Time Series Transformer is designed to handle time series data pre-processing for machine learning and deep learning. The general use case includes making lag/lead features, denoising data, and making various moving average (geometric and arithmetic ). Furthermore, this package provides extra features to different time series data area, including:
- stock
- extract data from different engine (only support yahoo finance in the current version)
- plot interative charts for stock analsys
- various technical indicator transformation i.e. MACD, stochastic oscillator, William %, relative strength index
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time_series_transform as tst
from time_series_transform.transform_core_api.time_series_transformer import Pandas_Time_Series_Panel_Dataset
This example uses the stock api to extract stock googl for one year. Subsequently, it shows how to create multiple lags data as predictors and lead data as target variable.
stock_ext = tst.Stock_Extractor('googl','yahoo')
df = stock_ext.get_stock_period(period='1y').df
Date Open High Low Close Volume Dividends \
0 2019-08-19 1191.83 1209.39 1190.40 1200.44 1222500 0
1 2019-08-20 1195.35 1198.00 1183.05 1183.53 1010300 0
2 2019-08-21 1195.82 1200.56 1187.92 1191.58 707600 0
3 2019-08-22 1193.80 1198.78 1178.91 1191.52 867600 0
4 2019-08-23 1185.17 1195.67 1150.00 1153.58 1812700 0
Stock Splits
0 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
Pandas_Time_Series_Panel_Dataset takes dataframe as input. make_slide_window is the function used for making multiple lagging data, and make_lead_column is to create lead data for specific column. indexCol is the time series column, and this column is used for sorting the dataframe before lag/lead feature generations.
panel_transform = Pandas_Time_Series_Panel_Dataset(df)
indexCol= 'Date',windowSize = 2,colList = ['Open','High','Low','Close']
).make_lead_column(indexCol = 'Date',baseCol = 'Open',leadNum=1)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 252 entries, 251 to 0
Data columns (total 17 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 Date 252 non-null object
1 Open 252 non-null float64
2 High 252 non-null float64
3 Low 252 non-null float64
4 Close 252 non-null float64
5 Volume 252 non-null int64
6 Dividends 252 non-null int64
7 Stock Splits 252 non-null int64
8 Open_lag1 251 non-null float64
9 Open_lag2 250 non-null float64
10 High_lag1 251 non-null float64
11 High_lag2 250 non-null float64
12 Low_lag1 251 non-null float64
13 Low_lag2 250 non-null float64
14 Close_lag1 251 non-null float64
15 Close_lag2 250 non-null float64
16 Open_lead1 251 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(13), int64(3), object(1)
memory usage: 35.4+ KB
To obtain the data, the df attribute of Pandas_Time_Series_Panel_Dataset can be retrieved.
lead_lag_stock = panel_transform.df
Date Open Open_lag1 Open_lead1
0 2019-08-19 1191.83 NaN 1195.35
1 2019-08-20 1195.35 1191.83 1195.82
2 2019-08-21 1195.82 1195.35 1193.80
3 2019-08-22 1193.80 1195.82 1185.17
4 2019-08-23 1185.17 1193.80 1159.45
Sometimes, there cuold be different categories or item in the dataset. Pandas_Time_Series_Panel_Dataset the groupby parameter can serve the advanced data manipulation for lead and lag data making. The following example is going to construct a dataframe with multiple stocks, and each stock can be represented as one item.
df = tst.Portfolio_Extractor(['googl','aapl'],'yahoo').get_portfolio_period('1y').get_portfolio_dataFrame()
Date Open High Low Close Volume Dividends \
0 2019-08-19 1191.83 1209.39 1190.40 1200.44 1222500 0.0
1 2019-08-20 1195.35 1198.00 1183.05 1183.53 1010300 0.0
2 2019-08-21 1195.82 1200.56 1187.92 1191.58 707600 0.0
3 2019-08-22 1193.80 1198.78 1178.91 1191.52 867600 0.0
4 2019-08-23 1185.17 1195.67 1150.00 1153.58 1812700 0.0
Stock Splits symbol
0 0 googl
1 0 googl
2 0 googl
3 0 googl
4 0 googl
panel_transform = Pandas_Time_Series_Panel_Dataset(df)
indexCol= 'Date',windowSize = 2,colList = ['Open','High','Low','Close'],groupby='symbol'
).make_lead_column(indexCol = 'Date',baseCol = 'Open',leadNum=1,groupby='symbol')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 504 entries, 251 to 0
Data columns (total 18 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 Date 504 non-null object
1 Open 504 non-null float64
2 High 504 non-null float64
3 Low 504 non-null float64
4 Close 504 non-null float64
5 Volume 504 non-null int64
6 Dividends 504 non-null float64
7 Stock Splits 504 non-null int64
8 symbol 504 non-null object
9 Open_lag1 502 non-null float64
10 Open_lag2 500 non-null float64
11 High_lag1 502 non-null float64
12 High_lag2 500 non-null float64
13 Low_lag1 502 non-null float64
14 Low_lag2 500 non-null float64
15 Close_lag1 502 non-null float64
16 Close_lag2 500 non-null float64
17 Open_lead1 502 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(14), int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 74.8+ KB
lead_lag_stock = panel_transform.df
Date symbol Open Open_lag1 Open_lead1
0 2019-08-19 aapl 208.55 NaN 208.81
0 2019-08-19 googl 1191.83 NaN 1195.35
1 2019-08-20 aapl 208.81 208.55 210.90
1 2019-08-20 googl 1195.35 1191.83 1195.82
2 2019-08-21 googl 1195.82 1195.35 1193.80
Note: Some other use cases could be inventory. Inventory data is usually associate with multiple categories such as item name or locations. To use groupby parameter, it has to be combined into on column, for example, item, location --> item_location. The currently api only supports one column groupby.
Transforming panel data into tensor data for deep learning model might wirte server lines of code. Using Pandas_Time_Series_Tensor_Dataset can easily complete those tidious tasks. This class will take your pandas frame as input and following the configuration to manipulate the data and make the generator for training.
The configuration can be simply setup by set_config function. There are three type of manipulation sequence --> making lagging data, category --> making a sequence of same data, and label --> making 1 step lead data. The following example uses a simple dataframe for demonstration.
from time_series_transform.transform_core_api.time_series_transformer import Pandas_Time_Series_Tensor_Dataset
df = pd.DataFrame({'time':[1,2,3,4],'demand':[1,2,3,4],'category':[1,1,2,2]})
time demand category
0 1 1 1
1 2 2 1
2 3 3 2
3 4 4 2
To make the generator, there are two steps:
- expand data from time, demand, category to category_demand_time (use expand_dataFrame_by_date to achieve this step)
- setup configuration
tensor_generator = Pandas_Time_Series_Tensor_Dataset(df)
categoryCol = 'category',timeSeriesCol = 'time',byCategory=False
1_demand_1 1_demand_2 2_demand_3 2_demand_4
0 1 2 3 4
name = 'demand_lag',
colNames = ["1_demand_1" ,"1_demand_2" , "2_demand_3" , "2_demand_4"],
tensorType= 'sequence',
windowSize = 2,
name = 'demand_lead',
colNames = ["1_demand_1" ,"1_demand_2" , "2_demand_3" , "2_demand_4"],
tensorType= 'label',
windowSize = 2,
gen = tensor_generator.make_data_generator()
for i in gen:
({'demand_lag': array([[[1],
[3]]])}, array([3, 4]))
Note: More Advance manipulation including stacking different sequence and multi-steps prediction can refer gallery.