
The Note-to-Web Linking App is an innovative and user-friendly Android application developed in Android Studio that allows users to seamlessly link handwritten or typed notes to specific webpages. The app utilizes the device's camera and sophisticated image processing algorithms to recognize and scan handwritten or printed URLs from the notes

Primary LanguageJava


The Note-to-Web Linking App is an innovative and user-friendly Android application developed in Android Studio that allows users to seamlessly link handwritten or typed notes to specific webpages. The app utilizes the device's camera and sophisticated image processing algorithms to recognize and scan handwritten or printed URLs from the notes


Java Notes Scanner is an Android application developed in Android Studio that allows users to link notes to webpages and quickly open the associated webpage by scanning the note. The app is built using the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture and integrates Google ML Kit for text recognition to scan the notes effectively.


  • Scan Notes: The app utilizes Google ML Kit to recognize text from images captured through the device's camera.
  • Link Notes to Webpages: Users can associate the scanned notes with URLs to quickly access relevant web content.
  • Store Linked Notes: The app stores the linked notes and associated URLs in a local database.
  • Open Webpage with Scanning: By scanning the notes, the app will detect the associated URL and open the respective webpage.


  • Android Studio 4.0 or later
  • Android SDK 21 or later
  • Android Build Tools 30.0.3 or later
  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or later


  1. Clone the repository or download the project as a ZIP file.
  2. Open Android Studio and import the project.
  3. Add all required dependencies
  4. Sync the project with Gradle to resolve dependencies.
  5. Connect an Android device or use an emulator to run the app.


  • Google ML Kit: Integration with ML Kit for text recognition functionality.
  • Room Database: Local database for storing linked notes and URLs.
  • ViewModel and LiveData: Components from Android Architecture Components for implementing the MVVM pattern.

Getting Started

  1. Launch the app on your Android device/emulator.
  2. Grant camera and storage permissions when prompted.
  3. Use the app to scan notes containing valid URLs.
  4. After scanning, the app will recognize the URLs and link them to the corresponding notes.
  5. To open the webpage associated with a specific note, scan the note again.

How it Works

The app utilizes Google ML Kit's text recognition API to extract text from images. When the user captures or selects an image from the gallery, the app sends the image to ML Kit, which returns the recognized text. The app then checks the extracted text for valid URLs using regular expressions or other methods. If a valid URL is found, it associates it with the scanned note and saves the data in the local Room database. When the user scans a note, the app retrieves the associated URL from the database and opens the webpages in the device's default web browser.

Architecture - MVVM

The project follows the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architectural pattern. Here's a brief explanation of each component:

  • Model: Represents the data and business logic of the application. In this project, it includes the data classes, Room database entities, and the repository responsible for handling data operations.
  • View: Represents the UI components of the application, including Activities and Fragments. The View is passive and observes the ViewModel for any changes in data.
  • ViewModel: Acts as an intermediary between the Model and the View. It holds the UI-related data using LiveData, communicates with the Model, and provides data updates to the View.


I would like to thank the friendy developers and contributors on Stacke OverFlow Community valuable support.


sb7 License