SVG library for visualising protein annotations
This is the library behind the Protein Feature View at RCSB PDB.
![Screenshot of Protein Feature View at RCSB] ( "Insulin receptor - P06213 (INSR_HUMAN)")
The Protein Feature View requires a browser that supports SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). Mouse over tracks and labels for more information.
Data origin/color codes
The vertical color bar on the left side indicates data provenance.
Data in green originates from UniProtKB
Red: potentially disorderd region
<li> Blue: probably ordered region.
Hydropathy has been calculated using a sliding window of 15 residues and summing up scores from standard hydrophobicity tables.
- Red: hydrophobic
- Blue: hydrophilic.
Data in lilac represent the genomic exon structure projected onto the UniProt sequence.
Data in blue originates from PDB
- Secstruc: Secondary structure projected from representative PDB entries onto the UniProt sequence.
Data in red indicates combined ranges of Homology Models from SBKB and the Protein Model Portal
An event model allows to register "listeners" that get triggered when certain events occur. A listener can get registered with:
currently supported events:
- viewerReady
- sliderMoved
- sliderReleased
- jquery (V. 1.7.2+)
- jquery SVG (V. 1.4.5+)
- bootstrap-slider (V. 4.10.0+)
GPL 3.0
At the present, there is no primary citation yet, however Protein Feature View got mentioned in the most recent RCSB PDB Nucleic acid research database issue paper.
Andreas Prlic - RCSB Protein Data Bank
Take a look at minimal.html for how to create a basic setup