
My dotfiles.

Primary LanguageShell

My Dotfiles

My dotfiles.

Installation instructions

  • Setup typical folders (mkdir -p ~/git/github.com/ ~/git/gitlab.com/ ~/git/dev.azure.com/)

  • Clone this repository (here I use ~/git/github.com/sboekhoff/dotfiles/)


  • Open the file ~/.zshrc and add the following code as explained in the comments:

    # Load aliases and functions from dotfiles repository.
    # Those lines should be added after (`source $ZSH/oh-my-zsh.sh`).
    # (Reason: aliases from `$ZSH/oh-my-zsh.sh` might otherwise override your aliases.)
    source ~/git/github.com/sboekhoff/dotfiles/config-zshrc/zshrc.sh

Further reading