
Out-of-order version of the simulator for the APEX pipeline.

Primary LanguageC++

Out-of-order APEX Pipeline Simulator


Sonu Gupta --> Created ,designed and implemented classes for ROB,LSQ,URF

Sagar Bhonde --> Created ,designed and implemented classes for IQ,Function Units,BTB.

We both have contributed equally and integrated out implementations.


  • Individual classes have been created for each Unit such as. ROB,IQ,LSQ,URF.
  • Dependency is handled correctly, data is forwarded using 'Forward Bus' aka int_bus and mul_bases.
  • Handled all the possible cases for Control Flow Instructions.
  • ROB is capable of retiring atmost 2 instructions.
  • Every function unit works properly and spends the time as per given specification.

@NOTE: VALID Assembly code' which terminates with HALT is necessary. If Invalid 'assembly code' is given, program prints error and exits.


This code is a implementation of Variation3. The simulated processor makes use of register renaming with three function units, a centralized issue queue, a LSQ, a ROB and a unified register file (URF).


  1. Makefile
  2. file_parser.c - Contains Functions to parse input file. No need to change this file
  3. cpu.c - Contains Implementation of APEX cpu. You can edit as needed
  4. cpu.h - Contains various data structures declarations needed by 'cpu.c'. You can edit as needed
  5. helper.h - Contains helper function declarations, macros, constants etc.
  6. helper.c - Conatains helper function definitions
  7. ROB.h/.c - Conatains ROB related function definitions
  8. LSQ.h/.c - Conatains LSQ related function definitions
  9. URF.h/.c - Conatains URF related function definitions
  10. BTB.h/.c - Conatains BTB related function definitions

How to compile and run

  1. go to terminal, cd into project directory and type 'make' to compile project
  1. There are two functions – simulate () and display ()

  2. There is a second command line argument (simulate/display) to distinguish these two functions: a. Second command line argument is “simulate” → only show State of Register File and Data Memory. b. Second command line argument is “display” → show Instruction Flow as well as State of Register File and Data Memory.

  3. There is a third command line argument as “number of cycles” means up to this number of cycles simulation should run and produce output.

Example with three command line arguments while running the program:

• make
• ./apex_sim input.asm simulate 50

o Simulate for 50 cycles and then show State of Register File and Data Memory at the end of 50 cycles or at the end of program (whichever comes first).
• make
• ./apex_sim input.asm display 10

o Simulate for 10 cycles and then show Instruction Flow as well as State of Register File and Data Memory at the end of 10 cycles or at the end of program (whichever comes first).