
finalproject_chessgame-pawnhackers created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJava

Review Assignment Due Date

Chess Game

This is a classic two-player chess game implemented in java apply all of the fundamental concepts of OOP including abstraction, polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation.


This game is built using core Java and Java Swing GUI libraries.its logic is programmed for the rules of the game and checkmate detection. The code is modular, standalone and object oriented, which was a grading criteria for the assignment.

How to Play

To start the game, simply run the main class and follow the instructions on the screen. you'll need to enter a username and password or to choose to play as guest. Once you've done that, you'll be prompted to choose a color - either black or white. Each player takes turns to make a move by entering the starting and ending positions of their chosen piece. The game follows standard chess rules, including castling and promotion.The game will continue until one player is in checkmate or until a draw is declared.

And here is the login page


The game board is displayed on the screen, with the pieces arranged in their starting positions. The board is divided into 64 squares, with alternating light and dark colors.

Piece Movement
Players can move their pieces by entering the starting and ending positions of the piece they want to move. The game enforces the rules of chess, ensuring that players can only make legal moves.

When a pawn reaches the opposite end of the board, it can be promoted to a more powerful piece. The game allows players to choose which piece to promote their pawn to.

And this for castling

Bonus Feature: Chess Timer The chess timer is a bonus feature that adds an extra level of excitement to the game by adding a time limit for each player's turn. When enabled, the timer will start counting down from a specified amount of time as soon as the player's turn begins. the player can set the timer of the game before starting the game

we also made a graveyard for the eaten pieces and determining the winner at the end of the game


This project was a team effort and would not have been possible without the contributions of the following individuals:
Mostafa Ali
Habiba Alaa
Maya Mohamed
Mohamed Ahmed
Eman Abdelazeem