#NodeJS #Docker #iTerm2 #Atom #WebStorm #ZSH

Setup your brand new macbook pro like a pro

The End 😎

OK... let's share a quick reminder!

Install Xcode, on macOS, you can't dev without Xcode

 xcode-select --install

Install HomeBrew, a tool to install CLI tools without copy/paste

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

Install Homebrew Cask, a tool to install UI tools without monkey clicking

brew tap caskroom/cask

Install tools for devs, a short must have list

#what else?
brew install git

#customizable terminal
brew cask install iterm2

#customizable editor
brew cask install atom

#IDE for web dev
brew cask install webstorm

#to keep in touch with your team
brew cask install slack

#best web dev browser ^^
brew cask install google-chrome 

#replace spotlight with alfred
brew cask install alfred

#manage windows with keyboard shortcuts
brew cask install spectacle

#type emoticons easily everywhere
brew cask install rocket

Install ZSH & co, the best shell suite for devs #mustHave

brew install zsh zsh-completions

#install oh-my-zsh, a zsh configuration helper
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"

#install auto suggestions plugin
git clone git://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions

Configure your ZSH on steroids, add these lines to your ~/.zshrc

plugins=(git colored-man colorize github jira vagrant virtualenv pip python brew osx zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-autosuggestions)


Configure shell to use zsh, type this line in your iTerm2 shell

chsh -s /bin/zsh

Restart iTerm2

Configure iTerm2

Install font Meslo LG M Regular for Powerline

git clone https://github.com/powerline/fonts.git ~/tempFonts


Go to ~/Library/Fonts and install font Meslo LG M Regular for Powerline

Go to iTerm2 / Preferences / Profiles / Text / Change Font / Meslo LG M Regular for Powerline.

Make sure the option Use a different font for non-ASCII character is not checked.

Go to iTerm2 / Preferences / Profiles / Colors / Colors presets / Solarized Dark

Go to iTerm2 / Preferences / Profiles / Windows / Transparency + Blur

Delete downloaded font files

rm -Rf ~/tempFonts

Tada 🎉

Configure your editor, add these lines to your ~/.zshrc

export EDITOR="atom -w"
alias edit="atom -nw"

Configure git

git config --global user.name "Your Name Here"
git config --global user.email "your_email@youremail.com"

git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain

git config --global alias.co checkout
git config --global alias.ci commit
git config --global alias.st status
#see all default oh-my-zsh git aliases https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/wiki/Cheatsheet#git

Install NodeJS

Install NVM, to manage multiple NodeJS versions

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.0/install.sh | bash

Restart iTerm2, or touch ~/.zshrc

Install NodeJS LTS, latest long term supported version

nvm install --lts

Configure Docker using HyperKit (xhyve)

brew cask install docker

docker run hello-world


Configure Docker using virtualbox

brew cask install virtualbox

brew install docker docker-machine docker-compose

docker-machine create -d virtualbox default

eval "$(docker-machine env default)"

docker run hello-world

Manage your dotFiles using git, because you may want to review history one day

#goto your home dir, using zsh no need to cd ~ 

#create a git repo ignoring all files to avoid sharing sensistive stuff
git init
echo "*" > .gitignore

#git force add file you WANT to manage
ga -f .zshrc

#git commit all added files, gca = git commit -v -a thanks to oh-my-zsh

#optional but recommanded, if you setup a git remote to backup your files using github for instance
git push origin master

update (most of) your dev tools, in (almost) 1 line

brew update && brew upgrade

have fun

brew install cowsay ponysay fortune lolcat

#add a combinaison of nawak at the end of .zshrc or .zlogin
fortune | ponysay
fortune | cowsay | lolcat


Please contribute to improve this and share it to the world if you like it 😉

/me on twitter @cyril_lakech