the backup config.php. 
   --Do NOT just copy over the old config.php over the new one.--
6. Run the installer in /admin/install/index.php to update the database.
7. Done.

Special note for UPGRADING from 1.53 to 1.72(+)
After you upgraded please check the global user rights of each user. There was a 
new superadmin right introduced. The upgrade script is guessing who to make 
superadmin - so this is not perfect and has to be supervised by YOU. 

HOW TO UPGRADE from a LimeSurvey 1.70(+) version to the latest 1.9x
1. Make backups of your files (especially config.php and config-ldap.php)
   and database.
2. Export all your customized templates.
3. Backup your limesurvey/upload resources directory.
4. Delete all old files. 
5. Upload the new version to the same place.
6. Copy your backuped config.php file overwriting the one from the new release 
7. Have a look to the config-defaults.php file for any new parameters that 
   could suit your setup. If you need to change the default setting, copy the
   parameter lines to your config.php file and adjust their values accordingly.
8. Copy your previously backuped 'upload' directory to the new 
   limesurvey/upload directory.
9. Run the installer in /admin/install/index.php to update the database.
10. Copy back all your customized templates to /upload/templates. You might have to adjust your templates since the CSS has been changed since version 1.72x. 
    It is easier to try adapting one of the default templates to your template again instead of fixing your old template! 
11. Done.

Thank you to everyone who helped with this new release!

Changes from 1.91+ (build 12358) to 1.91+ (build 12416) Feb 7, 2012
#Updated translation: Greek by Yannis Kaskamanidis (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5734: Problem upgrading from 1.72 to 1.91+ (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5739: Wrong percentage in graphs with List with Comments question types (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5749: Wrong date conversion when using certain date formats (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5775: SQL error on translation (shnoulle)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 12170) to 1.91+ (build 12358) Feb 5, 2012
#Updated translation: German (maziminke)
-Fixed issue: Added missing information about a token being required for sending invitations. (maziminke)
-Fixed issue #5589: Error messages when user deletes himself (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5592: Wrong answer mapping for dual scale matrix in detailed admin notification email (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5648: Quota list of questions is not sorted (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5688: Quota answers not in base language (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5695: When creating a survey 'List survey publicly' defaults to Yes instead of Np (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5751: Quick translation - assignment problem with dual matrix (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5590: 1980-01-01 in printview (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5692: Google Maps do not reappear where field is has conditions (tpartner)
-Fixed issue: Fixing notice introduced with commit 12113 (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue: uploader on preview (mennodekker)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 11804) to 1.91+ (build 12170) Jan 23, 2012
#Updated translation: French (b00z00)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German Informal (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)
#Updated translation: Portuguese (Brazil) (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Russian (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Turkish by Kaya Zeren (c_schmitz)
#Updated feature: Added German translations to 1.91 sample survey. (maziminke)
+New feature: Code/QID visible in quick-translation answers/subquestions/questions for easier orientation (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5645 : Upload file question for all in one survey and Fancy URLs (shnoulle)
-Fixed issue #5628: SQL error after setting a filter in statistics and removing it again (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5649: Error message on numerical input type question not working for more than one question of this type (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5662: Clicking the 'Browse' button in statistics to browser filtered data shows all reponses (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5678: usesleft field is not created by RemoteControl in tokens table (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5643: CMS integration hack. Note: this option was removed for 2.00 (shnoulle)
-Fixed issue: Display columns layout for citronade (shnoulle)
-Fixed issue: php alert and bad deletion of file in upload file question (shnoulle)
-Fixed issue: Answers not properly added for dual scale questions when adding a new language to the survey (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Missing sorting for groups/question in quick translate (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Broken pdf export of printable survey due to incorrect filename (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue: printanswers shows json string for file upload fields (mennodekker)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 11379) to 1.91+ (build 11804) Dec 30, 2011
#Updated translation: Hungarian by GCI participant Andor Uhlár (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: French (b00z00)
#Updated translation: Czech by GCI participant Martin Jane�ek (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Indonesian 100% by Ivan Lanin (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Indonesian by Jeremy Malcolm (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Lithuanian by Roland As (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Portuguese by João Santa Comba (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Slovak (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Spanish (es) (kadejo)
#Updated translation: Turkish by GCI participant Mtmecax (c_schmitz)
#Updated translations: Backported relevant translations from the Yii version (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5587: Unable to take ranking questions on Android phone browsers (tpartner)
-Fixed issue: If SMTP sending fails due to invalid domain all following invitations in the same batch fail too if using SMTP (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 11343) to 1.91+ (build 11379) Nov 16, 2011
-Fixed issue #5580: conditions don't work when using slider with emoticons and evaluation is done on the same page (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #5570: INSERTANS does not return other comment in multiple questions with Other activated (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5574: Error in printable survey with Postgres/MSSQL (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5576: Quick-translation adds backslashes before quotes and double-quotes when magic_quotes are activated (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5578: $sitename not loaded (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Printable survey was not displaying 'Other' when other was selected as a condition (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue: Languages in language changer select box were not sorted by the current language (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Memory issue in integrity check (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: XSS injection due to improper quoting in tool tips - thanks for reporting to Joshua Tiago via Secunia Vulnerability Coordination Reward Program (SVCRP) (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 11228) to 1.91+ (build 11343) Nov 8, 2011
-Fixed issue #5126: CSV export - no new lines (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5455: INSERTANS not working in Multiple options with comments (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5508: $printanswershonorsconditions settings doesn't work - all questions are shown in Print Answers page (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5532: Problem with encoding Polish character "a" (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5536: Error when clicking "resume later" and token persistence enabled. (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5538: Further file uploads may fail after first upload processed following Next/Prev question group - patch by litotes (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5549: queXML: Yes/no and gender questions are not translated (azammitdcarf)
-Fixed issue #5557: Basic admin notification and Detailed admin notification email templates are blank after upgrade from 1.90 (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Problems on exporting tokens (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Slow export of tokens (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 11136) to 1.91+ (build 11228) Oct 20, 2011
#Updated translation: Danish by Andreas Christoffersen (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Czech (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)
-Fixed issue #5489: Survey Iteration changes value usesleft in user table to 0 instead of 1 (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #5126: CSV export - no new lines (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5323: .missing class added in answered filtered array question "Show question index / allow jumping" modality - patch by flocs (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5418: Failing check on fieldnames POST variable (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5466: "List (radio)" question displayed always as unanswered when using question index and 'Other' option (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5474: Not possible to send a token to multiple email addresses (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5491: SMTP error messages though emails are sent fine (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5494: When exporting statistics to PDF format with more than 35 entries(answers) answers are overlapping on the following page (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5495: Error when importing questions (list type) with default value set (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5508: $printanswershonorsconditions settings doesn't work - all questions are shown in Print Answers page (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5515: File uploads fail if title or comment contains apostrophe (') (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Administration user could gain access to database information reserved for Super-administrators (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 11110) to 1.91+ (build 11136)
#Updated translation: Danish by Andreas Christoffersen (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Czech (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5489: Survey Iteration changes value usesleft in user table to 0 instead of 1 (lemeur)
-Fixed issue: Administration user could gain access to database information reserved for Super-administrators (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Integrity check reporting errors with subquestions due to invalid type or group id (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 11026) to 1.91+ (build 11110)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)
-Fixed issue: Re-implemented commit 10985 ("groups of "or"ed conditions were displaying multiple times") (maziminke)
-Fied issue: Some single choice questions were missing answer codes for available answer options. Some questions using "other" text fields were missing correct IDs. (maziminke)
-Fixed issue #5476: File upload questions hidden by condition with min file upload set prevent survey submission (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #5477: Users with all rights unticked still see everyone in the system in the surveylist view (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #5483: Conditions using previous answers as rightoperand do not work when both questions are on the same page (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #5493: Conditions using previous answers (coded as @sgqa@) aren't translated when survey is imported. (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #5488: multi numeric - slider, inital value dont register (tpartner)
-Fixed issue: slider layout multinumeric can't be answered without javascript (shnoulle)
-Fixed issue: Path disclosure vulnerabilities (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Templates not editable in Chinese (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 11018) to 1.91+ (build 11026)
#Updated translation: Italian by Paride Buetti (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5426: Language chooser (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Tabs not properly displaying for subquestion/answer editing (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 10951) to 1.91+ (build 11018)
#Updated translation : French (b00z00)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German informal (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Survey Name not displaying when $showsgqacode is false. (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue: groups of "or"ed conditions were displaying multiple times. Removed additional "group by" entries in initial SQL that was causing the repeated processing of groups. (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #5426: default <option> tag redundant in language chooser (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5461: Arithmetic mean and deviation are not displayed even if showaggregateddata is set to 1- thanks to jpasquier (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5462: Survey crashes if the referrer URL contains a single quote (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5386: System still delete the user account even I cancel the deletion in confirmation box. (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5459: Conditions are not imported correctly for multiple choice questions (mennodekker)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 10859) to 1.91+ (build 10951)
#Updated translation: Croatian (idobraca)
#Updated translation: Dutch by Han Velthuis (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Dutch informal by Han Velthuis (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: French (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5401: large and huge free text max characters not respected on mouse-based paste events (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5400: QueXML export on Windows Server (IIS) (azammitdcarf)
-Fixed issue #5413: Non admin-user cannot export to SPSS or R (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5430: Docblock added. (mot3)
-Fixed issue #5430: JSON.php / Services_JSON has license inside docblock already. (mot3)
-Fixed issue #5432: Exporting responses to PDF fails when using IE (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5432: Option to export responses to PDF by participant fails when using IE (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5434: If Captcha is used and token persistence is enabled the returning participant starts at the beginning of the survey instead of the last page submitted (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5439: {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_1} is not replaced everywhere (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5443: Survey is starting on the last question group when usen token answer persistences and usesleft (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5444: Browse uploaded resources unavailable (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5445: File .htaccess include in the resources export file (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Some SMTP gates not correctly confirming email acceptance causing the SMTP send seemingly to fail while the mail was correctly sent (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 10746) to 1.91+ (build 10859)
-Fixed #5414: export to application (R) filenames are not consistent (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue: Token registration system was not checking survey settings for token length, defaulting to 15. Fixed. (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue: Incorrect class name quotation. (maziminke)
-Fixed issue #5383: Keyboard-less operation doesn't work for all input fields (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5399: Cannot add conditions after certain point in the survey (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5402: Actually hide questions in Printable Survey if they have attribute 'hidden' - patch kindly provided by ronvdburg (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5403: Actually hide questions in Print Answers if they have attribute 'hidden' - patch kindly provided by ronvdburg (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5411: Quick translation does not work if contents contains double quotes (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5425: Remove obsolete library code for tabpane (mot3)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 10695) to 1.91+ (build 10746)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German (informal) (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Norwegian Bokmal - kindly provided by Pal Monstad (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)
-Fixed issue #5189: IE Non-Secure Warnings on HTTPS survey (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5306: Google Map doesn't center on default Lat/Lon (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5392: ERROR: column "SID" of relation "lime_surveys" does not exist with posgresql (shnoulle)
-Fixed issue #5393: Error in public statistics when using Multiflex Number question type (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Quote in variable name breaks SPSS script (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 10669) to 1.91+ (build 10695)
#Updated language : French (b00z00)
-Fixed issue #5383: Keyboard-less operation doesn't work for all input fields (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5394. 2, 8 and 9 are removed from survey id in admin part (shnoulle)
-Fixed issue: Values in global settings were not properly pre-defined and thus invalid if global settings have not been saved yet (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 10647) to 1.91+ (build 10669)
-Fixed issue #5385: No response with blank page when clicking "Take ownership" by admin in account management (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5387: Layout a little too wide when editing label sets (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5389: V character not displayed (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Additional confirmation for moving surveys to a different user even if to be deleted user owns no surveys (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Disable tokens where participants opted out or their e-mail is marked as bounced when bounce processing script is used (idobraca)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 10647) to 1.91+ (build 10669)
-Fixed issue #5385: No response with blank page when clicking "Take ownership" by admin in account management (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5387: Layout a little too wide when editing label sets (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5389: V character not displayed (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Additional confirmation for moving surveys to a different user even if to be deleted user owns no surveys (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Disable tokens where participants opted out or their e-mail is marked as bounced when bounce processing script is used (idobraca)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 10629) to 1.91+ (build 10647)
#Updated translation: Arabic by Abed W. Ayyad (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Chinese Simplified by Yooyooh (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Greek (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Italian (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5376: Timestamp for login attempts was improperly formatted. Fixed. (mot3)
-Fixed issue #5377: get_magic_quotes_gpc() finally gone with PHP 6. Conditional forward-compat function fixes fatal errors. (mot3)
-Fixed issue #5381: Multiple invitations sent (idobraca)
-Fixed issue: Firstname & surname aren't used when sending invitation and reminders even if they are provided by survey administrator in token table (idobraca)
-Fixed issue: No tabs are showing when editing survey question having more than one language (idobraca)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 10604) to 1.91+ (build 10629)
-Fixed issue: sanitize_token should be used to sanitize tokens, not sanitize_xss_string (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #05156: Insert picture not possible in email templates (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #5357: Assessment rules lost on import when using MSSQL server (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5367 : Unable to import old survey with Array dual scale question ( thanks c_schmitz ) (shnoulle)
-Fixed issue #5371: File was no properly deleted/shown when submitting page and coming back later (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Optimized SMTP connections so they are re-used instead of opening one connection for each email send (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 10563) to 1.91+ (build 10604)
#Updated translation: French (b00z00)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)
-Fixed issue #5358: Adding a question - position dropdown shows subquestions, too (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5331: FCKEditor / Whitespace Indent mangeled for Email Templates. (mot3)
-Fixed issue #5356 : can not add html element in other_replace_text (shnoulle)
-Fixed issue #5300: Further optimization of bounce e-mail processing (idobraca)
-Fixed issue #5328: {SURVEYID} or {SID} replacement field missing in email templates. (mot3)
-Fixed issue #5352: Probable Regression in database update output logic (ref #5217) (mot3)
-Fixed issue #5355: UTF-8 linebreak breaking conditions editor (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5359: quota - order of question in add new answer (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5360: quota - answer id for matrix 5er (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: other_replace_text aren't filter if filterxsshtml are set (shnoulle)
-Fixed issue: Bounce processing didn't work with remainders (idobraca)
-Fixed issue: Typo in SQL command (idobraca)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 10494) to 1.91+ (build 10563)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Norwegian Bokmal kindly provided by Peter Holme (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5300: Bounce e-mail must be overriden (aniesshsethh)
-Fixed issue: exportresults was throwing an error when survey had tokens table and no token field was selected in the "attribute_select" select fields. (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #5226: Remote SQL Injection via bounce header (aniesshsethh)
-Fixed issue #5330: Arrays/Radio Group options don't show in IE7 (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5344: JavaScript placed in Question Help section does not appear in generated .HTML file (tmswhite)
-Fixed issue #5350: Exit and Clear Survey targets causes problems in iframes ( patch by wabrit) (shnoulle)
-Fixed issue #5063: Import fails on MSSQL 2008 due to startdate issues (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5342: Wrong URL in form action for group-by-group mode and using different local URLs (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5354: EDIT quota shows no form of quota name (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Security problems with file upload question type (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 10485) to 1.91+ (build 10494)                    
#Updated translation : French (b00z00)
-Fixed issue #5325: SQL-Error on Exporting QueXML using MS SQL-Server (azammitdcarf)
-Fixed issue: Error on importing a table with quotas (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Timings table issues (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 10435) to 1.91+ (build 10485)                    
#Updated translation: French (b00z00)
+New feature: New variable $iFileUploadTotalSpaceMB which sets the maximum space available to all file uploads in the particular LimeSurvey installation - defaults to unlimited (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Fixed missing quotes for SQL queries of new timing feature. Missing quotes caused Postgres to treat column name "interviewTime" as "interviewtime" (lower case) and so caused timings not to be saved (no such column error). (maziminke)
-Fixed issue: Notice: Use of undefined constant anonymized in ...replacements.php  on line 606. (maziminke)
-Fixed issue #5291: Missing placeholder for usesleft (tmswhite)
-Fixed issue #5317: templatereplace() doesn't properly handle some missing replacement values (tmswhite)
-Fixed issue #5328: {SURVEYID} or {SID} replacement field missing in all email templates (tmswhite)
-Fixed issue #5333: PHP error on public view page (tmswhite)
-Fixed issue #5327: RegExpressions are not shown in the field when editing the condition (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #5329: Undefined index: QUERY_STRING in index.php (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5334: PHP error upon sending invitations (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5337: DumpDB and SSL with "Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site" error (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: File upload question type directory traversal security issue (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Files from file upload question type were not properly removed when marking several entries in browse screen and deleting the related responses (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Several issues with the file uploader not properly showing upload errors (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Survey-related upload dir and files not removed on survey deletion (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 10377) to 1.91+ (build 10435)                    
-Fixed issue: Fixed missing quotes for SQL queries of new timing feature. Missing quotes caused Postgres to treat column name "interviewTime" as "interviewtime" (lower case) and so caused timings not to be saved (no such column error). (maziminke)
-Fixed issue: "Notice: Use of undefined constant anonymized in ...replacements.php  on line 606. (maziminke)
-Fixed issue #5097: Checking database integrity error (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue: Constant values not displaying in conditions explanation in printable survey (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #05317: templatereplace() doesn't properly handle some missing replacement values (tmswhite)
-Fixed issue #5284: Token fields don't work in admin email notification. (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5302: Error statistics.png not found when showing statistic as PDF (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5308: INSERTANS are not replaced at quota URL when importing or copying a survey (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5310: The survey doesn't appear in other languages than base language on the public survey list URL (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5311: SQL error when trying to download a file of a survey response and using Postgres DB (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5319: Question help text not displayed (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: 404 error on install (shnoulle)
-Fixed issue: Import problems with .lss files from earlier versions than 1.91 (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Updater using too much memory when downloading the update package (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 10315) to 1.91+ (build 10377)                    
#Updated translation: French (b00z00)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)
-Fixed issue #5299: Answers designed by table - first element not displayed (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5126: CSV Export - no new lines (innodev)
-Fixed issue #5296: Command line installation not working (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5301: Deleting selected tokens doesn't work (in french language) (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Clean up question code/number display (tpartner)
-Fixed issue: HTML Formattings in header of Browse toolbar (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: On editing with CKeditor the contents is wrapped in <p> (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Updater using too much memory when downloading the update package (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 10267) to 1.91+ (build 10315)                    
#Updated translation: German  (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German Informal (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Dutch (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue #5089: file upload is not localised during survey taking (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue #5240: Better handling of missing zip support (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue #5281: Multiple choice with comments - JavaScript Error (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5282: save.php error when trying to save a fileUpload field, but no file was uploaded (tmswhite)
-Fixed issue #5283: data entry screen throws error when no files have been uploaded (tmswhite)
-Fixed issue #5285: undefined variable answertext in printablesurvey.php (tmswhite)
-Fixed issue #5286: cannot save survey because no files were uploaded (tmswhite)
-Fixed issue #5217: Update function output logic - patch by mot (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5256: "no answer" is mixed up with "not shown" when using exporting and importing using VVExport/VVImport (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5275: Response timing statistics error when using MSSQL and a huge survey (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5280: Impossible to edit answers after completion (c_schmitz)
Changes from 1.91+ (build 10232) to 1.91+ (build 10267)                    
#Updated language : French (b00z00)
#Uupdated feature: Sets "equals" as the default comparison operator for conditions (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #05254: Table Height not Correct in Response View (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #05258: Boilerplate questions show up as "unaswered" in the question index. (wavexx)
-Fixed issue #5263: Other & maximum answers set in multiple choice question not behaving consistently (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5265: Error - value_isconditionnal variable on completion of survey (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5270: Assessments are not returned in any order (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5274: Not displaying error message correctly (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Commandline installer stopping (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: LimeReplacmentEditor not working in French (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5259: Datepicker localisation broken during survey taking (mennodekker)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 10202) to 1.91+ (build 10232)                    
-Fixed #5255: Missing strings in translation (c_schmitz)
-Fixed Issue #05226 : partially fixed the issue for security breach (aniesshsethh)
-Fixed bug - line 461 evaluation for resetting when newtest is "Y" was using a single = rather than a double =, thus setting the value rather than evaluating it. Fixed similar issue on line 2387. Corrected. (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #05124: Can't proceed to next page because of disable_navigator(); function. (wavexx)
-Fixed issue #05250: CKEditor minor CSS issues (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5179: Error appears in End URL with an INSERTANS entry (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5193: PHPExcel engine running out of memory - memory usage is cut by half now. (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5238: Browse responses in statistics gives SQL error (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5243: Filter statistics by number does not work (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5245: {LANG} tag not working in End-URL (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5247: Issues with uploading from the new CK editor (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5252: Importing a question (.lsq) fails to import the answers under certain circumstances (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5257: Notices when editing subquestions and survey is active (c_schmitz)
Changes from 1.91+ (build 10168) to 1.91+ (build 10202)                    
#Updated translation : French (b00z00)
#Updated translation: Chinese Simplified (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German Informal (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5230: problem translation in french (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5162: default values do not display once the survey is live if the question has conditions. Now we NULL the hidden questions answer only when the full response is submitted (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #5224: drastic performances improvement for surveys using conditionnal multiple choices questions having several answers when deletenonvalue is turned on (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #5091: Auto-translate not working consistently (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5109: group description page is showed even though description field is blank (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5119: Automatic translation of survey questions to/from norwegian fails ("unsupported languages") (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5198: array_shift warnings during invitation processing (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5200: Error when trying to send reminder email in a multilingual survey (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5201: On upgrade from 1.90 or earlier there are no basic admin notification & detailed admin templates set (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5217: Update function output logic - patch by mot (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5220: 'Other' button shown in statistics with List(Radio) questions even when 'Other' option is not activated (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5235: Actions on selected tokens don't process on IE7 (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5236: Error when listing tokens and attribute name contains a single quote (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: HTML editor and tabs not working in email templates (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: On login always the browser language is used as admin language (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Reduce number of toolbar items for minimized editor (tpartner)
Changes from 1.91+ (build 10120) to 1.91+ (build 10168)                    
#Updated translation: French (b00z00)
#Updated translation: Czech by Vladimír Braun (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: French by Frederic Villerot (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German Informal (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Icelandic by Jóhann Friðriksson (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)
+New feature: Updated FCKeditor to CKEditor (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Updated phpExcel to 1.7.6 (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5148: Export : array subquestions data are labelled as "array_name" only instead of "array_name [subquestion_code]" (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue #5181: List With Comment - Comment Required (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5202: PHP Error when looking at Question Page in template editor (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5203: </form> whithout preceding <form ...> In display tokens admin page (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5204: Action on selected tokens doesn't process (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5207: IE 7 does not allow "yes" selection in a yes/no Question type (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5210: Not the same presentation for all errors about token (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5179: Error appears in End URL with an INSERTANS entry and the survey is inactive (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5184: Unnecessary duplicate query when listing surveys - patch by TMSWhite (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5185: Text display is counted as question in welcome screen (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5188: SQL failure in printable survey when using MSSQL server (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5194: Impossible to create a new survey when interface language is set to Catalan - patch provided by jpasquier (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5196: Only owners/superadmins can edit a response (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5199: Comfortupdate fails at step 3 (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5214: Missing translations for some words in conditions editor (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5219: error - show statistic as pdf (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5222: Back-button in token overview not working properly (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Submit function firing twice (tpartner)
-Fixed issue: Weird behaving tooltips when editing a question (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.91+ (build 10089) to 1.91+ (build 10120)   
-Fixed issue #5151: Not possible to enter welcome message/end message in additional language (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5173: Survey shows "Session expired" after first survey page and with register_globals activated in the PHP configuration (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5174: Export with no tokens selected throws warning - patch by jamie0725 (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5177: Upload file question browsing responses cannot preview or download file (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5180: Errors on upgrade with MSSQL database  (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5163: Clicking on "<< Previous" in survey navigation jumped back to square one (adevries)
-Fixed issue: No "Source" button in basic editor (tpartner)                      
Changes from 1.91+ (build 10062) to 1.91+ (build 10089)                              
#Updated translation: Norwegian Nynorsk - kindly provided by Guttorm Flatabø (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation : French (b00z00)
#Updated translation: Czech - kindly provided by Vladimir Braun (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German Informal (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Hungarian - kindly provided by Balázs Zoltán (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Norwegian Bokmal - kindly provided by Pål Monstad (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4851: Translate button doesn't work in IE (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5150: Preview question; default answer not shown (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5157: Limit on 5 character in multiple answers with comments (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5159: code printing when using showprintablesurvey with radio button - patch kindly provided by mot (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5165: Export to excel exports no results but query when choosing only to export incomplete or only complete responses (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5169: Excel exports fail if special characters are present in survey title (c_schmitz)
Changes from 1.91 (build 10060) to 1.91+ (build 10062)
-Fixed issue #5158: Missing backslash in index.php gives throws a "unexpected T_STRING error" (shnoulle)

Changes from 1.91 (build 10030) to 1.91+ (build 10060)
#Updated translation: Chinese Simplified - provided by Yooyooh (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4965: Error upload file type. (IE javascript issue) Thank you fcabralpacheco for the patch (texens)
-Fixed issue #4223 - GSOC - Layout issue at warning at sending token email invitations (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #5122 - Cascade Feature not working. Thx to patch submitted by jmitchell (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #5122 - Cascade feature not working. Patch provided by jmitchell (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #5124: Can't proceed to next page because of disable_navigator(); function. (wavexx)
-Fixed issue #5134: I cannot display question number and/or code (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #5121: Can't set default answers / answer set not saved? (dionet)
-Fixed issue #5128: Survey timings table is empty and SQL error on browsing timings when using MSSQL server (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5143: Browse button missing in statistics for List (Radio) with Comments question types (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5144: Register Form (Public) contains table-row for a hidden input field only - patch kindly provided by mot (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #5145: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) issue (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Invalid HTML in "Edit text elements" display (tpartner)

Changes from 1.90 (build 9642) to 1.91 (build 10030)
+New feature #4927: added SurveyGroupQuestion identifier {SGQ} as a variable for use in questions - thanks to timbee for the patch (mennodekker)
+New feature: Added the 'showsgqacode' parameter. When this settings is true/1 (default = false/0) then the printable survey option will show a reference to the "lime_survey_12345" table which stores the survey answers.  This code will be shown in front of each question and in front of each answer option at the printable survey. It can be used as a data analysis code book for querying data from the main response table.
+New feature: 'All of the above' option automatically kick in if the participant checks all other options (set by the 'Exclusive option' setting). (parajulik)
+New feature: Group avaiable question types with screenshots (parajulik)
+New feature: #4324: Allow dropdowns for Array(flexible label) questions - patch provided by CarbonaCat
+New feature: Mail Bounce Tracking System (anishseth)
+New feature: Gives the user the ability to preview question groups. (parajulik)
+New feature: Ability to add Google Maps as a question (parajulik)
+New feature: Survey toolbar redesign (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Ability to add mass dummy tokens (parajulik)
+New feature: Token CSV-import now accepts semicolon as separator (mennodekker)
+New feature: Welcome screen can be skipped by using a setting at survey level (mennodekker)
+New feature #4588: Allow to reverse iteration order in Array (Numbers). This allows to reverse the iteration order of the generated numbers when setting "Minimum value" "Maximum value" and "Step" in "Array (Numbers)" question type. Reverse ordering can be achieved by putting a _max value lower than _min. The loop will iterate in reverse (you don't need to put a negative step value). Requested for questions where ordering could introduce bias. Patch by wavexx - Thank you!
+New feature #4652: Keyboard-less operation through JS keypad for tablet PCs or other devices without keyboard - patch provided by Yuri D'Elia (wavexx) - thank you!
+New feature #4660: New switch in survey setting where you can enable that users may enter they survey even after completion and update their answers using the invitation link and token persistence - patch by room2web 
+New feature #4650: Page color alternation and navigation delay (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Quick navigation buttons to move forward and backward between question groups and questions (adevries)
+New feature: Survey quick translation screen(adevries)
+New feature: Ability to use comma or dot as decimal separator for numeric and multiple numeric question types - - work done by Google Code-In participant Kshitij Parajuli. Thank you! (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Administration brute force detection and prevention - work done by Google Code-In participant Kshitij Parajuli. Thank you!
+New feature: Allow to restrict input to integers for Numeric question type - patch by wavexx 
+New feature: Allow to reverse year order in dropdown dates - patch by wavexx 
+New feature: Changing owner of survey. (parajulik)
+New feature: Detailed survey permissions based on a CRUD model (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Direct export to queXML PDF file (azammitdcarf)
+New feature: Emoticon slider (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Google Translate support for quick translation feature - work done by Google Code-In participant Kshitij Parajuli. Thank you! 
+New feature: In "question by question" mode, you can now go "back" from the starting element of a group - patch by wavexx 
+New feature: Login page automatically sets login language to browser language (c_schmitz)
+New feature: New option for "Number" question types named "Maximum value of the numeric input" and "Minimum value of the numeric input"  - patch by wavexx 
+New feature: Option in survey settings to hide the progress bar. (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Optional question index to easily jump between questions while taking the survey. Index also shows if a part of a survey was completely answered or not - great work & patch done by Yuri D'Elia (wavexx) (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Question attribute to reverse iteration order in Array (Numbers) question types - patch by wavexx (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Show details about LimeSurvey installation before starting the db upgrade - work done by Google Code-In participant Little Bird 
+New feature: Support for the "maximum_chars" attribute to the array/numbers question type, when using the text input layout. (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Spread sheet type row and colum totals for Array Multi text (numbers only) (eric_t_cruiser)
+New feature: Switching SSL on and off  (eric_t_cruiser)
+New feature #4069: Differentiate String comparizon and numerical comparizon operators. By default numerical order is now assume. Old surveys that were using string comparizons must be updated. The stringcomparizonoperators parameter must be set to 1 in config.php in order to enable these string comparizons. (lemeur)
+New feature #4661 : add some placeholder : {SURVEYLANG}, {SURVEYFORMAT}, {SURVEYCONTACT} (shnoulle)
#Updated feature #4426: Separation of survey settings - survey settings and editing of survey text elements are now separated to two different icons because users had problems to find the text elemens - patch kindly provided by CarbonaCat (c_schmitz)
#Updated feature: Easier handling for passthru values (to pass URL values from incoming to outgoing link) - patch by orvil
#Updated feature: Converted tabs in label sets, survey text elements and question groups to use jQuery UI - work done by Google Code-In participant Kshitij Parajuli. Thank you! (c_schmitz)
#Updated Feature: the switch for "List survey publicly" moved from "Presentation and Navigation" to "Publication & access control" (wahrendorff)
#Updated feature: Enable token-based response persistence: silent save when "Resume later" is clicked (eric_t_cruiser)
#Updated feature: Direct export to queXML PDF file (azammitdcarf)
#Updated feature: Summary information about opt-out in token table summary, and sortable email status column in "display tokens" view (adevries)
-Deleted feature: business_grey template (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.87+ (build 8518) to 1.90+ (build 9561) Legend: # updated feature, - bug fix 
+New feature: CSS class names for question/answer cells so you can better style the look and feel of the overview. (maziminke)
+New feature: Very basic HTTPS support (c_schmitz) - allows dynamic switching between https and http
+New feature: Irish Translation - kindly contributed by Karin Whooley, National Centre for Technology in Education, Dublin (c_schmitz)
+New feature: actually, minor beautification - displays name of quota as header when adding new 'answers' (jcleeland)
+New feature: Show number of tokens and response rate for surveys using tokens. (maziminke)
+New feature: Layout improvements to make distingushing quotas a bit easier, messagebox class for add-answer, and new option to make adding multiple answers to a quota simpler (jcleeland)
+New feature: Default values can now be set in a different dialog. Language dependant default values for the option 'Other' now possible (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Multiple label sets can be exported/imported now as one file. (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Non-standard design templates now reside in the /upload/templates dir. Makes backup of user generated content easier since it is all in one place and also allows to set stricter permissions on the standard /templates dir (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Show number of tokens and response rate for surveys using tokens. (maziminke)
+New feature: Support for native MSSQL 2005+ adodb driver - patch by c-pucci (c_schmitz)
+New feature: When browsing responses you can mark now several responses for deletion and delete all with a single click (c_schmitz)
+New feature #4272: Disable scrollwheel in listboxes/dropdownboxes to prevent accidental scrolling - patch kindly provided by 'jas' (lemeur)
+New feature: Database-based sessions for load balanced servers which can be activated by a new configuration settings (see config-defaults.php) (c_schmitz)
+New feature: While creating a survey you can now copy an existing one (machaven)
+New feature: Completely reworked XML-based import/export format for questions/groups/surveys/label sets (cschmitz)
+New feature: Label sets are no longer connected to questions - they are merely templates for subquestions or answers (cschmitz)
+New feature: New concept of sub-questions was introduced (cschmitz)
+New feature: Completely new AJAX interface for editing answers/subquestion including the ability to quick-add/replace from label sets or by pasting from Excel or CSV (cschmitz)
+New feature: Integrity check now checks and removes invalid survey permissions automatically (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Integrity check now checks for orphaned survey language settings (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Multiple checkbox selection in template rights screen, so you can choose all templates or no templates with one click (jcleeland)
+New feature #2613: Added question attribute "numbers_only" to question type "Array Multi Flexible Text" - actually, it's adding attribute "Text inputs" to the array (numbers) question type, so that it presents a text input box rather than a dropdown. Note, if selected, overrides minimum value, maximum value and step. (jcleeland)
+New feature: Input-boxes for array (numbers) question type (jcleeland)
+New feature: When filtering for text questions you can use now % and * as wildcards and use OR and ',' as separators matching vor multiple values at the same time - patch by ecaron (c_schmitz)
+New feature: If the maximum character question attribute is set then the print view is properly adjusted (mdekker)
+New feature: Question divs now have ID with schema 'question<qestion_id>' so you can style questions in print view individually (c_schmitz)
+New feature: When copying a question, LimeSurvey now displays the newly created (copied) question after saving (jcleeland)
+New feature: Delete multiple token entries using select boxes (jcleeland)
+New feature: Usability enhancements to response browsing (cschmitz)
+New feature: Use @@SURVEYURL@@ in invitation/reminder emails to be able to use it inside an <a href > link (cschmitz)
+New feature: Opt-out feature for invitations/reminder emails (cschmitz)
+New feature: Question attributes for the time_limit feature - disable previous button while timer counts down, 2nd warning message, insert your own countdown text. Also re-ordered display of time limit group in advanced settings. (jcleeland)
+New feature: Survey count for each users is shown in the user administration (c_schmitz)
+New feature: {INSERTANS:xxx} placeholders are now available in confirmation email for surveys with non-anonymous answers. (lemeur)
+New translation: Hindi (abhinav1, smartbehl)
#Updated feature: the {TOKEN} replacement field is now available in confirmation email. (lemeur)
#Updated feature: Dropped support for importing questions/question groups/survey from any PHPSurveyor/LimeSurvey version older than 1.50 (DBversion 114) (c_schmitz)
#Updated feature: Changed the class for the {QUESTIONHELP} element to "survey-question-help" in all templates (differentiates it from the {QUESTION_HELP} element) (tpartner)
#Updated translation: Dutch (nl) and Dutch informal (nl-informal), thanks to Marcel Ausma (gandalfar)
#Updated translation: Dutch (nl), thanks to Fred Dekkers and Han Velthuis (gandalfar)
#Updated translation: Dutch informal (nl-informal), thanks to Fred Dekkers and Han Velthuis (gandalfar)
#Updated translation: Finnish (thanks Tapio Nurminen) (gandalfar)
#Updated translation: French (b00z00)
#Updated translation: Portuguese (thanks to Rui Gouveia) (gandalfar)
#Updated translation: Slovenian (gandalfar)
#Updated translation: Bulgarian (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)
-Fixed issue #4028: PostgreSQL syntax errors while upgrading from 1.80 to 1.87 (gandalfar) 
-Fixed issue #4245: CSS class "questionhelp" used for two different elements (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #4287: Long question text overlaps itself when editing question (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #4302: Navigating between pages may change already saved answers (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #4295: SPSS export of labels for dual scale questions is incorrect (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue #4304: IE has problems with downloads over HTTPS (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue #4281: Fixing a bug which can hang the Webserver when the survey is activated with an empty group. The activation empty-group check wasn't working on all surveys. (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #4175: Adding support for some additional dateformats (texens)
-Fixed issue #4176: Array filter does not know how to handle 'other' field (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #4256: Having too many timer questions completely kills the session - new cookies.js allows for the use of "sub" cookies meaning all LS timer cookies are in one single cookie (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #4277: Conditions don't work when combining data from token attributes and survey questions using scenerios (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3908: DB dump file not quite in standard MySQL (harsha_mora)
-Fixed issue #4155: Question Code is missing at Template Preview (harsha_mora)
-Fixed issue #4234: Results are overwritten in very specific circumstances (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #4242: Unable to send group e-mails in Google Chrome (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4260: Language question switch to Chinese not working (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4143: applied user patch to fix broken multipage surveys activated via lsrc (wahrendorff)
-Fixed issue #4249 Disable icons depending on directory permission. (anishseth)
-Fixed issue #4250: applied a user patch to insertPaticipants with an apostroph (wahrendorff)
-Fixed issue #4254: The user needs to delete or rename the installation directory after installation. (anishseth)
-Fixed issue #4288: Quotes in SPSS export variable labels cause errors (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue #4283: (anishseth)
-Fixed issue: Modified Array (MultiFlexi) Numbers in statistics to work properly (harsha_mora)
-Fixed issue: Actual quota scores are not shown in overview (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Cookie URL causing session problems with root dir installations (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Integrity check for orphaned groups not working (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Missing Portuguese language file for calendar (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Using blanks in label sets codes breaks the Multi Flexi question saving (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Wrong numbers were taken from DB to calculate the percentage of completed tokens at the list survey overview. (maziminke)

Changes from  1.87+ (build 8498) to 1.87+ (build 8518)- Legend: # updated feature, - bug fix 
#Updated feature: performance gain in both the participant and administrator interface by caching question attributes (saving loads of db queries) (mennodekker)
#Updated translation: Croatian (idobraca)
#Updated translation: French (b00z00)
-Fixed issue #04220: Header at Template Permissions for User is not in normal LimeSurvey style (tpartner)
-Fixed Issue #04180: Add group to a survey. (texens)
-Fixed Issue #04180: Add group to a survey. (texens)
-Fixed issue #4209: Install failed populating database when using the mssql or mssql_n driver (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4214:Adding/importing email addresses with apostrophes to Token lists (harsha_mora)
-Fixed issue #4217: SQL Error when adding a language to a multilingual survey in Postgres on Linux (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4206: Array (Multi Flexible) Numbers not working correctly (harsha_mora)
-Fixed issue #4206:Array (Multi Flexible) (Numbers) - Not working correctly (harsha_mora)
-Fixed unreported issue: When downloading R/SPSS export files in Opera they would be saved as *.html files (c_schmitz)

Changes from  1.87+ (build 8472) to 1.87+ (build 8498)- Legend: # updated feature, - bug fix 
#Updated translation: Catalan - sponsored by LimeService (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)
-Fixed issue #3303: "Error updating - Query was empty" when editing survey settings - again (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4142: RemoteControl: Reminder email "from" field isn't set properly - thank you to Dave Wolff (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4157: Exporting results fails at dual scale question when using MS SQL Server (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #4160: Certain answers/subquestions are doubled in dataentry when using more than one language (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4192: Problem saving partially finished survey for the second time in MSSQL server (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4195: RTL language aligment problem in bluengrey template (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4199: Cookie path not set (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue 04188: Edit Response - Data Entry - Not working Dev corrected filling values automatically for Array (MultiFlexible)(Numbers) type questions (harsha_mora)
-Fixed the issue for Date type questions 04188 (harsha_mora)

Changes from  1.87+ (build 8453) to 1.87+ (build 8472)- Legend: # updated feature, - bug fix 
#Updated translation: French (b00z00)
-Fixed unreported bug: Added help text relating to array_filter attributes, also added help text relating to multi-numerical sum value attributes (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #4165: Javascript is shown in group description (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4178: When date question is used the email notification does not relay the correct date when in 'All-in-one' mode (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4182: Survey listing - incorrect sorting  - fix by wrenchpilot - thank you! (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4183: Notices at Printable Survey if there are no answers/label set set for a question (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4174: applied survey defined date format to expiry date print out for Survey print view (eric_t_cruiser)

Changes from  1.87+ (build 8429) to 1.87+ (build 8453) - Legend: # updated feature, - bug fix 
#Updated feature: the html editor was updated from FCKeditor 2.6.5 to FCKeditor 2.6.6 (lemeur)
#Updated translation: Chinese (Simpified), thanks to yooyooh from shanghai (gandalfar)
#Updated translation: Croatian (idobraca)
#Updated translation: French (b00z00)
#Updated translation: Japanase (thanks to Hisashi Nomoto) (gandalfar)
#Updated translation: Catalan - sponsored by LimeService (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)
-Fixed issue 04109: Slider description has incorrectly position, when moving slider from right to left  (tpartner)
-Fixed issue 04151: {END}-Tag isn't available at Template Preview for Printable Survey Page (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #04154: Array filter not working on Array Flexible (Text) (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #4126: in Chrome, fckeditor adds a nbsp; element to empty text inputs (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #4136: Multilingual question/group import fails on MSSQL server (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4156: ComfortUpgrade not working because the directories /locale/ms and /locale/ms/LC_MESSAGES are not found - for solutions with earlier versions please visit http://bugs.limesurvey.org/view.php?id=4156 (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4164: When using keyboard navigation the checkboxes are checked in Multiple options Question and Multiple options with comments question types (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Entering invalid float in multiple numeric question is causing the survey to exit (c_schmitz)

Changes from  1.87+ (build 6406) to 1.87+ (build 8429) - Legend: # updated feature, - bug fix 
+New language: Malay (thanks to Kardina Kamaruddin) (gandalfar)
#Updated feature: Usability: In login and user language selection the select box is ordered now by the native language. In other language list boxes the native language won't be shown anymore. (c_schmitz)
#Updated language: Croatian (idobraca)
#Updated language: French (b00z00)
#Updated language: Italian (thanks to Cristina Fiorentini ) (gandalfar)
#Updated language: Portuguese, thanks to Rui Gouveia and Marco Mendonça (gandalfar)
#Updated language: Spanish (es) (kadejo)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German Informal (c_schmitz)
-Fix issue 04117: Check for old table layouts (tpartner)
-Fix issue 04141: Class breakbefore not defined in default-css  (tpartner)
-Fix issue 04150: Basic template is missing IE8 css branching (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #4108: Notice at Question Preview at a Slider Question (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #4140: Unable to export Stats in PDF when using a free text answer (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4144: vvimport.php producing infinite loop (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4125: Text when quota reached in wrong language (idobraca)

Changes from  1.87+ (build 8374) to 1.87+ (build 8406) - Legend: # updated feature, - bug fix 
#Updated translation: Croatian (idobraca)
#Updated translation: Slovenian (gandalfar)
#Updated translation: Danish by Robin Sharp
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German Informal (c_schmitz)
#Updated feature: Better message for password reset request (idobraca)
-Fixed unreported issue: 'View statistic' translation on index.php (idobraca)
-Fixed unreported issue: Resolved typo in statistics_function.php (idobraca)
-Fixed unreported issue: Update of typo in group management (idobraca)
-Fixed unreported issue: Removed showing of label set ID (idobraca)
-Fixed issue #4117: Check for old table layouts (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #2828: Missing feedback in UI after save when using the 'Resume later' option (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3844: Timer-not resetting after survey completion (idobraca)
-Fixed issue #4039: "Exit and clear survey" not really removing the incomplete response (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4070: With non-latin character languages the statistics & result export shows HTML entities for questions/answers (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4113: Unwanted lines in confirmation emails (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4118: End message is not printed (idobraca)
-Fixed issue #4123: data entry >= constant value conditions not showing correctly  (idobraca)
-Fixed issue #4127: Upgrade to 1.87+ shows error on MSSQL DB (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4131: If download of the update package in the ComfortUpdate failed the version number is still updated (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4135: Time for token "Valid From/To" setting is not adjusted according to time difference set in global settings (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4125: Text when quota reached in wrong language (idobraca)
-Fixed issue #4129: Undefined variable: addsummary  (idobraca)
-Fixed issue #4110: Email Status can't be set via RemoteControl (wahrendorff)
-Fixed issue #4116: emailSender does not include full survey URL (wahrendorff)

Changes from 1.87+ (build 8366) to 1.87+ (build 8374) - Legend: # updated feature, - bug fix 
+New Feature: New option to compute stats for each question based only on the total number of responses for which the question was displayed. (lemeur)
+New Feature: New option to generate statistics in any language supported by the survey. (lemeur)
-Fixed a serious issue in save answer introduced in patch 8361 (lemeur)
-Fixed unreported issue: Obsolete question_start.pstpl still editable in template editor even if it does not exist (c_schmitz)
-Fixed unreported issue: Javascript error on some pages while typing in a other field for single choice question (lemeur)

Changes from 1.87+ (build 8338) to 1.87+ (build 8366) - Legend: # updated feature, - bug fix 
#Update of Croatian language file (idobraca)
#Updated Feature #04097: small UI update, when clicking the conditions icon on the question toolbar, the condition editor is now open in edit mode, and not in view mode (lemeur)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #04103: Layout problem at Quotas Screen with small browser windows   (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #04107: html and W3C errors on survey page (with solutions) (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #04100: mandatory alert popup for Other-comment not filled-in displays the word 'Other' even if a customized othertext was choosen for the question (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #4087: Unable to reorder questions/groups with arrows in IE (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4091: Quota messages aren't escaped properly (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4096: Allow - + _ in domain part of email addresses. (harsha_mora)
-Fixed issue #4038: Empty fields were counted as 'No answer' in statistics even if set that only completed records should be counted (c_schmitz)
-Fixed unreported issue: deletenonvalue isn't working for array questions using array_filter/array_filter_exclude options. (lemeur)
-Fixed (partly) issue #4093: quota overview messed up. (maziminke)
-Fixed bug #4092: Quota name is shown as link but not clickable  (maziminke)
-Fixed bug #4090: notice when setting quotas (maziminke)

Changes from 1.87+ (build 8310) to 1.87+ (build 8338) - Legend: # updated feature, - bug fix 
#Updated translation: French (b00z00)
#Updated translation: Greek by Penny Labropoulou (c_schmitz)
-Fix issue 04051: Full screen HTML editor is not full screen      (tpartner)
-Fix issue 04064: bluengrey-Template: Line breaks are missing at public survey page    (tpartner)
-Fix issue 04084: Multiple numerical display error   (tpartner)
-Fixed #4077: smtp is default method for email, regardless of setting in config.php or config-defaults.php (mennodekker)
-Fixed unreported issue: print_img_radio.png and print_img_checkbox.png are required support files for templates, but were not being copied if they didn't exist (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #4048: corrected token import with invalid email addresses (harsha_mora)
-Fixed issue #4059: Changing order of answer options does not work in IE (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue (unreported) - preview of questions using 'array filter' or 'array filter exclusion' were displaying error messages (jcleeland)
-Fixed unreported issue: Dataentry misformatted (c_schmitz)
-Fixed unreported issue: Deprecated notice in dataentry (c_schmitz)
-Fixed unreported issue: Response detail view not looking right (c_schmitz)
-Fixed unreported issue: Syntax error in postgres update script (wahrendorff)
-Fixed unreported issue: a bug prevented creation of token tables under certain circumstances, when using sInsertParticipants (wahrendorff)
-Fixed unreported issue: minor wsdl "validity" errors. (wahrendorff)
-Fixed unreported issue: subject of password remainder email wasn't translated (idobraca)

Changes from 1.87+ (build 8279) to 1.87+ (build 8310) - Legend: # updated feature, - bug fix 
#Updated translation: Croatian language (idobraca)
#Updated translation: Slovenian translation (gandalfar)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German Informal (c_schmitz)
-Fix issue 04053: Little Layout problem, when template import fails     (tpartner)
-Fixed #4044: "To" and "subject" header in emails are inserted twice (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue #4047: Mandatory date question can be skipped if survey is inactive (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4052: Token access code truncated in MSSQL 2005 (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4055: Conditions do not survive import/export when Dual-Scale question is used a condition source (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #4057: List DropDown question's answer resets to default value when user gets back to the page where it is displayed (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #4066: Error when adding/editing assessments (c_schmitz)
-Fixed several HTML errors (mennodekker)

Changes from 1.87+ (build 8243) to 1.87+ (build 8279) - Legend: # updated feature, - bug fix 
+New feature: Added radio(list) to array_filter and array_filter_exclude (jcleeland)
#Updated feature #4020: Show fullname and assigned rights in survey security settings overview (mennodekker)
#Update translation: Croatian (idobraca)
#Updated translation: Finnish by Tapio Nurminen 
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German Informal (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Norwegian bokmal by Pal Monstad (
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)
#Updated translation: Slovenian (gandalfar)
-Fixed issue #4053: Little Layout problem, when template import fails     (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #3734: Notice "Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated" when running statistics (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3994: When importing a survey with an unknown template, question preview is mixed up (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue #4036: exclude_all_others question attribute design changed  (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4036: exclude_all_others question attribute design changed (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4041: Unable to filter statistics by date range (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4045: Questions with only numeric answercodes export to string in SPSS (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue #4050: Problem with Array (flexible labels) dual scale in data entry mode using a multi language labelset (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue: Error on MSSQL when creating a survey (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Group ordering icon does not show up with normal users (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Template for 'Completed'-page not being editable (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: the other-textinput isn't displayed when using Question preview for Dropdown list questions (lemeur)

Changes from 1.87+ (build 8227) to 1.87+ (build 8242) - Legend: # updated feature, - bug fix
#Updates translation: Croatian language file (idobraca)
#Updates translation: Slovenian translation (gandalfar)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German Informal (c_schmitz)
#Updated Feature: small change to the release notes filename. This shorter filename will will ease the release process. (lemeur)
-Fixed issue: If question attributes were set to invalid (but working) True/False values they will be converted to 1/0 now on upgrade from a 1.86 or earlier. (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.87 (build 8214) to 1.87+ (build 8227) - Legend: # updated feature, - bug fix
#Updated translation:  Croatian (idobraca)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German Informal (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Romanian by Bogdan State (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Thai - sponsored by LimeService (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)
-Fixed issue #4026: Date Format Problems (PHP) - settings set in config.php were not properly used as a first default for the global settings dialog (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4031: When choosing to never check for updates it is always checked. (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4032: Export of question group structure fails using MSSQL Db server (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue (unreported): Values in global settings are sanitized better now. (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.87RC5 (build 8151) [29-11-2009] to 1.87 (build 8214) - Legend: # updated feature, - bug fix
#Updated translation: Croatian (idobraca)
#Updated translation: Chinese Traditional (Hong Kong) by Mark Yeung http://www.pstudy.net 
#Updated translation: French (b00z00)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German Informal (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Romanian by Stefaniu Criste 
#Updated translation: Spanish (es) (kadejo)
#Updated translation: Thai sponsored by LimeService 
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)
-Fixed issue #4002: LimeReplacementfield window: no scrollbar or tooltips available    (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #4011: Notice after changing admin user rights for a survey is not centered     (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #4022: Some notices at the admin panel are not centered     (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #4023: Use Full name instead of User/Login name at sender name     (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #3727: Valid from and Valid until dates on tokens do not control access when user had already an open session on the token (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4017: Open source SPSS alternative PSPP has issues with syntax (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue #4016: error with slider-max value displayed in slider when setting slider accuracy (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3835: Javascript code embedded in question text is displayed at condition editor in question list  (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3872: now the other keyword if forbidden in answer and label codes. (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3940: PHP error when running a a survey with conditions based on Tokens but no token table exists. (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3968: Arabic text in statistics graphs did not display correctly (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3980: Notices at viewing token information via browse responses (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3981: Tokens screen - some fields are too small when editing (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3983: Unable to show some template pages for editing when using Croatian or French as admin language (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3984: Admin registration email subject untranslated (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3985: Untranslated text in statistics (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3987: Upgrade now showing start and endtime (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3989: Javascript code in (Excel) export (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3990: Javascript code visible in LimeReplacementFields window (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3993: After updating using the ComfortUpdate the message 'Update available ...' remains in the upper right (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4000: Some untranslated strings (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4001: Deleting a label set under some old browser does not work (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4005: Number of active and deactivated surveys is not correctly displayed (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4008: No warning when invitations are to be sent for an inactive survey (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4009: List of failed tokens isn't displayed (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #4015: SQL-error when updating label set code using MSSQL server db (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: DB is not properly updating in ComfortUpdate due to missing /install dir (c_schmitz)
-Fixed unreported issue: missing </td> (mennodekker)
-Fixed unreported issue: duplicate label code isn't checked in the new label input box (lemeur)
-Fixed unreported issue: issue when a survey doesn't display any question due to conditions (based on tokens). (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #4006: Possible inaccurate data when exporting to R (mennodekker)

Changes from 1.87RC4 (build 8002) [29-11-2009] to 1.87RC5 (build 8151) - Legend: # updated feature, - bug fix
+New feature: Multiple choice questions: When using excludeAllOthers feature in connection with RandomizeAnswers the excludeAllOthers option stays on its predefined position now (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Start/Expiry is now date and time (previously only date) (c_schmitz)
#Updated feature: SPSS export now configurable for SPSS version - patch by Menno Dekker (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Croatian (idobraca)
#Updated translation: Norwegian Bokmål (reidarok)
#Updated translation: Czech by Vladimír Braun (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Dutch by Fred Dekkers & Han Velthuis (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Dutch by Fred Dekkers (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Dutch Informal by Han Velthuis (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: French (b00z00)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German Informal (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Slovakian (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Spanish (es) (kadejo)
#Updated translation: Thai - sponsored by LimeService (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3695: Text export no longer truncated for SPSS version 16 and up. (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue #3832: Updated admin template editor to allow functional editing of 1.86 templates. (eric_t_cruiser)
-Fixed issue #3879: Embedded javacript is shown in admin notification emails (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3880: Error at wrong admin input for "Reminder count" (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3882: Templating problems with some question type in RTL languages (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3889: When exporting result data from a Dual Scale question on MSSQL it gives an error (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3890: Restoring a token table fails in MSSQL (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3893: Tab layout issue when creating a group in multilingual surveys (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3896: Evaluation of migrating to jQuery progressbar     (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #3896: Evaluation of migrating to jQuery progressbar  (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #3896: Evaluation of migrating to jQuery progressbar (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #3903: "show advanced settings" in question edit mode shows bad alginments  (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #3905: display columns doesnt work  (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #3906: Gender and Yes/No with wrong alignment  (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #3910: $maxselectlength might not have been initialized (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #3914: Email button appearing in token list even though there is no email address (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3915: Error in statistics  (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #3916: Unable to test Question type: Ranking at Question Preview (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #3919: Email batch size can be set to 0 (c_schmitz)
-fixed issue #3921: Notice at generating tokens (maziminke)
-Fixed issue #3922: Little layout issue at deleting a survey  (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3923: Little layout issue at List Survey (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3924: Notices & warnings during runtime and statistics when using a language question (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3925: IE8: Extra space in admin panel   (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #3925: IE8: Extra space in admin panel (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #3926: Save button in admin panel not fully readable in IE (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3927: Timer - survey breaks when moving to previous question, and previous question has expired timer with action 2 (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #3928: Confirmation email to multiple admins? (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #3929: Incorrect new line in SPSS export version info breaks unicode (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue #3930: Double include for config.php (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue #3932: Start & expiry date pickers partly obscured in survey settings (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3933: error with slider show min and show max (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3935: Charset problem in emails causing problems in Lotus notes (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3936: Export: Underscore added at the end of every variable name when selecting "convert spaces to underscores"  (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3938: Conditioned question does not appear after using the 'Previous' button (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3941: Error in parameter function gT (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3943: Text in template editor not translated (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3944 & #3942: Some untranslated text strings (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3946: Missing files reported in webserver error log (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3961: Captcha at Public registration isn't working (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3962: PDF of printable answers fails (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3965: Browsing responses might fail at multilingual surveys (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3967: Tokens are now exported with BOM in the beginning to make Excel open it properly in UTF-8 (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3972: In statistics when clicking the button to open the list of text answers given two windows are opened (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3973: Statistics fails on Multi Flexi question type on MSSQL DB (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3974: Workaround code is displayed in PDF of Print Answers (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3975: Error at recovering existing token table (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Integrity check is not working due to a simple typo (lemeur)
-Fixed issue: Registration confirmation wasn't properly using the right template path (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.87RC3 (build 7996) to 1.87RC4 (build 8002) [29-11-2009] - Legend: # updated feature, - bug fix
#Updated translation: French (b00z00)
#Updated translation: Portuguese Brazilian by Yoshitake 
-Fixed issue #3913: Clean installation failing with error message "Error getting tokens" (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Json_decode error for PHP versions < 5.2 (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.87RC2 (build 7886) to 1.87RC3 (build 7996) [27-11-2009] - Legend: + new feature, # updated feature, - bug fix
+New feature: Array_filter_exclude cascade functionality. If question 3 is excluding answers based on question 2, and question 2 is excluding answers based on question 1, then question 3 will also exclude answers based on question 1. (jcleeland)
+New feature: Added file permission checks on the ComfortUpdate updater (c_schmitz)
+New feature: When using the ComfortUpdate updater the changelog will be shown for the range you are updating (c_schmitz)
#Updated Feature: Token export now adds the attribute description in the header, next to the attribute_x fieldname (lemeur)
#Updated translation: Croatian (idobraca)
#Updated translation: French (b00z00)
#Updated translation: Dutch Informal by Han Velthuis 
#Updated translation: Dutch by Han Velthuis 
#Updated translation: Finnish by Tapio Nurminen <tapio dot nurminen at tietokannat dot fi> 
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German Informal (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Norwegian Bokmål. By Reidar Øksnevad <reidar dot oksnevad at freecode dot no> 
#Updated translation: Portuguese Brazilian by Yoshitake <yoshitake at pucsp dot br> 
#Updated translation: Slovakian by Pavel Cerny  <pcerny at gmail dot com>
#Updated translation: Spanish (kadejo)
#Updated translation: Galician(calidonia)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)
#Updated translation: Simplified Chinese (yooyooh)
-Fixed #3851: Layout Problem at Email Templates (lemeur)
-Fixed #3855: Exporting tokens fails when having additional attributes. (lemeur)
-Fixed #3870: issue with mod_auth_cas where mod_auth_cas is tampering with the  parameter. (lemeur)
-Fixed #3872: minor notices at survey activation in some cases (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #03858: Bug in new feature - wasn't checking for existence of string before evaluating string (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #03875: Integritycheck: some strings are not ready to be translated (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #03875: Integritycheck: some strings are not ready to be translated - changed translations to full sentences with placeholders (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #3754: Notices at generating charts at statistics (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3800: When using INSERTANS to insert a date the related date format from survey settings for that language is not used (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3848: Configured default language of a user doesn't get used (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3849: Field "Reminder sent?" is missing at edit tokens view (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3850: Layout issue at creating additional token fields (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3853: "Print answers" fails when using tokens (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3854: Invitations are send even if a token is not valid yet/anymore (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3882: Templating problems with List Radio Question type in RTL languages (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue - various bugs in or caused by new feature including overwriting of saved responses with exclude_filter, and stray printing of characters with array_increasesamedecrease question type. (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue: Saving email settings is not working (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Security vulnerability when using the mysqli driver (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Semantic differential right text in array question not showing up (c_schmitz)
-Fixed unreported bug: import token from CSV always return a error message because it doesn't count total imported tokens. (lemeur)
-Fixed unreported issue: the condition editor displays duplicated conditions for multi-lingual surveys. (lemeur)

Changes from 1.87RC1 (build 7886) to 1.87RC2 (build 7922) [18-11-2009] - Legend: + new feature, # update feature, - bug fix
#Updated feature: Removed settings available in global settings from config.php - added $debug setting to config.php, added new database types and explanations to config.php (c_schmitz)
#Updated feature: Statistics dialogue was reworked (c_schmitz)
#Update of Croatian language (idobraca)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Spanish (es) (kadejo)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)
+New feature - array_filter now works for multiple option questions (jcleeland)
+New feature - array_filter_exclude - hides options based on answers to previous question. Works in opposite way to array_include (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #3483: the forgot password screen is limitted in username and email length making it impossible to retrieve passwords for users with very long email addresses (thanks to Taliesen)
-Fixed issue #3852: Bug during update - wrong slash in update.php 
-Fixed issue #3831: When adding HTML tag at text questions the survey crashes (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #03840: Error when using time control (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #03841: Settings does not appear (timer text messages not appearing) - was more a bug with the entire textarea modification to the question attributes handling. Now solved. (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #3833: Warning during a fresh install (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3834: Date questions always are displayed as Drop Down Questions (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3835: Javascript code embedded in question text is displayed at condition editor in question list (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3836: Problem with mandatory date question (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3837: Date questions at Statistics: some parts are differently aligned  (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3839: Text not translated in token attribute field configuration (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue 3843 "No default value set for token length" for MS SQL and Postgres (maziminke)
-Fixed issue 3843 "No default value set for token length" when creating a new survey. (maziminke)
+New feature: Emailmethod now configurable in global settings (c_schmitz)
+New feature: SMTP debug mode which can be switched on in global settings (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.86 (build 7689) to 1.87RC1 (build 7886) [13-11-2009] - Legend: + new feature, # update feature, - bug fix
+New feature #3292 and #2857: slider min and max can now be displayed below the slider (using the slider_showminmax question attribute). Slider Left and Right text can be displayed before and after the slider (using the slider_separator question attribute and using specific answers format). (lemeur)
+New feature: Reworked question attributes -  they are shown as a form now and in fieldsets 
+New feature #3758: Possibility to define a favicon for a template (el-matador-69)
+New feature: Reworked Saved responses and added table sorting capabilities (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Token length can now be set for each survey (maziminke)
+New feature: CSS to differentiate alternate rows by background colour and to highlight row when mouse is hovering over it in admin/styles/default/adminstyle.css (eric_t_cruiser)
+New feature: New ID to table, <thead> and <tbody> tags to improve accessibility and rendering (eric_t_cruiser)
+New feature #2359: On token import you can configure which fields are used for the duplicate check (c_schmitz)
+New feature #3367: Browse buttons in statistics for comments in Multiple Options with comment question type (patch by rocknrole) (c_schmitz)
+New feature #3467 and #2712: All token fields are now exported - on export you can specify certain filters now (c_schmitz)
+New feature #3555: Question attribute to hide a question - patch by flohack (c_schmitz)
+New feature #3686: Option to ignore duplicate label sets on import thus being able to copy existing label sets (c_schmitz)
+New feature #3724: Link to public statistics on home page survey list (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Optimized error handling on token import (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Separate on-top template RTL CSS file is now automatically included when a RTL language is used. New TAG {TEMPLATECSS} takes care of this and template.css (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Survey list is now sortable and Survey ID is shown as additional column (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Global settings dialog for most common settings from config-defaults.php
#Updated feature #2935: In Slider questions, you can make the slider cursor start at the middle position without setting the initial value of the answer (if the question is mandatory, the participant will the have to slide the cursor in order to proceed) (lemeur)
#Updated feature #3488: improvement in condition designer, the code is now displayed before the question text (usability improvement kindly provided by mdekker) (lemeur)
#Updated feature #3612: improve client-side performance while evaluating conditions on the same page (lemeur)
#Updated feature #3738: Update FCKEditor to v2.6.5 (lemeur)
#Updated feature #3799: Assure that there is always a submit button even if the last group has no questions (in group per page mode). See the new show_empty_group_if_the_last_group_is_hidden parameter in config-defaults.php (patch kindly provided by ronvdburg) (lemeur)
#Updated feature: In the LimeSurvey answer saving engine, the answer of a question that is hidden due to conditions is now recorded in DB as NULL instead of an empty string. (lemeur)
#Updated feature: Better handling of group description hiding in all-in-one surveys when all questions in the group are hidden by conditions. (lemeur)
#Updated translation: French (b00z00)
#Updated translation: Spanish (es) (kadejo)
#Updated translation: Croatian (idobraca)
#Updated translation: Galician by Carlos Neira Cortizas (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Lithuanian - sponsored by Silberauto.ee & LimeService.com (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Simplified Chinese (yooyooh)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)
-Fixed issue #3805: Assignment of class attributes to <td> tags in dual-scale questions   (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #3821: Question Attribute "Column" isn't working   (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #3823: Layout problem after importing a question    (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #3825: List (radio) by columns not behaving    (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #3572: Statistics not equal to Pie Charts. (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3735: In printable survey the multiflexi numerical is not translatable (Patch kindly provided by mdekker). (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3739: Wrong order of conditionnal answers in Editor display (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3742: Scenario number displayed as Default if only one scenario is used (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3763: Double Tooltip at Condition Designer (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3785: No possibility to set other field as condition for 'List Flexible Labels Dropdown' and 'List Flexible Labels (Radio)' questions (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3818: Copy conditions function doesn't differentiate between upper and lower case. (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #2713: SPSS export of data is in a strange order (mdekker) 
-Fixed issue #3718: Question preview differs in design from survey at runtime (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3719: Little usability problem with automatic generated answer codes (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3720: Repeated answer header design being different to normal header in bluengrey and default template (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3747: Font size of suffix is too large in bluengrey-template  (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3750: Captchas don't work anymore due to changed session handling (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3753: Notice at VV-Import, if option "Import as not finalized answers?" is set at import (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3761: Template 'default': font size too large for some question types (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3784: Can't create survey if expiry date is set (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #3795: Encoding problem at Question List of Condition Editor. (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3798: importing conditions based on Token fields fails. (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3806: do_array_flexible - Repeating header no answer produce one column too much (patch by beatjoerg) (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3807: Evaluation of 'Not equal' conditions is different in Group by group mode. When the condition is Q1 is not 'Answer2', when no answer is given to Q1, the group title was displayed, but not the question. (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3826: Progress bar text is not translated  (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3827: Javascript code shown in question name at question dropdown list (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3829: Error on survey submission when using assessments and a dual scale question type (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3812: Layout issue at Up & Down Arrows  (tpartner)
-Fixed issue #3791: preview question is broken in latest development version (eric_t_cruiser)
-Fixed issue on Postgres update (c_schmitz)
-Fixed unreported issue: When deleting a template the template rights were not removed (c_schmitz)
-Fixed unreported issue: integrity check may be broken when specific conditions are used (conditions on token values). (lemeur)
-Fixed unreported issue: 'Not Equals -NoAnswer-' condition doesn't work in all-in-one surveys (lemeur)
-Fixed unreported issue: incorrect message at template import (lemeur)
-Fixed issue 03772: made the various elements of the question wrapping <DIV> available to question.pstpl if desired. (eric_t_cruiser)
-Fixed issue 03772: updated question.pstpl for all templates to include wrapping div previously supplied by LS system and the contents of question_start.pstpl. Removed redundant question_start.pstpl from all templates. (eric_t_cruiser)
-Fixed issue 03791: Made keywords work in question preview. (eric_t_cruiser)
-Fixed issue #03778: New lastpage property breaks SPSS export (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue #3772. Allowed all template keywords from question_start.pstpl to be used in question.pstpl (eric_t_cruiser)
-Fixed issue #3796: Slider Problem in IE - patch kindly provided by tpartner - THX! (el-matador-69)
-Fixed issue #3809: added missing asterisk css part at template.css for clear_logo template - THX to jelo! (el-matador-69)
-Fixed issue 03736: Removed extra <form> open tags from user template permission form in admin/userrighthandling.php. (eric_t_cruiser)
-Fixed issue minor error while checking for SoapClient Class (wahrendorff)

Changes from 1.85+ (build 7689) to 1.86 (build 7697) [28-09-2009] - Legend: + new feature, # update feature, - bug fix
-Fixed issue #3640: Mandatory question is not working on ranking type (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3729: Survey startlanguage not being recorded accurately (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)
#Updated translation: Simplified Chinese (yooyooh)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.85+ (build 7660) to 1.85+ (build 7689) [28-09-2009] - Legend: + new feature, # update feature, - bug fix
#Updated translation: Croatian and Italian language (idobraca)
#Updated translation: French. (b00z00)
#Updated translation: Dutch by Fred Dekkers. (jaycburton)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #03687: LDAP import of names with apostrophes fails. Patch kindly provided by sradman. (lemeur)
-Fixed #03699: disapearing '\' in conditions values (constant or regexp) when PHP magic_quotes are turned on. (lemeur)
-Fixed #03700: bug in the condition editor, cannot test for empty values. (lemeur)
-Fixed issue (unreported): Removed duplicate tip on question with comments (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue (unreported): Start & expiry date were not respecting set time differences (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Problems to edit certain pages in template editor when admin language is not English (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.85+ (build 7636) to 1.85+ (build 7660) [21-09-2009] - Legend: + new feature, # update feature, - bug fix
#Updated translation: Dutch by Menno Dekker. (jaycburton)
#Updated translation: Finnish by Tapio Nurminen. (jaycburton)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Lithuanian by Piotras Cimmperman. (jaycburton)
#Updated translation: Swedish (maxz)
#Updated translation: French. (b00z00)
#Updated translation: Croatian and Italian language (idobraca)
-Fixed #03687: LDAP import of names with apostrophes fails. Patch kindly provided by sradman. (lemeur)
-Fixed #03699: disapearing '\' in conditions values (constant or regexp) when PHP magic_quotes are turned on. (lemeur)
-Fixed #03700: bug in the condition editor, cannot test for empty values. (lemeur)
-Fixed #3408: Question type F (array flexible labels) not shown right in printable survey if answer is empty (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3667: Multibyte data saved as question marks even when collation correct in database (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3680: Improve CSRF security alert to let users know what might cause the error (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3685: Notice when captchas are activated in index.php (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue (unreported): Removed duplicate tip on question with comments (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.85+ (build 7591) to 1.85+ (build 7636) [15-09-2009] - Legend: + new feature, # update feature, - bug fix
#Updated translation: Estonian by Hando Riisikamp (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: IT by Giuseppe De Marco. (jaycburton)
#Updated translation: IT-Formal by Giuseppe De Marco. (jaycburton)
#Updated feature: Question attribute "hide_tip" now available for question type N (numerical input), bugtracker ticket 3635. (maziminke)
-Fixed #03663: SurveyID INSERTANS in ExitUrl (both link and url description) isn't converted to new ID (lemeur)
-Fixed another SQL errors while importing surveys with INSERTANS tags and magic_quotes on. (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #03529: END URL - thanks janokary (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #03645: Ranking question show popup when $showpopus = 0; (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #03660: Token import accepts invalid characters in the token value (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #03674: Slider having value "0" is shown as "no answer" when using SGQA at a following question (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3596: IE8 crashing on filtered multi flexi text array due to malformed HTML - thank you Microsoft for having wasted several hours of my life with your badly-coded browser (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3618: Can't load temporary saved survey on MSSQL (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3637: Per default the form tag will now try to disable auto-completion on surveys - this makes sense where people are using the same PC and browser to fill out surveys. (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3643: Superadmin cannot VVExport surveys owned by others (thanks to ITEd) (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3651: Date question behaving erratic on inactive survey when going forward and back. Fixed date question unable to handle very old dates before 1970 (on Windows) and 1901 on Linux (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3655: Reordering groups & questions does not work under certain conditions (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3658: Import fails with SQL error when magic_quotes is activated on the server (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3672: Error message after last 5 point array message (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.85+ (build 7548) to 1.85+ (build 7591) [08-09-2009] - Legend: + new feature, # update feature, - bug fix
#Update of Croatian language (idobraca)
#Updated Language: French. (b00z00)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German Informal (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #03542: ORed conditions based on multiple choices questions options are not correctly evaluated in 'question by question' surveys and sometimes in 'group by group' surveys (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3575: On dataentry screen answers are duplicated if survey has multiple languages (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3596: Array_filter attribute not working correctly  when used with a Multiflexi array question  (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3610: Question preview not identical to the survey because question CSS class was missing (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue (unreported): Error Message when using Huge free text question type (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue 03600: it's possible to delete a token without a warning (pressing the red cross). You should include a security hint: Are you sure to delte this token? (paraya)
-Fixed issue: Removed obsolete PHP4 limit on import which breaks on very big survey structure data fields (c_schmitz)
-fixed #3641: general style error at all print templates ==> corrected hevetica to helvetica (el-matador-69)
-fixed #3644: missing '>' in statistic_user.php leaded to ugly results in all IE Browsers (el-matador-69)

Changes from 1.85+ (build 7524) to 1.85+ (build 7548) [31-08-2009] - Legend: + new feature, # update feature, - bug fix
#Updated translation: French (b00z00)
#Updated translation: Polish (elisa-ls)
#Updated translation: Dutch Informal by Gert Mensing. (jaycburton)
#Updated translation: Dutch by Menno Dekker (jaycburton)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German Informal (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Russian by Alexander Matrunich. (jaycburton)
#Updated translation: Slovenian by Tomi Zurej. (jaycburton)
#Updated translation: Swedish (maxz)
-Fixed issue #3394: Drop down datefield behaving strange when repeatedly submitted and a mandatory block occurs (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3586: Added alt tags on text input boxes for improved accessibility (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3588: User with survey right 'Browse responses' can delete/modify saved answers (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3596: Array_filter attribute not working correctly  when used with a Multiflexi array question (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3602: Valid from and Valid until fields in tokens don't accept different time than 0:00 (c_schmitz)

Changes from 1.85+ (build 7454) to 1.85+ (build 7523) [24-08-2009] - Legend: + new feature, # update feature, - bug fix
#Updated translation: Croatian (idobraca)
#Updated translation: French (b00z00)
#Updated Language: French. (b00z00)
#Updated language: Greek (el). By Yiannos Katsirintakis. (kadejo)
#Updated language: Spanish (es) (kadejo)
#Updated language: Chinese Simplified (yooyooh)
#Updated translation: Sinhalese kindly provided by Chinthaka Jayasundara, Kasun Wickramasuriya and Sachini Shakila (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Swedish (maxz)
-Fixed issue #3573: xhtml does not validate because of missing space in qanda.php (el-matador-69)
-Fixed issue #3574: Apostrophe (single quote) in free text crashes the survey when magic quotes are off (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3584: MS SQL Error when trying to export results to application (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3487: NULL database values for start/expiry dates are not exported correctly (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3590: Quota cannot be imported or exported (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #3389: Respondents can re-start survey (using tokens) after terminating via quota conditions (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3460: Apostrophes in additional attributes of token table errors on edit (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3472: Import of JavaScript with "\n" in strings converts "\n" to real newlines (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3550: Multiple options with comments missing browse buttons in statistics (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3568: Files with hyphens in their name cannot be deleted (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3580: Start/end date prevent the preview of a survey even if it is not active yet (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue (unreported) where deleting survey did not delete related quota information. (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue (unreported) when importing a really old PHPSurvey survey (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue (unreported) html warning "unresolved </strong>" in viewanswers. Removed offending item. (jcleeland)

Changes from 1.85+ (build 7393) to 1.85+ (build 7454) [12-08-2009] - Legend: + new feature, # update feature, - bug fix
+New feature (minor) Added id to registration form "Continue" button to allow for DOM access (jcleeland)
#Updated translation: French (b00z00)
#Updated translation: Slovak by Marek Haller. (jaycburton)
#Updated translation: Chinese Simplified (yooyooh)
#Updated feature: when adding a label set in the languages listbox appears the session language by defect instead of English (paraya)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
-Fixed an issue with preg_match and conditions (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3557: Saved answers get deleted across survey when the result id is matching (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Automatic code counting for labels now working (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: HTML validating correctly now on survey creation (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Survey data getting lost during survey creation when survey title is not set  (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: When creating a group and the group title was forgotten then the data was lost (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: When creating a question and the question code was forgotten then the data was lost (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3533: When not answering a mandatory question in All-in-one survey mode and using captchas you are getting the captcha page again (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3548: Question attribute page_break cannot be used on all question types (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue #3491: CAPTCHA - verification not found when rewrite is activated (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3536: SPSS export incorrectly exports numerical only labelsets as alpha fields (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue #3545: MSSQL error when trying to view public statistics for a survey. (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3546: Re-editing an assessment with embedded Flash object causes the Flash object to break (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3458: Translation problem when you print answers (paraya)
-Fixed issue #3517: When adding new questions they can't be added at the beginning (paraya)
-Fixed issue #3444: fields in reminder will not be replaced (wahrendorff)
-Fixed issue #3493: removeBOM is undefined (wahrendorff)

Changes from 1.85+ (build 7337) to 1.85+ (build 7393) [03-08-2009] - Legend: + new feature, # update feature, - bug fix

#Updated translation: Croatian. (idobraca)
#Updated translation: Czech by Vladimir Braun. (jaycburton)
#Updated translation: Italian. (idobraca)
#Updated translation: French. (b00z00)
#Updated translation: Polish(elisa-ls)
#Updated translation: Slovak by Marek Hallér. (jaycburton)
#Updated translation: Spanish (es) (kadejo)
+New feature: CSS class for cells within array (flexible label) question type. This way cells within the table can have a background color assigned using CSS. (maziminke)
-Fixed bug #03459: Using a "lower than" > character as code within label set leads to a save error in the end user survey form (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue # 03514: Font size of suffix is too large in template bluengrey (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3436: Corrupted progress box with RTL languages in mint_idea template - patch by kabapy (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3439: Javascript is disabled on saving an assessment (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3445: Disabling going to previous q: does not work if back button used in browser - idea by chrizzler (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3446: Create indexes on tokens (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3452: LimeSurvey and PHP 5.3 (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3468: Error while exporting survey structure on MSSQL server (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3507: Results for Array (flexible labels) show HTML when viewing a single answer (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3510: A group made only of conditional questions will fail to show in Internet Explorer with some templates (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3513: Dual Scale Matrix: Radio Buttons not centered at Question Preview  (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3515: Label set assessment values are not exported correctly (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3518: Can't import conditions based on token:attributtes (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3519: Graph legends are not visible well on IE6 (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3526: Unable to use tokens with hyphens in (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3527: Due to SQL bad syntax, survey can not be activated at all under PostgreSQL (any version). Tested on PostgreSQL and MySQL. (kadejo)
-Fixed issue in several templates that could prevent the Question-Help to be displayed correctly (lemeur)
-Fixed issue: Notice if there are not 'Other' files in template editor (c_schmitz)
-Fixed wording in conditions editor incorrectly reporting 'Inexistant Token table' for conditions based on tokens (lemeur)
-Fixed bug #3505: "INSERTANS not working when referring to Array (flexible labels) questions". (maziminke)

Changes from 1.85+ (build 7253) to 1.85+ (build 7337) [20-07-2009] - Legend: + new feature, # update feature, - bug fix

#Updated translation: Croatian and Italian language (idobraca)
#Updated translation: French. (b00z00)
#Updated translation: Formal Italian by Jay C. Burton. (jaycburton)
#Updated translation: Dutch by Menno Dekker. (jaycburton)
#Updated translation: Greek by Manolis Stamatogiannakis. (jaycburton)
#Updated translation: Italian-Formal by livio. (jaycburton)
#Updated translation: Albanian translation updates by Gjergi Sheldija. (jaycburton)
#Updated translation: Polish update (elisa-ls)
#Updated translation: Some translation improvements by Dimitris Zacharopoulos. (jaycburton)
#Updated translation: Translation updates by Mark Yeung. (jaycburton)

-Fixed "an attribute value specification must be an attribute value literal unless SHORTTAG YES is specified" HTML error message. (maziminke)
-Fixed #3485: Datepicker translation doesn't work (mennodekker)
-Fixed bug #03478: Reminder contraint settings not used after first email batch (jcleeland)
-Fixed bug #03479: At creating a token it's not possible to enter a token start or an token end date (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #03451: a survey with an empty questions-group can be activated which can hang the server at runtime (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3471: Data from radio lists with alphanumeric labels is incorrectly exported to R and SPSS (mennodekker)
-fixed Issue: importQuestion did not import the question. (wahrendorff)
-fixed: Sherpa Template - Limited textarea width to 90%. Before it was set to 99% which partly broke the layout. (maziminke)

Changes from 1.85+ (build 7191) to 1.85+ (build 7253) [08-07-2009] - Legend: + new feature, # update feature, - bug fix

#Updated feature: FCKeditor updated to release in order to fix several serious security issues. (lemeur)
#Updated feature: UTF-8 BOMs on token import are now filtered (c_schmitz)

#Update of Croatian and Italian language (idobraca)
#Updated language: spanish (es) (kadejo)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: German informal (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Polish update (elisa-ls)

-Fixed #03426: unable to activate a survey as a NON-Superadmin over lsrc (wahrendorff)
-Fixed #3410: Notice at SPSS and R Export cause empty export (mennodekker)
-Fixed an issue in the conditions copy screen for multi-languages surveys: questions where displayed several times (lemeur)
-Fixed an issue with conditions where group descriptions could be displayed in all-in-one surveys even if all questions are hidden (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3421: On date questions the calender view only starts with 1999. The dropdown_year_max and dropdown_year_min attributes are used for the popup calendar as well (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3427: Problem viewing text answers in stats screen (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3433: CSS class questionhelp (for question tip) is enclosed between escaped double quotes in the clear_logo template (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Added .js to allowed file upload types (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Missing CSS include when using the slider layout and so making the slider layout not working at all (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Template preview for printable survey (c_schmitz)
-Fixed numerous issues with alert messages (min answers, max answers, mandatory other comment) not displayed when the question text is on several lines (lemeur)
-Fixed: Problems with gT function on a non-object fixed (wahrendorff)

Changes from 1.85+ (build 7162) to 1.85+ (build 7191) [29-06-2009] - Legend: + new feature, # update feature, - bug fix

+New feature: In SPSS and R export all token fields are exported on a non-anonymous survey (mennodekker)

#Updated translation: French. (b00z00)
#Updated translation: Polish translation update (elisa-ls)

-Fixed #3303: "Error updating - Query was empty" when editing survey settings (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #3391: Google Chrome misplaces content in admin interface (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #3391: Google Chrome misplaces table in result detail screen (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #3396: Updated Release Notes (PHP 5.x is required) (el-matador-69)
-Fixed #3410: Notice at SPSS and R Export cause empty export (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue #3393: group may remain hidden in all-in-one surveys even if one or more question of the group are not conditionnal. (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3395: year_max attribute doesn't work (mennodekker)
-Fixed issue #3398: Template editor complains about missing files (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3402: Conditional questions disappear when navigating to a new group and back (list dropdown questions). (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3403: Conditional questions disappear when validation failed (list dropdown questions). (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3405: {TOTAL} always displays a sum of 0 (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3407: Umlauts in public statistic are not properly shown on some browsers (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3412: Expand/Reduce buttons in admin panel at survey-level don't work (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3414: Indent alignment of lines after the first line in radio list questions (c_schmitz)
-Fixed a PHP 5.0 incompatibility with some questions types (c_schmitz)
-Partial Fix for issue #02984: Ability to define level of variable (ordinal) now also available in R export. (mennodekker)

Changes from 1.85 stable (build 7115) to 1.85+ (build 7162) - Legend: + new feature, # update feature, - bug fix

#Updated translation: Croatian and Italian language (idobraca)
#Updated translation: spanish (es) (kadejo)
#Updated translation: German (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Chinease Simplified - Help Files encoding with utf8 (yooyooh)
#Updated translation: Chinease Simplified - Updated Language Files (yooyooh)
#Updated translation: Minor updates to the Hungarian language file by Gergely Kutenics. (jaycburton)
#Updated translation: Polish translation update (elisa-ls)

#Updated Feature Statistics: statistics can now be send to a pdf File in addition to browser (wahrendorff)
#Updated Feature: tcpdf class updated to (wahrendorff)
#Updated: lsrc test survey.csv file (wahrendorff)

-Fixed #3360: Typo in config-defaults.php (el-matador-69)
-Fixed #3366: Show other responses open a popup with the admin page (mennodekker)
-Fixed #3371: in all-in-one survey, groups may remain hidden even if some questions of the group should be displayed (due to conditions). (lemeur)
-Fixed #3385: PHP Error when creating new survey with single quotes (c_schmitz)
-Fixed Issue: Lsrc was not able to import the questions of a survey anymore (wahrendorff)
-Fixed bug: jason's stupid forgotten dbversion update (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #3336: Layout problem with lists in question text and question help text (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3338: Assessments: LimeReplaceMent-Field display issue (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3342: Escaping problem at user group description (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3349: Printable Survey: Layout problem at "Type Q - Multiple Short Text"  (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3352: Start date doesn't work if it is set to today's date (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3353: Translated "Other"-field is too long and is placed over input field  (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3355: Checkbox for "Other" option is missing at Printable-version  (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3356: Update database on mssql fails (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3362: Broken conditions after importing whole group or survey using single checkboxes as source of conditions (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3365: Can not set survey quotas with MSSQL Server (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3369: trying to export to queXML doesn't work (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3370: Assessment calculation is wrong with multiple choice questions having the same answer code (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3372: dropdown dates can't be validated  (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3373: multiple options with commentary and multiple short text doesn't work in IE7 in all templates but default (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3384: Assessments: LimeReplaceMent-Field does not work when editting an existing assesment text (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3386: JS-Error with LimeReplacement-Field at Assessments (lemeur)
-Fixed issue: error notice when activating a survey on mssql showing under certain conditions (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: the {PERC}  tag is now displayed in the LimeReplacementField select box for assessment texts (lemeur)

Changes from 1.82 to 1.85 stable (build 7115)
+New Feature: Experimental CAS Client (wahrendorff)
+New Feature: Now it is possible to select whole groups in statistics with one click. (wahrendorff)
+New feature: Define level of variable to make SPSS export easier Fixed bug #02984 (mennodekker)
+New feature: Survey list in administration toolbar now groups surveys by "active", "expired" and "inactive" - moves expired surveys out of list of current active. (jcleeland)
+New feature: buttons to adjust the preview size for templates according to some standard web screen sizes (jcleeland)
+New feature: templates system automatically generates required css and js files if they don't exist in a directory (jcleeland)
+New feature: Definable date format for each survey language (c_schmitz)
+New feature: New setting for statistics charts to set font and font size config.php.  If set to auto the best possible font for a language is chosen. Also RTL languages are now properly reversed for chart display (c_schmitz)
+New feature: User-definable dateformat & separate user profile screen for administration users (c_schmitz)
#Updated feature #03013: Group titles don't disappear when hiding all questions in a group. This can be switched off in config.php by the new '' parameter. (lemeur)
#Updated feature: List survey publicly now activated by default when creating a new survey (c_schmitz)
+New feature: new question attribute other_comment_mandatory for multiple options with comment questions. This fixes partly issue #2882. (lemeur)
+New feature: Tabs can be inserted now in template editing area (c_schmitz)
+New feature:  caching for graphs in public and non-public statistics - speeds up statistics creation times up to 95% when using graphs (c_schmitz)
+New feature #2917: Limesurvey does now remember which language was edited after button action in design of multilingual survey (c_schmitz)
+New feature #2999: Suppress mandatory & validation popups - patch provided by bdg (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Major overhaul of the template editor (c_schmitz)
+New feature: Various database drivers (mysqli, odbtp, mssql_n) added to supported DB drivers (c_schmitz)
#Removed feature: Removed templates blue_heaven, bubblegum, edgyblue, phpsurveyor, softgreencurves - these are available now in the file repository on http://www.limesurvey.org (c_schmitz)
#Updated feature: removed indiscriminate stripping of <BR> tags from qtitle in qanda.php. Added recursive stripping of <BR> tags from the END of qtitle in qanda.php (eric_t_cruiser)
+New Feature: Dynamic token attributes (adding/naming multiple token attributes), the token table can be managed before survey activation.
+New Feature: Conditions can be based on token attributes (lemeur)
+New Feature: the condition editor GUI helps using a previous answer as target of a condition (no more need to know the SGQA code for this) (lemeur)
+New Feature: #2923: Individual validity time for a token (c_schmitz)
+New Feature: array_filter for ranking questions (jcleeland)
+New Feature #2531: Possibility to set a "Default" at Array (Multi Flexible) (jcleeland)
+New Feature: #02995: Quota Termination should have programmable URL, option for auto-redirect, and editable text (jcleeland)
+New Feature: Importing Token form LDAP is now compliant with the new multiple-token-attributes features. (lemeur)
+New Feature: New parameter to make the standard templates read-only - if a user wants to edit a template a copy has to be created (c_schmitz)
+New feature: ANDed conditions for type M and P questions (lemeur)
+New Feature: #3055: Passing parameters in End URL (email address from survey, {INSERTANS:1234X56X78}, {PASSTHRULABEL} and {PASSTHRUVALUE} codes which will be replaced by values passed in the initial survey query url as ?passthru=AWORD&AWORD=1234 (jcleeland)
+New Feature: #2986: template.js is now added to templates
+New Feature: When exporting codes, convert "Y" to "1" now allows selecting what y is converted to. (jcleeland)
+New Feature: When exporting codes, can now convert "N" in Yes/No question type to "2" (or any other character) (jcleeland)
+New Feature: When exporting codes, can now convert "Y" in Yes/No question type to "1" (or any other character) (jcleeland)
+New Feature: #03012: Multiple short text question needs text_input_width attribute (jcleeland)
+New Feature: Template import (c_schmitz)
+New Feature: Deleting a template is now possible (c_schmitz)
+New Feature in lsrc: sGetFieldmap, gets the fieldmap from a survey as csv from the lsrc (wahrendorff)
#Updated Feature: token import from LDAP now accept mixed-case attribute names in config-ldap.php. (lemeur)
#Updated default/template.css to convert highly breakable css for multiple-text,, multiple-numeric and multiple-options-with-comment to much more robust CSS2, 'display:table' styling (doesn't work in IE6 or IE7 but works fine in IE8) moved all original breakable CSS to IE conditional CSS files. (tested FF IE6,IE7, IE8: default, basic, bluengrey, blue_heaven, bubblegum, business_grey, clear_logo, edgyblue, eirenicon, limespired, mint_idea, phpsurveyor, sherpa, softgreencurves ). (eric_t_cruiser)
#Updated Feature: Named worksheet in exported xls like surveytitle (wahrendorff)
#Updated Feature: Questions Codes can now be shown in the printlayout({QUESTION_CODE}), Conditons refer to -number, -code and questiontext. Easier Sentence structure for notes on Conditions for easier translations. (wahrendorff)
#Updated Feature:  printlayout, Question code is shown in addion to the question number. Conditional Notes refer to Number, Code and questiontext for full identification possibilities. (wahrendorff)
+New feature: Email address in surveylist is now 'encoded' (c_schmitz)
+New feature:Persistent connections for better performance (default: off) (c_schmitz)
+New feature: checks if the template have a print_survey.pstpl, if not, use the default template for print output (wahrendorff)
+Numerous bug fixes

Changes from 1.81 to 1.82 (build 6757) [2009/04/29] - Legend: + new feature, # update feature, - bug fix

+New Feature: Invalid email list after upload from CSV or LDAP - patch by bdg (c_schmitz)
+New Feature: in remotecontrol (lsrc), sGetFieldmap, gets the fieldmap from a survey as csv from the lsrc. (wahrendorff)
+New Feature: Quota provides quick csv summary export (jcleeland)
+New Feature: Quota summary highlights unfinished quota entries (jcleeland)
+New Feature: Quotas now shows total completed (jcleeland)
+New feature in group order - detects faulty group_order numbering and fixes before displaying groups (jcleeland)
+New language translation: Sinhalese translation by Janaka Padukka (c_schmitz)
#Updated Language: Czech (macduy)
#Updated Language: Hungarian - kindly provided by Miklós Kriván (c_schmitz)
#Updated Language: Polish - kindly provided by Ela Lesinska (elisa) (c_schmitz)
#Updated language: German & German (informal) (c_schmitz)
#Updated language: German translation (c_schmitz)
#Updated translation: Turkish by A. Murad BAYRAM (c_schmitz)
#Updated remotecontrol (lsrc): #03060: sInsertParticipants, Token parameter added in order to provide a token to a dataset. If no token is provided, a unique one will be generated. (wahrendorff)
#Updated remotecontrol (lsrc): sCreateSurvey, Parameter for the endtext added, be caucious when using this function and updating lsrc or Limesurvey. (wahrendorff)
#Updated remotecontrol (lsrc): added Endtext to sCreateSurvey in testclient (wahrendorff)
#Updated remotecontrol (lsrc):  improved docs, removed obsolete global $dbprefix (wahrendorff)
#Updated remotecontrol (lsrc): survey templates (wahrendorff)
#Updated Feature: issue #3006: Small change to make graphs more comprehensible - patch and idea by Ptigrouick (c_schmitz)
#Updated Feature: "Filter incomplete answers", "enable"/"disable" has always been confusing for users (jcleeland)
#Updated Feature: You can now choose to browse records, statistics or export using filter by incomplete records as well as complete records, or all records (jcleeland)
-Fixed #2354: Database error with MSSQL when editing users with a non-super admin. (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #3052: Notice at adding a user group (lemeur)
-Fixed #3058: Only created 32768 tokens automatically - massive speedup for token generation - generates 50,000 tokens in 2 minutes now on a decent server (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #3071: Setting slider minimum caused slider to break (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #03078: possible security vulnerability in Lsrc fixed (wahrendorff)
-Fixed issue : lsrc, wrong where condition for setting the endtext, (wahrendorff)
-Fixed issue: lsrc, fixed misunderstanding of java dateobjects delivered to sActivateSurvey (wahrendorff)
-Fixed issue #3053: User Statistics not displayed properly (wahrendorff)
-Fixed issue: lsrc, sInsertParticipants now working like expected and documented (wahrendorff)
-Fixed issue: lsrc, sInsertParticipants was not generating tokens after last changes. (wahrendorff)
-Fixed LimeReplacementFields not working for the End-Message. (lemeur)
-Fixed a bug where a survey admin could move a question to another group in an activated survey: this is not supported by LS1 (lemeur)
-Fixed bug unquoted sql in assessments code see http://www.limesurvey.org/component/option,com_fireboard/Itemid,105/func,view/catid,1/id,26424/lang,en/ (jcleeland)
-Fixed bug: spss requires period and new line after variable and before CACHE. command (jcleeland)
-Fixed bug: {URL} replace was causing error message (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #2872: Survey overview page having no title (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3039: Many notices in token/assessments screen with Postgres DB (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3044: Slider_default does not display (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3065: No Answer condition won't work. (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #37: List (Flexible Labels) (Dropdown) Other option was not saved (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue when trying to save after editing question on activated survey (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue where negative values for multi-fley question types weren't allowed (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue where survey URL did not appear when description being empty (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue with duplicated columns when browsing multiple Array Multi Flexible questions in results (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue with error when using multiple Multi-flexi text questions and printing answers by participiant (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue with fatal error on viewing a single repsonse when using multiple Array Multi Flexible questions (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue with standard end text not appearing when end text is empty (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Edited label set could not be saved in Postgres (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Import of question types was dumbed down due to version restriction (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Notices when exporting to CSV file (c_schmitz)
-Fixed upload image not working for assessments. (lemeur)
-Fixed Issue unknown: changed mysql_escape_string to db_quote... now hopefully working for all db types... (wahrendorff)
-Fixed issue #2332: VVimport fails with MSSQL DB (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3025: On MS SQL Server editing template rights does not list any templates (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3042: Assessments don't work correctly with multiple choice questions (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue with MSSQL installation not creating admin user properly (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue with repeating headings aligned wrong on dual scale question (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue: Small change to the RemoteControl test client to ensure notices are not thrown (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3035: Automatic loading of end URL does not work (c_schmitz)
-Fixed Other-Comment field not displayed in the participant's print-answers window after submission when using a multiple choice question with comments and Other enabled (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3005: No < index in Conditionhandling (wahrendorff)
-Fixed issue in printablesurvey.php - needed global $rootdir (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue: The getgrouplistlang() function now will display contents of html tags if the entry would otherwise be empty. (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue: browse single record when incomplete entry was broken from changes to filterincomplete (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue: minor bugs with new quota features fixed (jcleeland)
-Fixed issue #3004: 'Other/OtherComment' option does not appear for multiple choice with comments in the printable version. (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #3029: Error message on submission with assessments when using questions with label sets (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #3030: Notice at Assessments when trying to add an assessment and no groups exist in a survey (c_schmitz)
-Fixed wrong native description for Bosnian language (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue with pg: Syntax error in install script (wahrendorff)
-Fixed issue with pg: wrong concat chars on upgrade (wahrendorff)
-Fixed issue #3021 (SQL error at public statistics using MS SQL database) (maziminke)
-Fixed: changed donation link to new general donation link: donate.limesurvey.org (el-matador-69)

Changes from 1.80 to 1.81 [2009/04/10] - Legend: + new feature, # update feature, - bug fix

+New feature #2841: Multilingual assessments - feature kindly sponsored by 'Western Norway Research Institute' (c_schmitz)
+New feature #2858: End text / thank you text in last page - feature kindly sponsored by 'Western Norway Research Institute' (c_schmitz)
+New feature #2858: Language-specific end URL - feature kindly sponsored by 'Western Norway Research Institute' (c_schmitz)
+New Feature sSendEmail added (wahrendorff)
+New Feature: $max_columns to config-defaults.php. (eric_t_cruiser)
+New Feature: (minor) Added survey title to browse menu bar heading (jcleeland)
+New Feature: Added list question types ("L", "O" and "!") to quota feature (jcleeland)
+New Feature: Data entry improvement - when adding question attributes, screen returns to form (jcleeland)
+New Feature: default variable $export4lsrc for the lsrc export (wahrendorff)
+New Feature: Move group order directly in addition to just up and dn (like you can with question order) (jcleeland)
+New Feature: New question attributes for multiple numerical questions - max_num_value_sgqa, min_num_value_sgqa and num_value_equels_sgqa - use previous question/answer as values using SGQA identifier (jcleeland)
+New Feature: One time passwords. The user can call the limesurvey login at /limesurvey/admin and pass username and a one time password which was previously written into the users table (column one_time_pw) by an external application. Furthermore there is a setting in config-defaults which has to be turned on (default = off) to enable the usage of one time passwords. (maziminke)
+New Feature: printablesurvey.php is now template aware. have removed templates/print and added all the print template files to each of the other templates. Now each template can have its own print template. (eric_t_cruiser)
+New Feature: Quota dataentry screen returns to previous page position after adding new member or quota (makes data entry on large quota lists faster) (jcleeland)
+New Feature: sSendEmail. You are able to send invitations, reminders and custom messenges with lsrc, to participants of a specific survey. (wahrendorff)
+New Feature: this will enable the possibility to save your surveystructure to the lsrc survey directory if $export4lsrc is set to true in config.php (wahrendorff)
+New Feature: Total quota limit shown at end of list (jcleeland)
+New Feature: webservice email sender (wahrendorff)
#Updated default template end page to look a little nicer (c_schmitz)
#Updated Feature #2795: Print Answers not displaying all answers (lemeur)
#Updated Feature #2795: Print Answers now skip answers from questions that were hidden due to branching-logic. (lemeur)
#Updated Feature: added Auto-Redirect parameter (wahrendorff)
#Updated Feature: added Title parameter to sImportMatrix (questioncode) (wahrendorff)
#Updated Feature: delete obsolete files (wahrendorff)
#Updated feature: forgotten .csv file (wahrendorff)
#Updated Feature: give name and Description to imported groups (wahrendorff)
#Updated feature: new dirs, changed import functions (wahrendorff)
#Updated Feature: the .csv Files have been changed slightly. (wahrendorff)
#Updated Feature: the logic to import surveys and groups expanded to omport of surveys, groups and questions.  (wahrendorff)
#Updated Language: French. (b00z00)
#Updated Language: Welsh. By Sion Pennant <sion.pennant@powys.gov.uk> (kadejo)
#Updated Language: Welsh. By Sion Pennant <sion.pennant@powys.gov.uk> (kadejo)
#Updated palette file with nicer colors for graphs (thanks to level420) (c_schmitz)
#Updated Language: German (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #02976 Remove boilerplate questions from export to SPSS and R (mennodekker)
-Fixed #2950 Added some more validation to SPSS variable names and added escaping to variable labels to prevent errors with quotes inside the description. (mennodekker)
-Fixed #2953 & 2971: (eric_t_cruiser)
-Fixed #2953 & 2971: tests for PHP version then uses appropriate sysntax for preg_replace() (eric_t_cruiser)
-Fixed #2962: (eric_t_cruiser)
-Fixed #2963: Any superadmin can accidentally delete the parent superadmin rights (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2967: (eric_t_cruiser)
-Fixed a bug in mssql update (c_schmitz)
-Fixed a bug with MSSQL in statistics failing with Multi-Flexi array (c_schmitz)
-Fixed a missing trailing "/" at the end of the link tag (maziminke)
-Fixed an issue with users table and sql 2000 addressed in defect 02354  (bobc55)
-Fixed bug #2996: problem with multiple question attributes (maziminke)
-Fixed bug 02964: Error in SQL syntax while importing answers to survey (jcleeland)
-Fixed bug: removed unnecessary function getSurveyName from common.php, removed additional function variable in browseMenubar(), removed unnecessary changes to browse.php from new feature. (jcleeland)
-Fixed bug: The "At beginning" option wasn't showing for change question order when there were no condition dependencies. Also tidied code formatting indents. (jcleeland)
-Fixed bug: zero values were not being included in mathematical calculations for stdev, avg, min, max, sum, and quartile calculations.  (jcleeland)
-Fixed Feature: custom Email ignores the maxemail setting for now. (wahrendorff)
-Fixed Feature: Output of sTokenReturn Response fixed. (wahrendorff)
-Fixed issue #2943: Phantom Help question marks when there is no Help text (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #2955: Question type P othercomment is not working in admin (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #2959: Problems with condition editor and @SGQA@ codes for Date and numerical questions (lemeur)
-Fixed issue #2970: Show printable survey fails if allow_url_fopen is set to false (c_schmitz)
-Fixed issue #2998: answer is recorded as completed although a mandatory question is not answered but the finish button is clicked (appears only on last page. (lemeur)
-Fixed Issue 2964: maybe fixed random error (wahrendorff)
-Fixed Issue: wrong template name fixed (wahrendorff)
-Fixed Issue: xhtml closing Tag for link added (wahrendorff)
-Fixed minor bug in rendering. Was adding a second opening wrapper for flexible list dropdown, now only adding one. (eric_t_cruiser)
-Fixed question type P and M with comment, other and othercomment not exporting data to SPSS and R (mennodekker)
-Fixed sending emails to user groups not giving a detailed error message on failure (c_schmitz)
-Fixed single qoute in answers is no longer removed in export to SPSS and R (mennodekker)
-Fixed some wording (c_schmitz)
-Fixed SQL for odbc_mssql from "NOT LIKE 0" to "<> 0" which should be a bit faster! Can someone using mssql test this doesn't break anything? (jcleeland)
-Fixed: Quota member delete was deleting all matching members, not just individual items (jcleeland)
-Fixed: updated error message on line 212 to display correct SQL when failing (jcleeland)

Changes from 1.72 to 1.80 [2009/03/09]

New features:

New question types and new questions attributes:
 New question types: Array Multi Flexible (Numbers & Text) (jcleeland)
 New question type: Slider - developed as a variant of multiple numbers question
 New question type: Array of checkboxes - implemented as a variant of Array Multi Flexible (Numbers) (lemeur)
 Questions updates: limit possible answers for rank questions (jcleeland)
 Questions updates: having many 'Exclude all others' (jcleeland)
 New Feature: Added min_answer feature for the following question types: Multiple options, multiple options with comments and ranking question - patch was kindly provided by F.Markham (c_schmitz)
 New Feature: Added question attribute "alphasort" to sort a list of radiobuttons or a dropdown list alphabetically before display. (maziminke)
 New Feature: Question attributes dropdown_dates_year_max and dropdown_dates_year_min for question type date using dropdown layout (maziminke)
 New Feature: Enable numbers_only attribute for Array (Multi Flexible Text) adapted from a patch by user level420. (lemeur)
 Question update: Dropdown list options can be grouped by categories

New management features:
 LimeSurvey Remote Control (Soap gateway to remotely control LimeSurvey) (wahrendorff)
 Support of ORed questions in conditions (adapted from Ron L.J. van den Burg's patch). (lemeur)
 New condition designer interface (lemeur)
 Added new setting 'public statistics' to survey settings, added link appearing at the end of a survey when 'public settings' is switched on (c_schmitz)
 Improved user registration email (c_schmitz)
 'Iterate Survey' icon available in the browse answers screen (only available for non anonymous surveys with allow persistence for token answers set to yes.) (lemeur)
 New options in token reminder management to limit the numbers of sent emails to participants (max number, min delay between emails)
 Adding a start date to the surveys (c_schmitz)
 Added result export to R (patch provided by Livio) (c_schmitz)
 Add direct link to imported question/group/survey after import (lemeur)
 Improved Admin Login (c_schmitz)
 Added possibility to split up the amount of exported responses at one time (Problem with max_execution_time) (lemeur)
 Question Attribute "public_stats" to filter which question statistics should be shown to the user (maziminke)
 Expiry-Date Tag for E-Mails, Welcome Page,... (lemeur)
 Changed layout order of Dual Scale Matrix in statistics (Mazi)
 Added translations for question attributes (c_schmitz)

Core Changes:
  Templates have been changed for better accessibility and layouts without tables (eric_t_cruiser)
  Replaced jpgraph with pChart - that way nice graphs in statistics can be shown without installing jpgraph (c_schmitz)
  Database performance enhancements (bobc55)
  Fancy URLs (c_schmitz)
  Updated toolbar icons (c_schmitz)

New translations:
  New language: Dutch informal by Gert Mensing <gertmensing@gmail.com> (kadejo)

Updated translations:
    Updated Language: Czech language updated. By Ivo Raisr. (kadejo)
    Updated Language: French. (b00z00)
    Updated Language: German (c_schmitz)
    Updated Language: German informal (c_schmitz)
    Updated Language: Dutch. By Jan-Willem ?. (kadejo)
    Updated Language: Finnish. By Juuso Heinisuo. (kadejo)
    Updated Language: French. (b00z00)
    Updated Language: French by Alain Cedelle. (kadejo)
    Updated Language: Galician language updated. By Carlos Neira Cortizas. (kadejo)
    Updated Language: Greek language updated. By Yiannos Katsirintakis. (kadejo)
    Updated Language: Italian. By Giovanni Chiozza. (kadejo)
    Updated Language: Norwegian Bokmål. By Reidar Øksnevad. (kadejo)
    Updated Language: Polish (xqleg)
    Updated Language: Portuguese Brazilian by Andréa Simões (c_schmitz)
    Updated Language: Portuguese Brazilian by Flávio Veras (c_schmitz)
    Updated Language: Russian. By Pavel Tokarev. (kadejo)
    Updated Language: Serbian language updated. By Miroslav Jovanovic. (first in Cyrillic alphabet). (kadejo)
    Updated Language: Slovenian language update (gasper_koren)
    Updated Language: Spanish translation updated. (kadejo)
    Updated Language: Swedish (maxz)
    Updated Language: Thai. By Worawuth Nilchawna. (kadejo)
    Updated Language: Turkish by A. Murad BAYRAM (c_schmitz)

Fixed issues:
    -Fixed: Changed default survey format to group-by-group (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed: datecreated is set to today when a survey gets imported/created... (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed: text-align of right answers in differential array will always align left. (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed: create datafields for multiple-numerical-question answers as Float instead of Varchar(20) (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed issue #2880: 'Other' in a Multiple Choice Question (with/without comment) is not counted by MinNumAnswers. (lemeur)
    -Fixed issue with CAPTCHA & tokens biting each others ass on survey start (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2885: Corrupt pdf download with Internet Explorer (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed an issue with multiple choices questions with comment having only 1 choice and using a table-based template: clicking the comment field resets the checkbox status and filling in the text field doesn't update the conditions for questions on the same page. (lemeur)
    -Fixed an obsolete XSS filter call on result save (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed empty page with latest Firefox version by correctly timing the alert window using jQuery. (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2803: Title and description not properly escaping single quotes when adding a multi-lingual group (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2812: The attribute fields are not in dedicated columns in the token view grid (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2819: Validation REGEXP is not stored for certain question types (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2845: When using Array (Flexible Labels) dual scale, the exported survey results header are not clear (lemeur)
    -Fixed issue #2879: Conditions based on Rank Question don't work in a Group by Group Survey when the questions are on the same page (lemeur)
    -Fixed issue #2893: Send reminders not working correctly with "Min days between reminders:" for the very first reminders (lemeur)
    -Fixed issue #2906: Embedded Javascript showing in overviews when browsing or viewing questions (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2911: When copying questions the validation text isn't copied (lemeur)
    -Fixed issue #2937: Multiple Question with Minimum Answers set to any value does not allow go in when is hidden by any conditions. (lemeur)
    -Fixed issue #2938: Set 'Convert resources links?' to YES by default when importing groups and labels (lemeur)
    -Fixed issue #2939: missing translation for a message at importing survey (lemeur)
    -Fixed issue #2942: SGQA identifier in conditions don't work in group-by-group mode (lemeur)
    -Fixed issue #2829: No notification is given after a successful condition copy. (lemeur)
    -Fixed issue with chained conditions (javascript errors and issues in mandatory checks). (lemeur)
    -Fixed issues when contents from Word documents is inserted when creating a survey (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed missing Korean flag (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed saving of label sets not working properly in MSSQL (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed when using a duplicate label set and trying to save all changes are lost (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue 02572: Removed all white space from with the tags wrapping {PRIVACYMESSAGE} (eric_t_cruiser)
    -Fixed issue #2891: Bar graph cut off (maziminke)
    -Fixed issue #02837: $repeatheadings in config-defaults.php causing column display for dual scale question to break (eric_t_cruiser)
    -Fixed issue #2898: Invitation and reminder sending confirmation script differ in what information they show (maziminke)
    -Fixed issue #2865: Link for deleting a single response record is working now. (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed issue #02835: Importing old responses did not work with Postgres. (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed issue: SPSS export to support Dual scale matrix- and Multi Flex Question Types and a basic variable name validation - provided by Menno Dekker (http://mennodekker.nl/) (el-matador-69)
    -Fixed issue: Changed default logo image of clear_logo and basic template to LimeSurvey logo (el-matador-69)
    -Fixed issue: Added translation for the warning message in importoldresponses.php (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed issue #2773: Dual Scale Matrix Header scale A is not showing (el-matador-69)
    -Fixed issue #2659: Little Problem with Default-Answer at Multiple Options Question Type and "Save All"-Button (lemeur)
    -Fixed issue #2771: Conditions defined in scenario are not correctly displayed in the printable survey page (lemeur)
    -Fixed issue #2766: Crash on converting INSERTANS on survey import. Many thanks to lynchmv (lemeur)
    -Fixed Firefox spellcheck not available in FCKeditor (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed MySQL 6 compatibility  - replaced deprecated TYPE directives (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed a bug preventing users to use answers from Array (Multi Flexible Text) questions in conditions (lemeur)
    -Fixed issue #1968: multi-lingual survey should be shown in best-matching language in public surveylist (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2015: array_filter does not work when survey in All-in-one mode and related questions are in different groups (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2356: Additional languages are not available when creating a new question (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2558: Session timeout issues under certain circumstances (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2739: Non-graceful fail on invalid token or language (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2753: Export results CSV does not give desired question codes  (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2763: Unable to use "Regenerate question codes: [Straight] [By group]" with MS SQL  - patch by lynchmv (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2786: Extraneous comma at end of line in CSV export (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2809: SPSS export fails on date field when no data in survey - patch kindly provided by mdekker (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed: now the copy condition button is disabled if no question is elligible for the condition copy. This fixes some warnings in the logs as well. (lemeur)
    -Fixed: issue #02804, now questions can be added to the top of the group (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed: minor html error in dropdownlists (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed: xhtml transitional 3 errors fixed (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed: Removed hard-coded color codes from submission page (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed: some bug with "close this window" isn't closing the window (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed: minor helptext changes (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed issue #2674 affecting multiple_choice_with_comments questions. This should fix numerous bugs affecting this question type. (lemeur)
    -Fixed a bug where LimeSurvey refuses to update a question attribute value to 0 (lemeur)
    -Fixed issue #2798: Extra period causes errors in SPSS exported value labels (Patch provided by ITEd) (el-matador-69)
    -Fixed issue #2668: exporting to SPSS, Multiple questions with other item,  shows  incorrect width in syntax file - thank you to pirulo_s (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2675: "Load unfinished survey" button not appearing in "All-in-One" surveys (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2682: backslash characters added to answers with text containing simple or double quotes. (Only occurs when PHP is set with magic_quotes_gpc enabled) (lemeur)
    -Fixed issue #2692: SPSS date field problem - thanks to Martin (ITEd) (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2699: Two Error message in templates.php and database.php didn't get correctly displayed. (el-matador-69)
    -Fixed issue #2703: INSERTANS not working in Question Help text (lemeur)
    -Fixed issue #2707: Debug >0 causes SPSS export problems due to notices (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2718: Validation not reset after changing to a question type with no validation (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2720: When deleting a group any attached assessments were not deleted. (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2729: Data Export of survey results sometimes sporadically fails will not function, SQL query error. Thank you to mlyman87 for debug testing. (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2740: bug in conditions when using possible answers from the same question (lemeur)
    -Fixed issue #2761: Removed XML header tag causing issues in IE6 (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issue #2710: Field order on activation and fieldmap function was by title causing disorderly conduct for SPSS export question order :-) (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed part of ticket #2747: in label manager, LS doesn't report binding of the label to questions of new types ( '1' ';' ':')   (lemeur)
    -Fixed some invalid HTML (c_schmitz)
    -Fixes issue #2702 ("Inconsistency in mouseover for disabled actions") (maziminke)
    -Fixed issue #2709: Minor corrections on official LimeSurvey Sample Survey v1.80 (Thx to ITEd) (el-matador-69)
    -Fixed issue #2738 sql error with pg in surveylists and surveysecurity (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed issue #2766: Crash on converting INSERTANS on survey import. Many thanks to lynchmv (lemeur)
    -Fixed: empty values in K and N questions were '' instead of NULL. Now they will be written to the db as NULL Values... (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed: query in getuserlist() for postgres and mssql (added fields to group by clause) (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed: reminders are now send when HTML Format is turned off (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed: tablenames (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed: Removed example file from InputFilter class which is vulnerable to XSS (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed: closing body tag (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed: upgrade bug with mssql (thanks to lynchmv ) (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed: Now debug should ouput information also on systems with display_errors on off (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed export structure in quexml format: now working with adoDB instead of mysql only (wahrendorff)
-Fixed a small bug in the dataentry module when using Array of Increase/Decrease/Same question in condition. (lemeur)
    -Fixed CSS for slider question (lemeur)
    -Fixed Session Expired message when clicking the Clear Responses link after having tested a survey in preview mode (before activation). (lemeur)
    -Fixed a crash in dataentry when trying to update a response with numerical or date questions which are left empty (lemeur)
    -Fixed a missing closing ] after answer entry within the dataentry module (lemeur)
    -Fixed bar chart y scale where there is only 1 answer at maximum (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed introduction message also shown when there are already some surveys (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed issues with MSSQL update script (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed missing background for pie chart (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed missing lang parameter in several URLs when CAPTCHA is used for survey access: this could cause session timeout issues (as described in bug 02558). (lemeur)
    -Fixed missing percentage labels with pie chart (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed problems with surveys running in an iframe and dumb-struck IE7 (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed the URL in Execute Survey which doesn not contain the lang parameter. This might be the source of other issues experienced when using the Execute Survey button with surveys with only one language (lemeur)
    -Fixed the XSS filter making some words lowercase (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed timeadjust variable not being working correctly and causing 1.1.1970 datestamps (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed color of labeling of Slider Question Type of the mint_idea-Template - THX to Lemeur (el-matador-69)
    -Fixed color of progress bar of the bubblegum-Template to dark red (el-matador-69)
    -Fixed progress bar color of the eirenicon Template to dark blue (el-matador-69)
    -Fixed adapted maximum chars for question to be displayed at filter screen. (maziminke)
    -Fixed fixed bug at composition of question title at statistics filter screen for question type "K"/"Ks" (maziminke)
    -Fixed showSpeaker function now uses the speaker symbol again (maziminke)
    -Fixed #02588 part1: fix conditions on array of radio button questions that are ORed instead of ANDed in question-by-question mode. (lemeur)
    -Fixed #02588 part2: group description is displayed even if no question is be displayed in this group. This occurs only when a condition uses answers from a array question. (lemeur)
    -Fixed #02601: Bug when using a dropdown list question with category_separator and no options within the default category. (lemeur)
    -Fixed #02604: Warning "Undefined variable: hiddenanswers" when previewing sample survey (lemeur)
    -Fixed #02622: Misspelling in message: "Participiants may print answers?" (el-matador-69)
    -Fixed #02605: Use NULL values instead of '' in DB for double precise fields in pg and other db's. (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed #02532: with unexpected error when single quote is present in free text box and MSSQL server (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed #02582: Removed hardcoded width for result table (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed #02611: Missing Data Fields in SPSS dat file with 'Multiple Options With Comments' question type - thank you to louieuow (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed #02623: Repeated "continue" button when sending out reminders (c_schmitz)
    -Fixed #02455: Answering a date question in dropdown format doesn't evaluate conditions in group-by-group and all-in-one mode. (lemeur)
    -Fixed #02565: Can't take the survey several times on the same computer/browser without clearing the cookies (lemeur)
    -Fixed #02584: DataEntry - when submitting for user to continue to complete. (lemeur)
    -Fixed #02603: Can't access survey after activating. (lemeur)
    -Fixed #02609: labelset is not correctly assigned after importing a survey into another system. Thanks to teddyber (lemeur)
    -Fixed #02616: condition bug affecting short-text questions (lemeur)
    -Fixed #02621: "Could not insert data" when using the data entry screen (lemeur)
    -Fixed #02627: Error at "Type U - Huge Free text?" (lemeur)
    -Fixed #02654: Issues with conditions on numerical questions (lemeur)
    -Fixed #02656: Click into a cell at "Array (Multi Flexi) (Numbers) - Checkbox variant" should choose the option (lemeur)
    -Fixed #02666: New user shown multiple times (in non-admin view) (lemeur)
    -Fixed #02626: Error at "Type P - Multiple Options Question with Comments" (lemeur)
    -Fixed #02637: moved total/remaining box over to left and removed background color on rank question. (eric_t_cruiser)
    -Fixed #02583: corrected some layout issues, harmonized output of zero values (maziminke)
    -Fixed #02606: Inconsistent Layout at filter screen (statistics) (maziminke)
    -Fixed #02587: Adjusting elements at login screen so they all have the same width. (maziminke)
    -Fixed #02633: changed background colour for columns to same as rows (eric_t_cruiser)
    -Fixed #02655: JavaScript for Multiple Numerical now inserts a class instead of font styles for calculated total value and total value tip. (eric_t_cruiser)
    -Fixed #02539: No statistics for date question type (maziminke)
    -Fixed #02612: fixed (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed #02630: changed variable that defines question type. (eric_t_cruiser)
    -Fixed #02660 and #2664: added IE6 and IE7 specific tweaks plus updated template.css to include some missing classes (eric_t_cruiser)
    -Fixed #02636: added appropriate css. (eric_t_cruiser)
    -Fixed #02643: fixed a problem at queXML export and added export support for more question types (Ranking (R), List with Comment (O), Multiple Choice wit Comment (P)). The code will also create a single response question with a response category "NOT SUPPORTED" if the conversion does not support the question type. This means that a valid queXML file should be produced more often - even if it does not support the question structure in LimeSurvey. Regards, Adam Zammit (el-matador-69)
    -Fixed layoutproblem with matrix(flexible labels) when a pipe is used to split the answertext... now they both get the same size... (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed: Changed background color of Clear All-Message of the blue_heaven-Template to fit into the rest of the template (el-matador-69)
    -Fixed: Changed background color of Clear All-Message of the bubblegum-Template to fit into the rest of the template (el-matador-69)
    -Fixed: Changed background color of Clear All-Message of the clear_logo-Template to fit into the rest of the template (el-matador-69)
    -Fixed: Changed background color of Clear All-Message of the vallendar-Template to fit into the rest of the template (el-matador-69)
    -Fixed: added {CLOSEWINDOW} to clearall.pstpl of the sherpa-Template (el-matador-69)
    -Fixed: answerwidth for semantic differential arrays (5point, flexible labels, multiflex text, multiflex numbers) (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed: gaps in progress bar on IE (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed: missed a couple of classes for "array-multi-flexi-text" in last commit so adding them now (eric_t_cruiser)
    -Fixed: untracked bug while creating statistics with question-type-Q... SQL SELECT query changed (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed: same color for answertextright as for answertext (blue) (wahrendorff)
    -Fixed class.phpmailer.php like recommended in the forums, see http://www.limesurvey.org/index.php/fr/Development/20460-done-Bug-in-class.phpmailer.php.html (wahrendorff)


Changes from 1.71 to 1.72 (build 5737)  (2008/10/07)

New Features:
-Added template preview to survey settings (c_schmitz)
-Added the ability to the template editor to edit a CSS file - where the CSS filename must be the same name as the template. (c_schmitz)
-Added Prefix & Suffix Question Attributes for Short Text, and Multiple Short Text (jcleeland)
-Added feature request #02065 - Prefix & Suffix Question Attributes for Numerical Input (jcleeland)
-Added new attribute "other_replace_text" to use alternative text to "Other" for question types that have this option (jcleeland)
-PDF Orientation can be changed in config-defaults.php (stfreud)
-ssl/tls is now possible in emailer configuration, previously only tls was supported (Updated PHPMailer to version 2.02) (c_schmitz)
-Added qmail to possible mailer config settings (c_schmitz)
-Implemented 02113: Add some details to Naming of Excel Export File (jcleeland)
-Rewrite of SPSS export to fix numerous problems
    -SPSS 16 compatibility
    -Data is exported now with a syntax and a data file
    -While exporting the data is checked - if non-numeric data for a field is found the field is switched to alphanumeric
    -Data for numerical questions is handled as float
    -Label size is cut down accordingly (c_schmitz)
-Added new template mint_idea (c_schmitz)
-New variable $demoModeOnly, used to set limesurvey into a more secure demo mode. (machaven)

Feature Changes:
-Raised LimeSurvey requirement to at least PHP 4.3.2 installed (c_schmitz)
-Upgraded adodb to 4.98 (c_schmitz)
-Updated FCKeditor to version 2.6.3 (lemeur)
-Updated configs for faster parsing (c_schmitz)
-Rewrote commandline installation for better security and merged into one file
-Renamed css_only template to sherpa (c_schmitz)
-Moved CSS to separate files for all templates (c_schmitz)
-Removed style code from source and placed it into CSS file (c_schmitz)
-added .questiontext to all templates (addendum to rev. 5149) (el-matador-69)
-Implemented #2340 Added printablestyle.css (lazar)
-Better markup for mandatory errors in Sherpa template (c_schmitz)
-Changes to templates so a custom help icon is used (help.gif or help.png) if found (c_schmitz)
-Optimized image sizes (c_schmitz)
-Corrected privacy message (c_schmitz)
-Admin maintoolbar and survey toolbar are converted to pure CSS now (thanks to Messi) (c_schmitz)
-Added another XSS filter. Now there are two XSS filters double-checking the input to prevent XSS attacks due to security flaws in the IE6 browser.  (c_schmitz)
-Added session regeneration after login to prevent Session Fixation attacks (c_schmitz)
-Added the "Character Set" option for the VVimport feature. (lemeur)
-Removed obsolete label tag (c_schmitz)
-Add a warning when "Token Persistence" is set at the same time as "Anonymous answers" (lemeur)
-Minor changes to statistics (Mazi)
-Changed: when adding ReplacementFields with a double click, the field is automatically selected, making it easier to change your mind and choose another one without having to close the select window. (lemeur)
-Added Dual Scale Matrix and Semantic Differential Question Type to Official LimeSurvey Sample Survey. (el-matador-69)
-Applied changes to originals texts for better i18n compatibility by Hooman Mesgary (c_schmitz)

-Added Icelandic translation kindly provided by Jóhann Friðriksson ( johannfr -i-t- arskoli -d-i-t- is )
-Updated Albanian Language file by Eniel Ninka (e -d-o-t- ninka -a-t- univpm -d-o-t- it )
-Updated Basque Translation by inforbek13 --i-t-- eps -d-a-t- mondragon -d-a-t- edu
-Updated Bulgarian translation by Alexander Simidchiev <simid -a-t- mail -d-i-t- bg
-Updated Chinese Traditional Language File by Mark Yeung
-Updated Croatian Translation by Ro Vino (c_schmitz)
-Updated Danish translation by Thomas Clausen
-Updated Dutch translation by Hans Delva, Gerton Poot
-Updated Estonian Translation by Villem Vannas (villem -dot- vannas(a) mail (dot) ee)
-Renamed Farsi to Persian (c_schmitz)
-Updated Finnish Translation by Juuso Heinisuo, Päivi Tyni  (c_schmitz)
-Updated French translation (b00z00 and el Almoman walmoman -a-t- hemisa -d-o-z- com)
-Updated German translations (c_schmitz)
-Updated Greek translation by Christos Rodosthenous and Yiannos Katsirintakis
-Updated Hungarian, Macedonian, Traditional Chinese (Taiwan), Italian, Croatian & Estonain Language Files
-Updated Hungarian Translation by Daniel Fuleki (c_schmitz)
-Updated Italian translation by Eniel Ninka  ( e d-0-t- ninka -a-t- univpm -d-a-t- it)
-Updated Korean translation submitted by the Korea National Police university translation team
-Updated Latvian translation provided by Marcis Trapencieris (marcic -a-t- sociology -d-i-t- lv)
-Updated Norwegian Bokmal and Nynorsk translations by dittaeva, Egil Hansen
-Updated Persian translation by Hooman Mesgary  - mesgary -a-tt- gmail -d-o-tt- com
-Updated Polish Translation by piotr.plenik a-t-t- teamlab doott pl and xqleg
-Updated Portuguese-Brazilian translation by Luiz Rafael Santos (lrsantos11 -i-t- gmail -d-o-a-t com)
-Updated Portuguese Translation by Duarte Geraldes (duarte -it- roquettegeraldes -d-i-t- com)
-Updated Slovenian translation (gasper_koren)
-Updated Spanish translation (kedajo)
-Updated the swedish translation (maxz)
-Updated complete Turkish translation by Murad Bayram (murad dott bayram att rshm dott gov dott tr) (c_schmitz)
-Updated Turkish translation for calendar by A. Murad BAYRAM (c_schmitz)
-Added and updated calendar translations (c_schmitz)

-Security Fixes  (see published Security advisories)
-Fixed missing "other" option for List (flexible) question types. (jcleeland)
-Fixed #2095: Error exporting a not public survey in spss format (awarren)
-Fixed some English strings
-Fixed several cases where mysql query procedures instead of adodb were used (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2064: Multiple Numerical Input total value calculator not working correctly when more than one on the page. Used arekbb's suggestion to make each div id unique per question (jcleeland)
-Fixed #2084: Regenerate Question Codes always does straight - change in link so that query was via _POST rather than _GET broke this feature. (jcleeland)
-Fixed #2068: max_answers function is not working because of html tags in question (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2090: Can't change user access right for templates. Removed SQL code in HTML comments (lemeur)
-Fixed #2086: PDF Export fails on PHP 4 (stfreud)
-Fixed issue with tokens (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2071: Problem deleting and adding new answers to a question (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2074: Reordering questions isn't working with "Place After" command. Also added "At beginning" as option. (jcleeland)
-Fixed a small issue with html header(c_schmitz)
-Fixed array_filter not working right in group-by-group mode on the same page(c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2067: corrected topright_bord.gif - THX to moontan (el-matador)
-Fixed #2134 and #1711 related to typos and better comments in config-ldap.php (lemeur)
-Minor changes to ensure token integrity (c_schmitz)
-Changes to original text changes to make it more compatible for translations - thanks to  Hooman Mesgary
-Fixed #02121: Problem with "exclude all others" question attribute - exclude_all_others didn't work when there was more than one question on page using attribute. Also fixed feature to disable other checkboxes when reloading a previously completed page. (jcleeland)
-Fixed #2082: AllowPresistence for token answers isn't working on All-In-One surveys (lemeur)
-Fixed #2000: Changing an answer code of a labelset doesn't update conditions (lemeur)
-Fixed #645: Labels defined as a simple image aren't displayed in Dropdown lists - at least the label code is shown now (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2088: max_answer javascript does not work when question has line breaks. (c_schmitz)
-Fixed bug #02112: Pipe-Char of Semantic Differential breaks Excel Export - internal $seperator value doesn't have to be just a pipe (jcleeland)
-Fixed bug #02107: other_replace_text truncated (fix supplied by ITEd) (jcleeland)
-Fixed #2117: Browse Response: (other) isn't translated (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2091: Single and double quotes ( " and ') in a text field are prepended with slashes
-Fixed a fatal error in template rights (c_schmitz)
-Fixed a W3C issues with javascript (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2187: INSERTANS not working for "Other" of List (Flexible Label) (jcleeland)
-Fixed #2124: white characters in tokens are accepted in non-anonymous surveys (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2083: deletenonanswers now working for question-per-page and group-per-page surveys (lemeur)
-Fixing two small notices when trying to import an invalid survey file (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2215 & #2118 HMTL Code deleted in pdf-export (stfreud)
-Fixed #1957: Unable to use other than a-zA-Z0-9 in name from ldap (lemeur)
-Fixed #2097: Path Error was thrown in config.php when installing in root dir (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2118 unwanted HTML tags (stfreud)
-Fixed #2240 undefined variable (stfreud)
-Fixed #2244: array_filter doesnt work n all-in-one survey mode (jcleeland)
-Fixed mailer being able to use a port in the hostnamesetting (c_schmitz)
-Fixed answer completion not saved if last group only contains a boilerplate question (c_schmitz)
-Fixed some serious bugs in SPSS export including bug #1926, . Speed improvements by 90%. (c_schmitz, Menno Dekker)
-Fixed #2229: Reminder Sending function does not work with "Start From" parameter (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2193: Group by group and question by question mode do not save completion when last group/question is not shown due to conditions (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2188: Fixed several RTL-languages issues including bugs #2188 (c_schmitz, Messi)
-Fixed #2251: corrected a german typo (el-matador-69)
-Fixed bug #2250: The dropdown-date attribute, on a date type question, cancels its mandatory characteristic. (jcleeland)
-Fixed bug #2223/#2228: Javascript Error with Array Filter. Also fixed javascript for related error where missing array_filter values were causing javascript to crash. (jcleeland)
-Fixed bug #2277: question attributes active when conditional question should be skipped - now checks that the display value is turned on before running validation (jcleeland)
-Fixed bug #2271: Logout icon in Editing Label Sets - added logout button to templates and labelsets screens (jcleeland)
-Fixed special chars not being exported on answer code & question code export (c_schmitz)
-Fixed that results were saved as incomplete if the last group had no questions. (c_schmitz)
-Fixed problems on user/group inserts with MSSQL Server (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2265: Unnecessary SPSS VALUE LABELS with multiple numeric quetion types in SPSS export (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2261: Text in "Welcome" field is not saved when creating a survey (c_schmitz)
-Fixed FF2 layout issues with content following main bar (c_schmitz)
-Fixed layout issues in certain screens (c_schmitz)
-Fixed conditions on group import were not imported correctly under certain circumstances (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2284: strpos : empty delimiter. (lemeur)
-Fixed #2224: 100% on graphs does not show full number (el-matador-69)
-Small fixes for style and username handling (c_schmitz)
-Fixed problems with editing users and template rights in MS SQL (c_schmitz)
-Fixed a problem with SMTP and SSL (c_schmitz)
-Fixed a bug with INSERTANS-convert on survey import inserting escape chars (c_schmitz)
-Removed obsolete lines in admin notification mail (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2389: Survey crashes when quotas are enabled and using MSSQL DB (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2388: Importing multilingual survey with MS SQL Server DB fails (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2386: Extra space in front of "Other" option in "Multiple options" question (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2380: hint & layout bug (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2389: Fatal error in PDF creation (c_schmitz)
-Fixed minor display issues (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2374: Any superadmin can accidently delete admin rights  (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2379: Changing language of mandatory question (in multiligual survey) cancels its mandatory characteristic in question-by-question mode (c_schmitz)
-Make XML export available on PHP4 and 5 (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2381: Progress bar in RTL mode & table width alignment (el-matador-69)
-Several Layout & CSS Fixes (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #02268: answer selections of conditional questions with IE browser are delayed but not with Firefox & Opera. Rewrote javascript to speed processing.(jcleeland)
-Fixed #2376: Layout Problem on Widescreen Displays(c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2408: Layout Problem: Sending Mails to Group Members (c_schmitz)
-Fixed bug #02382: Attribute max_answers doesn't work if "others" field is enabled (jcleeland)
-Fixed bug #02393: Wrong question order for additional languages  (fix provided by beatjoerg) (jcleeland)
-Fixed #2404: Problem exporting survey structure to XML (c_schmitz)
-Fixed bug with sped-up conditions where javascript was broken in IE (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2402: Statistic doesnt work, [Display Responses causes error message] when answer with tokens and non-token answers are mix due to creating/deleting token table (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2406: "Reset Survey Logic"-Button isn't working (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2405: FF3: Delete Question Button has a wrong position (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2394: Additonal {LANG} parameter for the END URL ==> Thx to beatjoerg (el-matador)
-Fixed #2410: Layout-Error in the template editor with older browsers (c_schmitz)
-Fixed bug #02415: The max_answers attribute will not alway enforce max answers - problem caused by newline characters in question text breaking javascript (jcleeland)
-Fixed bug #02430: Multiple Options with Comments & max_answer isn't working correctly (jcleeland)
-Fixed bug #02430: removed stray debug 'alert' (jcleeland)
-Fixed #2427: JS-Errors using FCKEditor in inline mode for languages with combined code such as 'de-informal' (lemeur)
-Fixed End URL not displayed when End URL description is empty (lemeur)
-Fixed 02233: quota - completed tab always shows N/A (lemeur)
-Fixed an error in fixsortordergroups which ordered all groups of all surveys, not just the current survey. (c_schmitz)
-Partially Fixed bug #02417: 5448 Other text not saved [and not mandatory - not fixed]. Bug where other text not reloaded when dropdown (flexible) question type is re-displayed (and thus, the originally entered text was overwritten with an empty string) fixed. (jcleeland)
-Fixed #2434: Some words encoded in output - HTML tags are always completely stripped when saving result data (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2458: "<< prev"-Button at Quota Termination with warning isn't translated (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2448: common.php execution time exceeded when importing large survey - raised max_execution time to 600 (c_schmitz)
-Fixed a bug where answers in obsolete language were not properly deleted after language was removed from survey (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2470:Status of checkbox "Don't consider NON completed responses" not reminded when reloading page (maziminke)
-Fixed 02484: LimeReplacementFields seems not to work anymore in IE7.
-Fixed a small bug in installation script when no output results from the DB upgrade (lemeur)
-Fixed a small inconsistency in db_upgrade_mysql for emailstatus field (lemeur)
-Fixed #2459: Warning if testing inactive survey more than once in a browser session (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2499: Failure when changing default location of admin scripts ($homeurl and $homedir) (c_schmitz)
-Fixed up bluengray template (c_schmitz)
-Fixed some issues with SPSS export (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2377: Dual Scale Matrix: Printing Answers for Dual Scale now are more understandable (c_schmitz)
-Fixed #2426: Strange alignment of Survey Status Screen when using a survey in more than one language (c_schmitz)
-Removed white space after closing PHP bracket (c_schmitz)
-Fixed bug #02518: Exporting a group or a question with a dual scale matrix doesn't include labelsets (jcleeland)
-Fixed bug #02516: Notice at running official LimeSurvey Sample Survey in Debug Mode (jcleeland)
-Fixed 02503: INSERTANS tags in Answers or Groups text are not translated during import(lemeur)
-Fixed 02509: some cross group conditions are not working in Group by Group View (lemeur)
-Fixed 02511: Importing an old result table fails when a dual scale question exists in the survey (lemeur)
-Fixed LimeReplacementFields not available for EditAnswers action (lemeur)
-Fixed LimeReplacementFields for the first question and its answers (lemeur)
-Multi-langual other_replace_text text was not working for most question types

Changes from 1.70 to 1.71 (2008/06/02)

New Features:
-Standard sitename and sitemail when creating survey (lemeur)
-Complete Korean translation submitted by Sehee Kim (cactusgrlkr -a-t- naver -dot-com) on behalf of the Korean Police School translation team. 
-Added basic support for Right-to-Left languages 
-Added Farsi translation stub by Laurent Giacobino 
-Added Welsh translation
-Added Indonesian translation by Lukas (c_schmitz)
-Numerous translation updates kindly provided by the project translators and users out there. 
-Include new pdf-features (stfreud)
-Reworked the SPSS export to
    a) remove redundant pass throughs of dataset (in DATA LIST build)
    b) adjust DATA LIST column widths to account for data (uses tmpfile())
    c) escape apostrophe's in a string to an html entity
Note, this was only tested with SPSS 15, it's likely there are UTF-8 problems. (awarren)
-Raised amount of tokens displayed on one page from 50 to 100 ((el-matador-69)
-Added more detailed error message on invitation and reminder sending (c_schmitz)
-Updated queXML-Export - Thx to Adam Zammit (el-matador-69)
-Adding support for debian packaging (nbarcet)
-Integrated table cell -> Radio button mapping (awarren)

Bug fixes: 
Lots of security fixes & Sanitizing the script (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1807: Export to Excel on PHP4 creates empty .xls file. According warning message is shown in export window and export to excel to deactivated when iconv library in PHP4 is not installed. (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1985: Exporting to SPSS shows 'SHOW COLUMNS ' error with non MySQL DB (awarren)
Fixed #2032: Code errors when adding answers to question type List (Dropdown) (lemeur)
Fixed #2031: Missing Replacement fields in the Rich Text editor (lemeur)
Fixed #2002: group page is displayed even when no description (lemeur)
Fixed #1812 - exclude_all_others attribute doesn't exclude the OTHER answer (jcleeland)
Fixed #2003: The FCKeditor Filemanager (uploader) can't be reached in Emailsettings page (lemeur)
Fixed #1935: Switching language and going back forgets token code (lemeur)
Fixed #1737: No field type (A or N) was being produced for startdate, refurl, ipaddr. Switched fopen to use w+ (read and write with file purge) awarren)
Fixed #1901: Pressing Enter While Filling Out Survey Opens "Resume Later" page(lemeur)
Fixed #1936: Validation of the last question in a survey does not work(c_schmitz)
Fixed #1982; Dual Scale answers are not conveniently labelled in export to xls/csv (joeschneider)
Fixed #1960: Warning on Excel-Export with an open_basedir restriction leads to corrupted excel file (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1963: force tokenify to begin with a non zero value or other hard to read characters (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1982; fixed error with "Undefined index" (joeschneider)
Fixed #1981: HTML mails have body text with HTML entities (lemeur)
Fixed #1990: Public registration forget to add emailstatus=OK, thus email is displayed in red in the tokens table (lemeur)
Fixed #1984 (corrupted survey URL in some emails): Applied a workaround in SurveyURL displayed in  invitation/registration emails so that bogus(?) email clients won't translate the GET parameter '& l a n g' to the '& l a n g ;' entity (lemeur)
Fixed #1986: token link in browse results not displaying (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1983: incorrect request in browse.php - patch by steph33560 (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1967: correctly sets default email settings for new additionnal languages and set default email settings for survey base language. Takes Email format (html,text) into account (lemeur)
Fixed #1931: answers are recorded as not-completed (not finalized) if last survey page was hidden due to condition (lemeur)
Upload the latest version of queXML-Export (to fix output of type "L") - Thx to Adam Zammit (el-matador-69)
Fixed #1959, added multiple numerical to printablesurvey.php. (Also tidied up the layout for multiple numerical and short text) (jcleeland)
Fixed #1601 - question attribute hide_tip for multiple numerical input.  Added feature. (jcleeland)
Fixed #1855 - Entering validation fields in multiple choice questions is fiddly. Validation now available on new/edit question for multiple numerical (jcleeland)
Fixed #1971: correct a typo at token notification - thx to nosynack for reporting it (el-matador-69)
Fixed #1929: When confirmation email is not defined, the hardcoded default email contains tags {XXX} that are not replaced (lemeur)
Fixed #1927: Set all entries to 'No invitation sent' - not working if the translated confirmation text contains single quotes (lemeur)
Fixed #1922: Multiple Numerical Input doesn't work with condition greater than or equal to (lemeur)
Fixed a warning in index.php reported in bug #1921 (lemeur)
Fixed #1938: edit response with "dual scale" (joeschneider)
Fixed #1892: Rooturl is wrong when HTTP port is not the default (80) (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1913: Hardcoded reference to limesurvey in action path in preview.php(c_schmitz)
Fixed #1939: Question reorder does not work in all languages after importing the particular question using question import (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1853: wrong characters in IE alert windows (lemeur)
Fixed #1906: Problem of apostrophes in the some e-mail (lemeur)
Fixed #1904 (workaround): IE: Opening LimeReplacementField-Window isn't possible - Javascript-Error (lemeur)
Fixed #1905: Editing List (Radio) Answers - Code & Answer values are no longer mapped once new answer exceeds 9 (thanks to Endymion92)
Fixed #1907: User unable to export a label set even though they have permision to (lemeur)
Fixed #1902: Privacy Message: Always the same text "This is an anonymous survey" (lemeur)
Fixed #1911: IE throws a nonsensical error when it receives an HTTP payload matching all of the following conditions:
 a) Over SSL
 b) with a Pragma: no-cache
 c) a mime-type which is not known on the receiving system
 d) User has the "Do not save encrypted pages to disk" option set
        (this is the default)
 So I've changed Pragma: no-cache to Pragma: cache, and/or inserted the
 directive to places
 where non standard mime types are used (application/download).  If this is
 problematic, we
 can change the mime type to text/plain for the CSV/VV exports. (awarren)
Fixed #1866: Error at DataEntry for user with little rights (lemeur)
Fixed #1878: Cannot send reminder e-mail [postgres] (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1856: DB error when delete tokens table (Postgres) - Patch kindly provided by doc (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1807: Can't export to excel when using certain question types and special chars (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1836: Option deletenonvalues doesn't work on most cases (lemeur)
Fixed #1891: Clear "no answer" when selecting second label using "dual scale" (joeschneider)
Fixed #1833: incorrect columns displayed when "other" and "No answer" displayed. (jcleeland)
Fixed #1863: Users unable to change their own password (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1858: Group import results in PHP Parse error (el-matador-69)
Ffixed output when no "header" is set for dualscale (joeschneider)
Fixed #1857: Missing No Answer option for array questions and other issues in dataentry when using different languages in admin interface and survey. (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1856: DB error when delete tokens table (Postgres) - Patch by doc (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1861: Notice at importing LimeSurvey Sample Survey (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1868: Double Tooltips at "Execute this Survey"-Button (lemeur)
Fixed #1815: Unknown Menubar-Object "LimeReplacementFields"/"LimeFitWin" + some information about updates in config files and release-notes (lemeur)
Fixed #1873: Changing answers codes doesn't update conditions (lemeur)
Fixed #1797: Entered answers lost when Save All not clicked (lemeur)
Fixed #1828: User unable to change password. A user is now able to modify his own information (name and password whatever his permissions). He is also able to delete himself if he's got the DELETE_USER permission (lemeur)
Fixed #1831: Super User cannot change quotas for other users' surveys (lemeur)
Fixed #1840: Translation error and accent issue in calendar in French (lemeur)
Fixed #1830: User can Activate survey from the list survey section even though there are no questions (lemeur)
Fixed #1828: Missing Parent name of current logged in user (lemeur)
Fixed #1822: Missing http headers for on admin login page. (c_schmitz)
Fixed attribute tag filtering being negligent of quotes (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1835: List Surveys: Responses aren't shown for expired surveys (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1843: Unable to re-order Question groups (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1846: Make Tokens-Button should be available, also if survey is not active (c_schmitz)
Fix issues with formattong LimeReplacementFields (persitent and inconsistent yellow formatting) (lemeur)
Fixed #1844: Use of apostrophe in FCKeditor causes a series of slashes \\\\ (lemeur)
Added back in missing privacy message (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1842: IE Javascript error when clicking "Edit Current Survey" (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1848: Empty survey gives notice on Import (c_schmitz)
Added according text to mandatory message for multiple choice with other option (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1845: Improve Accessibility for blind people: make menu icons readable (lemeur)
Fixed #1845 again, making the fix switchable with new config parameter $addTitleToLinks (lemeur)
Fixed #1732: {INSERTANS:SIDXGIDXQID} includes HTML tags (c_schmitz)
Fixed a bug in upgrade script and mysql4 where the emailstatus field was not added due to size limitations - 2nd try (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1808: Condition not implemented for the "other" answer // Fix for questions type List Radio/Dropdown (lemeur)
Fixed #1805: Survey cannot be re-used without closing and reopening browser, even with cookies turned off (jcleeland)
Fixed a bug in upgrade script and mysql4 where the emailstatus field was not added due to size limitations (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1794: Errors showing when previewing question without answers in Flexible Array by Column Question Type (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1802: "Resume Later" -> reloading saved survey starts at first page (c_schmitz)
Fixed HTML entities showing up in Excel, CSV & SPSS export (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1780: Java script error with dual scale
Updated tokens and email validation to be able to use several email addresses separated by semikolon when sending an invitation (c_schmitz)
Fixed SPSS & data export to filter out tags and html-encoded chars (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1798: In reminder email (html format) surveyurl is displayed as HTML code in Outlook (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1785: Upgrade script failed to add startdate column under certain circumstances  (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1781: Errors when editing a survey response with dual scale question type questions  (c_schmitz)
Fixed bug with assigning user rights and Superuser right (c_schmitz)
Removed the {NOSID} message from default page since robot tools are looking for it  (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1796: in HTML email, SURVEYURL text may be corrupted (lemeur)
Fixed #1773: Error in userrighthandling.php + fixed usercontrol list with current user bolded instead of admin user (lemeur)
Fixed #1782: Lines wrapping in plain text invite  (c_schmitz)
Set default language for email error messages coming from PHPMailer (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1723: Display error with statistics and "dual scale" question typ (joeschneider)
Fixed #1746: Umlauts coming from {SURVEYDESCRIPTION} are not resolved in the confirmation email (c_schmitz)
Changed 'Save Survey and Return' button caption to 'Resume Later' (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1786: When using a non-equal condition the Logic Eliminator wasn't aware of it and dropped the value. After that a mandatory warning was raised. (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1761: token emailstatus left NULL on upgrade (c_schmitz)
Fixed Quotas are checked even if the survey is inactive. (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1757: Encoding Problem of Confirmation Email(c_schmitz)
Fixed #1754: Invalid HTML in Dual Scale Matrix causing Layout Problem with Hoover Effect in IE(c_schmitz)
Fixed #1755: HTML entities in admin notification email(c_schmitz)
Replaced html_entity_decode with a custom html_entity_decode_php4 function that is PHP4 and PHP5 compatible (lemeur)
Fixed Use Default for html email doesn't replace end of lines with BR (lemeur)
Fixed #1739:  Default button weren't working for HTML Email Settings (lemeur)
Fixed #1555: Data submission on questions with radio buttons fails with Safari 2.0.4 and IE 5.2 on Mac OS X in question by question mode (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1733: infinite loop in popup editor mode for Safari (c_schmitz)
Updated Dutch Translation by Arno Fleming (a -dot- fleming -a-t-- stichtingdeombudsman -d-o-t- nl ) (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1748: Row size too large error with MySQL - Multiple short text Question type used 255 chars per field. I changed this to TEXT fields in MySQL. (Do not do that for other DB systems since most other DB systems cannot select on TEXT fields which is important for statistics) (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1728:Survey Import from prior LS versions was failing (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1745: View summary of all available fields failed when survey contained a date question(c_schmitz)
Fixed #1736: SQL error while printing user's answers and using Multiple Numerical Question Type(c_schmitz)
Fixed numerous errors in HTML email handling (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1744: CRSF possible on modify quota action (lemeur)
Fixed #1742: Export queXML doesn't work for PHP5. Special Thanks for  Alexandre Alapetite (lemeur)
Fixed #1713: Fatal error with 'randomkey' on setting up tokens (c_schmitz))
Fixed strange warnings with html_entity_decode() and PHP 4 (c_schmitz)
Fixed #1726: Pressing back button after submit produces "Fatal error: Call to undefined function createinsertquery()" (c_schmitz)
Added some javascript to question type "Multiple choice with Comments" so unmarked boxes with comments aren't possible (c_schmitz)
Fixed Quoting problem when XSS filter is off (c_schmitz)
Fixed Quoting problem in emails when XSS filter is off (c_schmitz)
Fixed a faulty link to FCKEditor config.php which resulted in uploades not working

Changes from 1.52 to 1.70

New Features / Feature Changes - Release Date: 2008/02/25

[Survey at Runtime] INSERTANS for Question Type: Y, E, C (lemeur)
[Import / Export] Automatic Translation of relative links (images) at Survey/Group/Question Import (lemeur)
[Import / Export] Automatic Translation INSERTANS tags at Survey Import (lemeur)
[Assessments] Valid generic (non-error) front page with list of available surveys. (jasebo)
[Survey Design] Possibility to upload pictures to use in surveys (lemeur)
[Installation] Postgresql support (c_schmitz)
[Survey Design] FCKEditor integration for survey design (lemeur)
[Survey Design] Wizard to insert tags (INSERTANS,...) as a plugin to FCKeditor (lemeur)
[Survey Design] Quota Management (machaven)
[Survey Design] timestamp at survey start (c_schmitz)
[Survey Design] Dual Array Scale Question Type (Joesch)
[Security] Super Administrator Right (lemeur)
[Templates] Patch/Modification: Implement User Management to Template Access (patched by machaven)
[Survey at Runtime] Resume an incomplete (and not saved) survey (lemeur)
[Survey at Runtime] Prefilled Surveys (lemeur)
[Security] Authorize the 'preview survey' to authenticated LS users only (lemeur)
[Security] Implement Captcha for Survey-Access (with or without tokens) and makes Captcha switchable for Survey-Access/Registration/Load-and-Save (lemeur)
[Security] Delegate authentication to the webserver (lemeur)
[Survey at Runtime] Using a {LANGUAGECHANGER} tag integrates a select box in templates to change language on the fly (lazar)
[Survey Design] Auto-incrementing answer codes (c_schmitz)
[Tokens] Options to switch filter empty email field and filter duplicates in token import (c_schmitz)
[Tokens] Emails can be sent as HTML (lemeur)
[Survey at Runtime] Make Email Subjects of Admin Notifications Translateable (c_schmitz)
[Survey Design] Move submit button to last question page (c_schmitz)
[Survey at Runtime] Correct error message and further instructions, if user has disabled Cookies (c_schmitz)
[Security] Protection against token code brute force attacks (lemeur)  
[Survey at Runtime] Checkbox for Multiple Choice Other Option (c_schmitz)
[Survey Design] Mass Logic Eliminator (lemeur)
[Survey Design] New conditions operators on comparizons,regexp (dgeaperez)
[Survey Design] Total sum validation for "Multiple ShortText" Questions (jasebo)
[Survey Design] Randomize answers for Flexible arrays (jasebo)
[Survey Design] Re-organized survey creation/edition interface (lemeur)
[Survey at Runtime] Alternative presentation of Dates question (jasebo)
[Survey at Runtime] Print answers after completing the survey (c_schmitz)
[Survey Design] SSL for STMP emailing (Patched by c_schmitz)
[Import / Export] QueXML Survey structure export (Patched by c_schmitz)
[Survey Design] Usability improvement: Hover effect for matrix questions (El-Matador-69)
[Survey Design] Display Label Set Name at Question Details (not only the Label Set ID) (c_schmitz)
[Tokens] Increased token code entropy (c_schmitz)
[Tokens] Moved Email settings from survey properties to "Tokens-Settings"-Menu (c_schmitz)
[Survey Design] Change conditions designer so that full question & answer text are visible (jasebo)
[Survey at Runtime] Attribute to disable/clear other checkboxes in Multiple Options question (jasebo)
[Survey Design] Adding new questions to very large surveys, and question sorts (jasebo)
[Survey Design] Question Attribute "display_columns" for Gender Question--Type (jasebo)
[Survey Design] Implemented dropdown layout for Dual Scale Question Type (lemeur)
[Language] Added Slovak translation provided by Juraj Zubán aka D4v1dZ ( d4v1dz -a-t- gmail -d-o-t- com)

Changes from 1.50 to 1.52 - Release Date: 2007/08/19


-Added a file extension check for the template editor (leochaton)
-Added numercical input and max_chars within multiple short text (thanks to skrat) (leochaton)
-Lots of security fixes regarding internal security - upgrade is highly recommended. (c_schmitz)
-Hint is now shown if database exist (c_schmitz)
-Added a warning message when the user did not change the 'password' Password (c_schmitz)
-Updated and now complete SPanish Translation by Luis M. Martínez
-Updated and now complete Polish Translation by Damian Kubiak

-The style of the "Ranking Question" is now adjusted to the new color scheme at DataEntry (c_schmitz)
-Fixed notices in template editor at "Question Page", "Submit Page" and "Clear all page" (c_schmitz)
-Fixed completed Date Field in token table being Too Short (c_schmitz)
-Fixed Empty data on repeated submission in all-in-one mode (leochaton)	
-Fixed problem with mandatory questions in all-in-one mode (leochaton)	
-Fixed "Load unfinished survey" and "Save survey and return" buttons active even when the survey is not active (leochaton)	
-Fixed question marks being shown instead if Cyrillic/chinese/greek/... characters when installing LImeSurvey into a non-UTF8 database (c_schmitz)
-Fixed $accesscontrol isn´t working correctly - removed this obsolete setting (leochaton, c_schmitz)	
-Fixed error clicking Browse button to view text box responses (leochaton)
-Fixed Locale nl point to wrong images-directory (el-matador-69)
-Fixed The saved control records were not deleted when the survey was deactivated. (leochaton)
-Fixed statistics for free text questions (leochaton, c_schmitz)
-Fixed a bug in the randomize function for answers (c_schmitz)
-Numerous small fixes

Changes from 1.01 to 1.50 - Release Date: 2007/08/06

New General Features

    * New design and new name
    * Multi-lingual surveys - do the same survey in multiple languages at the same time
    * Command line importer to import surveys (leochaton)
    * Usage of {SAVED_ID} and {TOKEN} in the end URL to interact with other applications (leochaton)
    * Separate installation directory that has to be removed on installation end
    * Import Tokens using LDAP Query (lemeur)
    * Check if the necessary requirements are fulfilled on installation and runtime (c_schmitz)
    * Semantic differential scale questions - sponsored by a donation from tileca (c_schmitz)
    * Preview question function (machaven)
    * SPSS export re-worked (machaven)
    * Reworked the token import to being more stable (machaven)
    * Reworked the Excel export to be OpenOffice.org compatible
    * Setting to config.php to manage the maximum session time & proper error message when taking a survey and the session is timing out for any reason (c_schmitz)
    * Captcha feature to prevent automatic registering (machaven)
    * Support for Microsoft SQL Server database (ferrisoxide)
    * Moved the manual to online site (c_schmitz)
    * New question attribute to limit the maximum number of answers in Multiple Options questions (attribute max_answers) (lemeur)
    * New user authentication system with user right/roles & groups (moses)
    * Re-ordering for groups and questions by up-down buttons instead of sorting by question/group name (c_schmitz/nkorfiatis)
    * Some interfaces for editing answers where changed so you can save changes to all answers for all languages on one click. (machaven/c_schmitz)
    * Added a new question type to change the survey language (c_schmitz)
    * Completely overhauled interface icons. The basic style has been kindly created by Mitchell Butler.
    * Added answer limiting based on a previous question for array question types (machaven)
    * Added page-by-page saving of the answers (swales)
    * Changed the translation system from language files to gettext system. That will make translations easier to handle and to update. Refer to the translation instructions here: How to translate LimeSurvey (c_schmitz)
    * Graphical date picker to date question type and survey properties (c_schmitz)
    * Overview of all surveys in addition to the existing combobox (nkorfiatis)
    * Save the referring URL in survey results. Sposnored by Lawrence Weathers (docweathers) Coder: Richard Kavanagh (www.benbun.co.uk)
    * Added feature to show custom attribute names in token interface
    * Added random survey number generation to make guesses on the surveyid harder
    * Moved admin interface styles to style sheets
    * Fixed image links and included PNGFix in admin interface for crappy old IE6 browsers (nkorfiatis)
    * Bubble hints on icons for FF (nkorfiatis)
    * DB Versioning for easier updates to the DB in the future (c_schmitz))
    * Removed experimental interface 

New Languages

    * Brazilian Portuguese by Anderson La‚cio Galindo Trindade
    * Chinese Traditional (Area Hong Kong) by Mark Yeung
    * Finnish by Matti Lassila
    * Galician translation by Carlos Neira Cortizas
    * Japanese translation by Hiroki Yoshino
    * Polish by Maciej Zawado
    * Serbian by Ivan Recevic
    * Spanish by Carlos Juan Martín Pérez
    * Vietnamese by Vinh Ngo 

New Templates

    * New default template
    * New clear_logo template 

Changes from 0.996 to 1.0

-Added SMTP relay and authorization
-Added Japanese translation kindly provided by Masaru Ryumae
-Added Greek translation file kindly provided by Artemis Mendrinos
-Added Romanian translation kindly provided by Bogdan Anastasiei
-Added Swedish translation of administration kindly provided by Niklas Andersson
-Updated spanish translation kindly provided by Juan Rafael Fern ndez
-Updated russian translation by Alexander Shilov
-Fixed an error message showing up when a survey was deleted but the token still was set to 'completed = yes'
-Fixed bug #470: VVimport fails (reports that an active survey is not currently active) if dbprefix is set
-Fixed bug #465: Error messages if a question has no answers
-Fixed bug #463: Checkbox with conditions = JS error on Firefox in 'All in one' mode
-Fixed bug #457: SQL syntax error when having changed a question type from a question with activated 'other' option to a question type with no 'other' option and then activating the survey.
-Fixed bug #456: Emails using local server (Postfix) rather than remote mail server as specified in config file
-Fixed bug #455: Losing ip-address when editing a cached survey
-Fixed bug #435: Basic handling of session timeouts.
-Fixed bug #458: Wrong path for 2 files in experimental interface
-Removed a possible error in relation to dbprefix settings.
-Removed a small warning notice regarding flush_cache_ob.
-Fixed swedish language file
-Fixed small antialiasing bug with JPGraph

Changes from 0.995 to 0.996

-Fixed bug #454: remote exploit where attacker was able to inject code into the log file using save.php and could execute the injected code and attached commands by a broken MySQL command.
 This exploit is only working if the apache access.logs are made available (by mistake or a sloppy server configuration).
-Updated french language files & instructions by S bastien Gaugry
-Removed 'Header already sent messages' when sending notifications or test-submitting in question-by-question mode

Changes from 0.993 to 0.995

Fixed bug #397: [Translation] Updated swedish lang-file (c_schmitz)
Fixed bug #398: [Security] shell_exec not only disabled in safe_mode (c_schmitz)
Fixed bug #400: [Documentation] Requirements for limesurvey (c_schmitz)
Fixed bug #348: [Import / Export] Failed to import survey dumps when using MySQL version 5.x (c_schmitz)
Fixed bug #403: [Import / Export] SPSS export does not work properly in 0.993 (c_schmitz)
Fixed bug #411: [Survey at Runtime] Patch: Options List (do_list_radio function) (c_schmitz)
Fixed bug #415: [Import / Export] Infinite loop in resultsdump.php (c_schmitz)
Fixed bug #427: [Survey at Runtime] Error finding question attributes (c_schmitz)
Fixed bug #424: [Tokens] /// in invitation text (c_schmitz)
Fixed bug #419: [Tokens] Importing Tokens with pre-set token id not usable without editing (c_schmitz)
Fixed bug #416: [Survey at Runtime] bug saving partially completed surveys - Multiple Options/Array. (c_schmitz)
Fixed bug #425: [Tokens] Reminder emails with nothing but Subject line (c_schmitz)
Fixed bug #432: [Survey at Runtime] Error finding question attributes (c_schmitz)
Fixed bug #423: [Import / Export] wrong Excel export "Full headings" for matrix questions (c_schmitz)
Fixed bug #422: [Survey at Runtime] $shownoanswer=0 - 5 point choice question shows the "No answer" option (c_schmitz)
Fixed bug #434: [Survey at Runtime] Columns in array type questions no longer line up (c_schmitz)
Fixed bug #428: [Survey at Runtime] Problems with public registration (c_schmitz)
Fixed bug #437: [Import / Export] Exporting Question/Answer Codes returns Question Texts, not their codes (c_schmitz)

Changes from 0.992 to 0.993

New features:
Basic smtp email function can be configured in config.php now

- Resolved some serious issues with using tokens
- Fixed copying of questions and conditions when using MySQL 5 server
- Minor fixes und updates

Changes from 0.991 to 0.992

New features:

Added croatian language file (submitted by Ivana Pavic)!
Change survey sent/taken from "Y" to the date:
	When reviewing the tokens display, the fields telling if the survey request was sent, 
	and the survey taken, display a N or Y. This was changed to be the actual date this event took place. 
	This is giving some siginificant additional information to the survey author. (Patch by Thomas Ringate / tringate!)
New global option that allows the administrator to specify what is the minimum number of remaining answers 
	in an 'array - flexible' question that must be remaining before repeating the question headings. This 
	avoids that the headings of the question are repeated if only a few answers are remaining. (Patch by Kris Ven !)

Moved admin CSS styles to separate CSS file
Updated slovenian language file
Updated dutch language file
Updated french language file (by Pascal Bastien/pascal-gnu)
Moved config.php and common.php from admin directory to main one. This allow easy configuration of permission on IIS (patch #326 by freddy77)
Use extensively dirname and __FILE__ constants. This allow inclusion using full path names limiting some possible security issues. (patch #326 by freddy77)
Added XPertmailer class wich helps alot when sending email dealing with all the linefeed issues. SMTP function will be available in the next version.

Bug Fixes:

Fixed bug #373: Setting Charset on MySQL connection
Fixed bug #325: Spelling error in keyword fo SPSS export
Fixed bug #331: Some conditions broken in 'All in one' survey mode
Fixed bug #339: Input fields on "Register for survey "-page not constructed properly
Fixed bug #339: Umlauts not showing up correctly in german formal language
Fixed bug #348: Failed to import survey dumps when using MySQL version 5.x
Fixed bug #345: Excel export reports "Use of undefined constant _IP_ADDRESS"
Fixed bug #338: Message 'This survey is no longer available' if Expires: field is left empty when creating a survey by introducing a new field to the survey table since '0000-00-00' entries will be invalid under MySQL5 strict mode.
Fixed bug #347: Invitation mail empty under certain server configurations
Fixed bug 342: The "Export database" option exports all tables even if we use a prefix for tables
Fixed bug #357: Error "Undefined index attribute..." in tokens.php when trying to export tokens
Fixed bug #355: Save button on last page in group mode doesn't really make sense.
Fixed bug #380: Can`t add a label with code 0
Fixed bug #368: Conditionals on multiple option / checkbox question type was broken
Fixed bug #372: Backup of entire database command does not create correct empty default values
Fixed bug #374: Couldn't delete response record if using prefixed tables

Changes from 0.98 to 0.99

1.) New question types

* List type question divided into two question types - radio 
button or drop down, so you can choose on a question by 
question basis whether or not to have radio buttons or a 
dropdown list.

* New "flexible" list type question uses labelsets to make reusing 
sets of answers easier - one radio and one dropdown type

* New "Huge" text question allows for a _really big_ textarea

2.) New features

* UTF-8 conversion. Use any char of any language mixed together. 
  The problems with mixed up charsets are gone now hopefully. 

* Question attributes, allows for better control over the display 
and working of individual questions - for example:

    - Have multiple choice or list questions display in multiple columns
    - Set a maximum character length on text questions
    - Adjust the width of  the input box in text questions
    - Hide the tip "Please Choose One" of selected questions
        - Allow the user to select the number of lines the text area will have with long free text and huge free text
      Thank you very much to Shawn Wales (sf.net name: swales)!
    - Allows the user to select the width of the text area with long free text and huge free text questions
      Thank you very much to Shawn Wales (sf.net name: swales)!

* New system option to set the table type in MySQL

* New "assessments" feature which allows you to sum the 
answers to groups of questions, or the total survey, and then 
present an "assessment" when the users submits the survey.

* New survey options, including:
 - the capacity to set the "subject" of emails on a survey-by-survey basis
 - hide the "<< prev" button so users can only go forwards through a survey
 - Allow users to save a partially completed survey and come back to complete it later
 - Automatically load the "URL" when the user has completed the survey

* VV Import and VV Export
 - A way of exporting and importing results directly to the responses table - which not only allows merging of survey 
   responses run on different servers, but also the ability to add or remove questions to a survey while preserving the existing 

* New sample survey 

* Added W3C HTML 4.01 transitional and WAI 508 compliance (not yet finished)

* Basic ability to integrate into other CMS - thank you to asmaloney

3.) New language translations

* COMPLETE French translation of the instructions and updated french language file 
  kindly provided by S bastien GAUGRY !! (great work!)
* COMPLETE Italian translation of the instructions and 
  updated italian language file kindly provided by Mario Marani !! (great work!)
* Bulgarian Language File kindly provided by Nikolay Tsanov <tsanov@tu...>
* Added Portuguese language kindly provided by Rosaura Gazzola & Job Vieira L cio, Brazil
* Updated german language files
* Updated chinese language file thanks to Cha (sf.net name: cafetango)

4.) New themes
* Included "Blue Heaven" theme 
* Included "BluenGrey" theme 
* Included "Vallendar" theme 
* Included "Business_Grey" theme 
* Included "Eirenicon" theme 
* Included "SoftGreenCurves" theme 

... and tons of bugfixes - too many to write down here...