couchdb-notify ============== Version 0.1-UNRELEASED Dependencies ------------ Depends on Perl and the modules: JSON, LWP::UserAgent, and Gtk2::Notify. Copy or symbolically link the CouchNotify directory into your Perl include path. For example, if you are running Perl 5.12.4 then put a symbolic link in /usr/local/lib/perl/5.12.4 pointing to ./CouchNotify. Install irssi Script -------------------- See for how to install an irssi script. Automatically Running Client ---------------------------- You probably want to run the client.plx code as a cron job so that messages are automatically picked up from the server. Here is an example crontab line: */1 * * * * sbisbee DISPLAY=:0.0 /home/sbisbee/src/couchdb-notify/client.plx > /dev/null 2>&1 This line runs every minute as the user 'sbisbee' and redirects any output to /dev/null. Note that the DISPLAY environment variable is set here - this is necessary for Gtk2::Notify to know which display to send the notifications to. Configuring ----------- Why Perl? --------- Because irssi made me.
I run irssi/screen on a remote machine and connect to it with ssh, so this allows me to still have libnotify on my laptop show me when stuff happens.