Furniture Shop


Online Furniture Shop - Bazar.

Technologies used in project:

  • JavaScript
  • React / Redux

Project is based on free PSD template for front-end development training.

Webpage is adjusted for usage on mobile devices/tablets and desktop.


Link for webpage - comming later


  • npm >= 5.5.0
  • node >= 14.0.0


npm install or yarn install


npm start or yarn start

Folder structure

All source code files are located in src and public directories.

NPM Scripts

Below there are main scripts that can be used during development.

  • build: based on code in src and public script builds ready to use project in build folder.
  • start: monitors changes in src folder and starts preview in browser.
  • test: starts unit tests.
  • refactor: script stars automatic formatting of code in src/ folder according to good code practices and checks code with ESLINT.

Git Hooks

Project uses GitHooks which allows running scripts dependant on Git actions.

Each time when you commit changes with git commit script starts unit tests, formatting and linting of files included in git add.


Under supervision of KamilWilk95