
A C++ library for reading the files used in Volker Springel's Gadget code

Primary LanguageC++


This is GadgetReader, a library for easily reading Gadget format files. 

To build the library, do:


If you wish to use the support for writing HDF5 snapshots, you will need the HDF5 
development libraries (libhdf5-dev on ubuntu). If you do not wish to use this feature,
comment out OPTS = -DHAVE_HDF5 on the first line of the Makefile

For the test suite (requires Boost::Test > 1.34), do: 

make test

For the doxygen-generated documentation:

make doc

For the bindings (requires swig > 1.30): 

make bind

To delete compiler output:

make clean or make cleanall

To build example program which reads the header of a snapshot:

make PGIIhead

To build example program which converts gadget format to HDF5:

make Convert2HDF5

Note this embeds the current path of the library into the executable, so you will have a 
linker error if you then move librgad.so to another directory. 

Further documentation may be found in the doxygen generated files in doc/html/index.html
(type "make doc" to make this file) or in gadgetreader.hpp