
https://github.com/oracle/oci-java-sdk samples for Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing Service written in Java

Primary LanguageJava


oci-java-sdk examples for Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing Service written in Java


  1. download everything
git clone https://github.com/cloudsolutionhubs/ATPJava.git
  1. unzip the libraries
tar xvzf lib.tar.gz
  1. configure your ~/.oci folder, if you haven't already *
  2. run some scripts


This we wanted for this app

  • A base image based on Oracle linux
  • A python, Java and node.js image each built on the base image and layered with drivers to connect respective language programs to an ATP database seamlessly Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI
    • instant client
    • SQLcl
    • Java SDK
    • Oracle JDBC driver
    • SQL Plus
  • API language scripts for listing, creating, scaling, backing up an ATP instance
  • A sample program that can use a wallet .zip file and connect to the database
  • Most of this list of scripts


these are the scripts, because the Class Path can be long I've written shell scripts to make demoing the functionality easier :)

listed as COMMAND [-h for help] [arg_1 arg_2 ...]

  • deleteAutonomousDatabase DBOCID
  • getAutonomousDatabase DBOCID
  • listAutonomousDatabases - no arguments
  • startAutonomousDatabase DBOCID
  • stopAutonomousDatabase DBOCID
  • backupAutonomousDatabase DBOCID
  • restoreAutonomousDatabase DBOCID time
  • updateAutonomousDatabase CPUCount StorageInTBs DBOCID

ATPConnectionTest can also be called directly if you include a file, db.config, like


to do this either place the db.config file in the target folder or specify the file location like this

ATPConnectionText -c /tmp/db.config


Try out the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Java SDK! I've tried to make this as simple as possible, but to reallly use the SDK you must read the docs! For developing with the java SDK read the java sdk docs, but if all you want to do is run this app you can get by with the SDK/CLI configuration docs. They will walk you through getting the required values to authenticate.


W/O Docker

To run you'll need to get those authentication values, make sure that you've got java 1.8+,

  1. make ~/.oci/config
  2. fill with values*
  3. generate key openssl genrsa -out ~/.oci/oci_api_key.pem 2048
  4. make public key
  5. add public key to tenancy
  6. download the Java SDK from GitHub and place the jars into the ./lib folder
  7. run the below java command from this directory and with your tenancy id!
java -cp target/atp-rest-scripts.jar:lib/oci-java-sdk-full-1.2.46.jar\ 
    com.github.sblack4.atp.ATPSharedExample \

W/ Docker

To run you'll need to get those values and make sure that you've got Docker installed

See https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/sdkconfig.htm for information on setting up the Oracle Cloud config files and https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/apisigningkey.htm for creating the keys

  1. make ~/.oci/config
  2. fill with values*
  3. generate key openssl genrsa -out ~/.oci/oci_api_key.pem 2048
  4. make public key
  5. add public key to tenancy
  6. pull the image with docker pull sblack4/open-world-base
  7. run the container with docker run -it sblack4/open-world-base bash

Now just run commands

whatever you want, try

  1. one of the above listed commands
  2. anything that came with the Oracle Linux 7 image
  3. the CLI
  4. By calling the CLI directly
java -cp "target/atp-rest-scripts.jar:lib/*" com.github.sblack4.CLI create -h

... and probably be greeted by the help message ...

Incorrect Usage, please give command
  _  _     _ _        __                    _               
 | || |___| | |___   / _|_ _ ___ _ __    _ | |__ ___ ____ _ 
 | __ / -_) | / _ \ |  _| '_/ _ \ '  \  | || / _` \ V / _` |
 |_||_\___|_|_\___/ |_| |_| \___/_|_|_|  \__/\__,_|\_/\__,_|

 Create, Scale, List, and Delete your ATP - examples in... JAVA!
Usage: CLI [-h] [COMMAND]
  -h, --help   Displays this help message and quits.
  create   Create an ATP instance with the JAVA OCI SDK 
  list     Delete an ATP instance with the JAVA OCI SDK 
  Scale    Scale an ATP instance with the JAVA OCI SDK 
  delete    Delete an ATP instance with the JAVA OCI SDK 
  connect  Connect to an ATP instance with the JDBC in JAVA 
  start     Start an ATP instance with the JAVA OCI SDK 
  get       Get an ATP instance with the JAVA OCI SDK 
  stop      Stop an ATP instance with the JAVA OCI SDK 

* see this but fill it in with your own values :)
example from https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/sdkconfig.htm




# you will have to download most deps 
# and place them in the ${BASEDIR}/lib folder
# install the rest
mvn install 

# make that jar
mvn package

now you are good to run :)