
A ansible vault client that retrieves vault passwords from GPG encrypted files.

Primary LanguagePython

Ansible Vault GPG Client

A common requirement is to have different vaults with different passwords for different environments.

There are existing tools to do that with pass / gopass, StoredSafe, BitWarden and probably others.

However, there was nothing convenient to use for just GPG... until now!


First, create a vault subdirectory in your Ansible project and put the vault-gpg-client script there:

$ cd my-ansible-project
$ mkdir vault
$ wget -O vault/vault-gpg-client "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JonasGroeger/ansible-vault-gpg-client/main/vault-gpg-client"
$ chmod +x vault/vault-gpg-client

It should look something like this:

$ tree
├── ansible.cfg
└── vault
    └── vault-gpg-client

Then, configure the location of the GPG encrypted password files in the ansible.cfg file. We're using the vault/ directory aswell:

gpg = vault/

Next, create a file called vault/$VAULT_ID.asc where the VAULT_ID is the name / label of the vault. If you differentiate between environments, this might be called vault/dev.asc and vault/prod.asc. The fingerprints can (of course) be different between dev and prod.

echo -n "vault-password-dev"  | gpg --encrypt --armor --recipient YOUR_GPG_FINGERPRINT > vault/dev.asc
echo -n "vault-password-prod" | gpg --encrypt --armor --recipient YOUR_GPG_FINGERPRINT > vault/prod.asc

As a final step, lets encrypt i.e. a variable with this setup:

ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-id=dev@vault/vault-gpg-client "secret-value" --name "password"

This will decrypt the vault/dev.asc file and use it as the vault password. Cool, right :)


If you have any issues of want to contribute, feel free to create an issue or a pull request. If you create an issue, be sure to set VAULT_GPG_CLIENT_DEBUG to any value and include the output


This work is inspired by the ansible-vault-gopass-client.